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News topic text classification method based on BERT and feature projection network
Haifeng ZHANG, Cheng ZENG, Lie PAN, Rusong HAO, Chaodong WEN, Peng HE
Journal of Computer Applications    2022, 42 (4): 1116-1124.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2021071257
Abstract647)   HTML40)    PDF (1536KB)(288)       Save

Concerning the problems of the lack of standard words, fuzzy semantics and feature sparsity in news topic text, a news topic text classification method based on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers(BERT) and Feature Projection network(FPnet) was proposed. The method includes two implementation modes. In mode 1: the multiple-layer fully connected layer features were extracted from the output of news topic text at BERT model, and the final extracted text features were purified with the combination of feature projection method, thereby strengthening the classification effect. In mode 2, the feature projection network was fused in the hidden layer inside the BERT model for feature projection, so that the classification features were enhanced and purified through the hidden layer feature projection. Experimental results on Toutiao, Sohu News, THUCNews-L、THUCNews-S datasets show that the two above modes have better performance in accuracy and macro-averaging F1 value than baseline BERT method with the highest accuracy reached 86.96%, 86.17%, 94.40% and 93.73% respectively, which proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.

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Text sentiment analysis method combining generalized autoregressive pre-training language model and recurrent convolutional neural network
Lie PAN, Cheng ZENG, Haifeng ZHANG, Chaodong WEN, Rusong HAO, Peng HE
Journal of Computer Applications    2022, 42 (4): 1108-1115.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2021071180
Abstract435)   HTML14)    PDF (728KB)(223)       Save

Traditional machine learning methods fail to fully dig out semantic information and association information when classifying the sentiment polarity of online comment text. Although the existing deep learning methods can extract the semantic information and contextual information, the process is often one-way and there are some deficiencies in the process of obtaining the deep semantic information of comment text. Aiming at the above problems, a text sentiment analysis method was proposed by combining generalized autoregressive pretraining for language understanding model (XLNet) and RCNN (Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network). Firstly, XLNet was used to represent the text features. And by introducing the segment-level recurrence mechanism and relative position information encoding, the contextual information of comment text was fully considered, thereby improving the expression ability of text features effectively. Then, RCNN was used to train the text features in both directions and extract the context semantic information of the text at a deeper level, thereby improving the comprehensive performance in the sentiment analysis task. The experiments with the proposed method were carried out on three public datasets weibo-100k, waimai-10k and ChnSentiCorp. The results show that the accuracy reaches 96.4%, 91.8% and 92.9% respectively, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed method in the sentiment analysis task.

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Key technologies of dynamic information database for power systems
HUANG Haifeng ZHANG Keheng ZHANG Hong JI Xuechun CHEN Peng
Journal of Computer Applications    2011, 31 (06): 1681-1684.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2011.01681
Abstract1162)      PDF (650KB)(10314)       Save
In the paper, on the basis of analyzing the structure of dynamic information database, and in combination with the feature of the power system, the key technologies of concurrency data processing, memory-mapped file, disk cache management mechanism and associated data storage were discussed, and the data sampling flow and hybrid compression algorithm were also introduced in detail. The application case in the automatic system of power grid dispatching was introduced and the result proves that the dynamic information database can meet the performance requirement of high-speed data processing.
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