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    01 January 2005, Volume 25 Issue 01
    Artificial intelligence
    Algorithm of Bayesian network structural learning based on information theory
    NIE Wen-guang, LIU Wei-yi, YANG Yun-tao, YANG Ming
    2005, 25(01):  1-3.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00001
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    Bayesian network is a forceful tool to practise inference of uncertainty. It combines graphic theories and probability ones, which can conveniently express and calculate the probability of interesting events and at the same time provide a compact, visual and effective graphic expression for the dependant relationship among the entities. On the basis of testing information independence theory, the test of CI(conditional independence) was carried out on all the joints in the Bayesian network to find out the conditionally dependant relations among them. Then an effective algorithm of Bayesian network structural learning was worked out, which only needed CI testing of O(N2) times.
    Auto extracting for lexicalized tree adjoining grammar
    XU Yun, FAN Xiao-zhong, ZHANG Feng
    2005, 25(01):  4-6.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00004
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    An algorithm of the extracting Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar(LTAG) from Penn Chinese corpus was presented. Idea of the algorithm is to induce three kinds of trees from lexicalized tree bank. Then the method of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar(HPSG) was applied to extract lexicalized tree from corpus. In the end,invalid lexicalized trees were filtered out by linguistic rules. It requires fewer human efforts compared with hand-crafted grammar. It is possible to remedy omission of grammatical syntactic structures in hand-crafted grammar.
    Computer-aided geometry drawing based on natural language processing
    SHE Li, FU Hong-guang
    2005, 25(01):  7-10.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00007
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    How to automatically transform primary geometry propositions stated in natural language into drawing instructions which computers can understand is a blank in Natural Language Processing(NLP), and also a nodus to actualize the man-machine interaction of CAI. Through the research on this limited language within the scope of geometry, a feasible language model was set up to realize the transform from natural language to formalized rules automatically, and the corresponding software was designed.
    Text classification based on N-gram language model
    ZHOU Xin-dong, WANG Ting
    2005, 25(01):  11-13.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00011
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    Text classification has become a research focus in the field of natural language processing. After the review of traditional text classification models, a method using N-gram language models to classify Chinese text was presented. This model doesn′t present documents with bag of words, but regards documents as random observation sequences. With the bi-gram model, a text classifier based on word level was implemented. The performance of the N-gram model classifier was compared with that of the traditional models (Vector Space Model and Naive Bayes Model). Experiment result shows that the accuracy and the stability of the N-gram model classifier are better than others.
    Study on SDTF*PDF algorithm implemented in system of topic retrieval from short Chinese passages
    CHEN Ke, JIA Yan, YANG Shu-qiang, WANG Yong-heng
    2005, 25(01):  14-16.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00014
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    More and more information, especially text information,has spread widely on Internet. To detect hot topics from plenty of Chinese text information,a term weight counting algorithm SDTF*PDF(Short Document Term Frequency * Proportional Document Frequency)was discussed. There were lots of channels in the system implementing this algorithm of detecting topics from short Chinese passages, and the passages in channels were usually short. Results worked out by it indicate that the system of detecting topic from short Chinese passages based on this algorithm can accurately extract the hot topics in a period of time, a day or a week, from enormous Chinese text information.
    Study on auto-proofreading method for POS tagging of Chinese corpus
    ZHANG Hu, ZHENG Jia-heng, LIU Jiang
    2005, 25(01):  17-19.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.2005.00017
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    The auto-proofreading problem in the large-scale corpus was analyzed, and a new method inspecting the correctness of POS tagging and an auto-proofreading method based on clustering and classifying were put forward. Using clustering and classifying, the method firstly classified the sequences of part of speech of the example and got the threshold value. Then according to the threshold value, it classified the test sequences to judge its correctness, and gave out a proofreading POS to the wrong POS Tagging. Furthermore, it enhanced the correctness ratio of the part of speech tagging on large-scale corpus.
    Construction and selection of neural-network in nonlinear modeling
    ZHAO Yi,WANG Xian-lai
    2005, 25(01):  20-24.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00020
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    How statistical and mathematical tools commonly used independently can advantageously be exploited together was studied in order to improve neural network estimation and selection in nonlinear static modeling. The statistical tools considered were the analysis of the numerical conditioning of the neural network candidates, statistical hypothesis tests, and cross validation. Each of these tools was presented and analyzed in order to justify at what stage of a construction and selection procedure they can be most useful. On the basis of this analysis, a novel and systematic construction and selection procedure for neural modeling was proposed. In the end, its efficiency was illustrated through simulations.
