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Cloud database oriented attribute based encryption and query translation middleware
JIANG Bingcheng, HE Qian, CHEN Yiting, LIU Peng
Journal of Computer Applications    2018, 38 (8): 2280-2286.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2018010279
Abstract677)      PDF (1123KB)(378)       Save
Focusing on the problem of encryption and querying of tenant private data on cloud database, a cloud database oriented Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) and query transform service middleware was proposed and realized. Firstly, the tenant symmetric keys were encrypted in the encryption and decryption component of the service middleware through attribute based encryption, and the ciphertext was generated and saved. Secondly, the query statements were translated in the query translation component so that they can be correctly executed on the encrypted database. Finally, the tenant privacy data was stored in the cloud database after symmetric encryption. The experimental results show that compared with the unencrypted database, the write time of the encrypted database is equivalent, while the querying time is increased by 10% to 150% according to the complexity of the query statement. The theoretical analysis shows that the proposed proxy decryption method is secure, and it has superiority over traditional Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (KP-ABE) algorithm in time complexity.
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