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Human behavior recognition algorithm based on three-dimensional residual dense network
GUO Mingxiang, SONG Quanjun, XU Zhannan, DONG Jun, XIE Chengjun
Journal of Computer Applications    2019, 39 (12): 3482-3489.   DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2019061056
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Concerning the problem that the existing algorithm for human behavior recognition cannot fully utilize the multi-level spatio-temporal information of network, a human behavior recognition algorithm based on three-dimensional residual dense network was proposed. Firstly, the proposed network adopted the three-dimensional residual dense blocks as the building blocks, these blocks extracted the hierarchical features of human behavior through the densely-connected convolutional layer. Secondly, the local dense features of human behavior were learned by the local feature aggregation adaptive method. Thirdly, residual connection module was adopted to facilitate the flow of feature information and mitigate the difficulty of training. Finally, after realizing the multi-level local feature extraction by concatenating multiple three-dimensional residual dense blocks, the aggregation adaptive method for global feature was proposed to learn the features of all network layers for realizing human behavior recognition. In conclusion, the proposed algorithm has improved the extraction of network multi-level spatio-temporal features and the features with high discrimination are learned by local and global feature aggregation, which enhances the expression ability of model. The experimental results on benchmark datasets KTH and UCF-101 show that, the recognition rate (top-1 recognition accuracy) of the proposed algorithm can achieve 93.52% and 57.35% respectively, which outperforms that of Three-Dimensional Convolutional neural network (C3D) algorithm by 3.93 percentage points and 13.91 percentage points respectively. The proposed algorithm framework has excellent robustness and migration learning ability, and can effectively handle multiple video behavior recognition tasks.
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