    Data mining
    Application of posterior probability to multiclass SVM
    ZHAO Zheng, WANG Hong-mei, ZHAO Yi-su, ZHENG Jian-hua
    2005, 25(01):  25-27.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00025
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    Support vector machine is a new classification algorithm based on statistical learning theory. After the discussion of the current multiclass SVMs, a novel multiclass SVM classifier based on geometric distance was proposed. The Posterior probability output of binary SVM was generalized to multiclass SVM. Without iteration computing, this method improved prediction accuracy with fast computing. The numeric experiments prove that above two methods have good generalization, which can increase prediction accuracy to unknown examples.
    Time-validity in mining association rules
    WANG Xiao-guo, HUANG Shao-kun, ZHU Wei
    2005, 25(01):  28-30.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00028
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    Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery in database, has been recognized as a new area for database research. This area can be defined as efficiently discovering interesting rules from large collections of data. As for association rules mining, traditionally speaking, support and confidence are the evaluation index to decide whether or not it is a strong association rule. Yet this ignores the prescription factor of time-sensitive data, such as Web data or long-date stored data. In this paper a new time base model was firstly built up to estimate the interest of the rules. A new interest-measure called (time-validity) for rules based on this new model was presented. A new parallel algorithm for this new time base model fundamentally different from the known algorithms was also presented. Those techniques allow for increasable mining and support more user-interaction in the optimized rule- mining process.
    Constructing classifier of neural networks using improved genetic algorithms
    XIONG Zhong-yang,LIU Dao-qun,ZHANG Yu-fang
    2005, 25(01):  31-34.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00031
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    An Improved Genetic Algorithms(IGA) was presented. IGA adopted crossover probability and mutation probability decided by individual’s fitness, introduced simulated annealing methods after crossover, and improved operators of Simple Genetic Algorithms(SGA), in order to avoid drawbacks such as prematurity and bad local search ability etc of SGA. In this paper, classifiers of neural networks were constructed using IGA and SGA. Experiment results show that IGA performs better than SGA on the best fitness and the best classifying veracity.
    Design and implementation of general database engine based on improved ADO.NET
    GAO Ying,GUO He-qing
    2005, 25(01):  35-38.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00035
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    Because of the defects of ADO.NET, the general database engine DbEngine was proposed, in which communication and operation were encapsulated. It provided simple and easy interface for application, so reduced the possibility of making errors and helped some persons who never used ADO.NET and SQL to develop excellent program.
    Study on the parallelism of decision tree classification based on SPRINT
    WEI Hong-ning
    2005, 25(01):  39-41.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00039
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    One of the greatest problems with the decision tree technique is that the computational complexities are normally proportional to the size of training data set, so the computing time of constructing decision tree on large data sets is prohibitive. Parallelism is one effective solution to this problem. In this paper, parallel formulation of SPRINT decision tree algorithm based on synchronous tree construction approach was presented and a proposal of further study was given.
    Fuzzy clustering method based on Tabu search
    LIU Su-hua
    2005, 25(01):  42-44.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00042
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    The fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm was described and remarked. On the basis of systematic analysis of current algorithms, tabu search was introduced into fuzzy clustering to solve the locality and the sensitiveness of the initial condition of fuzzy C-means clustering. A tree encoding scheme proper for the fuzzyclustering algorithm was determined. The design method and steps of the new algorithm were provided.
    Method and application of restricted minimum variance hierarchical cluster
    LI Bin,GUO Jian-yi
    2005, 25(01):  45-48.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00045
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    To the questions of adverse effect of unusual data and difficulties in defining the number of clusters, a method of Restricted Minimum Variance Hierarchical Cluster(RMVHC) was proposed, including varying initial data linearly, inspection standard analysis and main factors analysis etc. Through clustering to the sample data of investigation, excavating and analysing various characteristics existing in customers actually, cluster course and relatively rational grouping result were directly perceived through the senses.
