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Carrier parameter decoupling technique based on autocorrelation increment
WANG Sixiu, ZHANG Lei, REN Yan, FENG Changzheng
Journal of Computer Applications    2019, 39 (11): 3339-3342.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2019040682
Abstract440)      PDF (619KB)(292)       Save
In the high-speed mobile communications, transceivers always face large Doppler shift and limited pilot overhead, which severely influence the overall performance of the Traditional Carrier Synchronization Pattern (TCSP). Thus, an autocorrelation increment based Carrier Parameter Estimation Decoupling Technique (CPEDT) was proposed and was applied to the TCSP (CPEDT-TCSP). Firstly, a pilot signal with certain length was selected at the receiving end to perform the operation of modulation removal, and then the correlation operation with an effective delay length α was performed on the signal with modulation removal. The frequency offset was estimated by the result of the correlation operation, and the conjugate form of the correlation operation result with α as half of the pilot length was used to make the maximum likelihood phase offset estimation with the signal with modulation removal. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that with pilot starting location of zero, the CPEDT-TCSP can implement the decoupling between the frequency offset estimation and the phase offset estimation in the TCSP, and can reduce the computational complexity of complex multiplication from L to 1 in the maximum likelihood phase offset estimation, therefore is more suitable for high-speed mobile communications.
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