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Design and implementation of cipher component security criteria testing tool
Shanshan HUO, Yanjun LI, Jian LIU, Yinshuang LI
Journal of Computer Applications    2023, 43 (10): 3156-3161.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2022091443
Abstract281)   HTML18)    PDF (2718KB)(180)       Save

Symmetric cryptography is the core technology of data confidentiality in information systems. At the same time, nonlinear S-box is usually the key cryptographic component, and is widely used in the design of block cipher, stream cipher, MAC (Message Authentication Code) algorithm, etc. In order to ensure the security of the cryptographic algorithm design, firstly, the criteria testing methods for differential uniformity, nonlinearity, fixed point number, algebraic degree and item number, algebraic immunity, avalanche characteristic and diffusion characteristic were researched. Secondly, the results of each security criterion of the S-box were designed and output in the visual window, and the detailed descriptions of the corresponding security criterion were given in a pop-up window way. Thirdly, the design of the sub-components of nonlinearity and algebraic immunity was focused, and the linear distribution table was simplified according to the nonlinearity. At the same time, based on the theorem, the calculation process of algebraic immunity was optimized and illustrated with an example. Finally, the S-box testing tool was implemented with seven security criteria, and the test cases were demonstrated. The proposed tool is mainly used to test the security criteria of the nonlinear component S-box in the symmetric cryptographic algorithm, and then provides a guarantee for the security of the overall algorithm.

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