    Study of multi-sensor joint probabilistic data association in multi-sensor data fusion system
    MIAO Zhen, WANG Bao-shu
    2005, 25(01):  49-51.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00049
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    Multi-ensor Joint Probabilistic Data Association(MSJPDA) was presented. Approximate Multi-sensor Joint Probabilistic Data Association(AMSJPDA) as a new methodology was proposed by combining B. Zhou’s theory of the approximate probabilistic computing and direct probabilistic computing. The comparing AMSJPDA with NN (Nearest Neighbor) showed that using AMSJPDA could improve the precision of association in a complex environment. It demanded only a little more time than NN and the precision was as good as MSJPDA.
    Research and design of Web-based OLAP object pool technology
    YANG Qing-yue, YANG Dong-qing, TANG Shi-wei, WANG Teng-jiao
    2005, 25(01):  52-55.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00052
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    With the development of Web technology, accessing OLAP services through Web is a strong trend. The characteristics of accessing OLAP services based on Web were analyzed. In order to solve the problems of poor performance and license limitation, the concept of object pool was introduced into OLAP service systems. Due to the support of OLAP Object pool, web users can access the OLAP services easily and efficiently.
    Software process technology
    Schedule risk management method of software project based on critical chain
    JIANG Guo-ping, CHEN Ying-wu
    2005, 25(01):  56-57.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00056
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    Scheduling risk is one of the most critical risks of software project. The scheduling risk management based on task critical chain was discussed in this paper. Each task’s duration in ideal working environment was estimated, personnel resource constraints were taken into account, and the project’s critical chain was built. After the risk analysis for each task, the project buffer was established for the critical chain and feeding buffer was established for non-critical chain. The buffer area was treated as resort of risk control and management.
    Dynamic constructing of small system based on object files
    WANG Zheng, TONG Jian-lin, WANG Jia
    2005, 25(01):  58-60.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00058
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    A technique aimed at constructing a small system dynamically based on object files was presented. The mechanism of this technique is to link object files dynamically and construct a small system. The advantage of this technique is the flexibility, which can be used in updating or modifying system dynamically, and it is very suitable in embedded environment. The dynamic constructing technique which used the object file of C language was described in detail, and a simple prototype was provided.
    Credit model of Grid resource management
    MA Man-fu, WU Jian, HU Zheng-guo, CHEN Ding-jian
    2005, 25(01):  61-64.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00061
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    Resource management is the central part of Grid computing system and the model is a prime concern. A lot of models have been brought forward by researchers and the most highlight is the computational economy model. In this paper, a credit model in which the resource credit, GSP credit and GSC credit model were defined was presented. In contrast to traditional resource management, the credit is public in Grid-wide according to the need and Integration into resource allocation algorithm. Then the implementation of the model was proposed and the credit algorithms, including the problems of Extended Resource Usage Record(ERUR) were designed. At last, some emulation experiments were offered to show that the credit model was efficient and valuable within Grid computing economy environments.
    Research on test cases generation technology of classes based on EMDPN
    GONG Hong-fang, LI Jun-yi, ZOU Bei-ji
    2005, 25(01):  65-68.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00065
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    The method of generating test cases of classes interaction was proposed by McGregor, in which existed blindness combination statement, and resulted in some problems such as test cases explosion, and being not able to be extended because of standard orthogonal array. Aiming at those problems, an interaction paths generation method named Marked Associate Recursive was proposed based-on EMDPN, so as to discuss the approach of solving these questions. At the same time, a test-case generation method of classes interactions with Extended Orthogonal Array Testing System(EOATS) was proposed based on EMDPN so that OATS could be optimized. Testing coverage criterion of EOATS on class interactions testing technology was also discussed, and a classes interactions testing criteria of Synchronization Message Sequences Testing Criteria(SMSC) was proposed. The testing sufficiency of generating orthogonal array was validated.
    Design and implementation of general database engine based on improved ADO.NET
    GAO Ying,GUO He-qing
    2005, 25(01):  69-72.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00069
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    Because of the defects of ADO.NET, the general database engine DbEngine was proposed, in which communication and operation were encapsulated. It provided simple and easy interface for application, so reduced the possibility of making errors and helped some persons who never used ADO.NET and SQL to develop excellent program.
    Related techniques of component reuse in Java
    QIU Wan-bin,ZHANG Guo-jie,QIU Hong-lin
    2005, 25(01):  73-75.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00073
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    Component technology is evolved from the conception of module. It can not only reduce the complexity of software development, but also improve the reusability and cooperativity of the code. An introduction of java reflection and JNI, including their contributions to component reuse, as well as some examples, were presented in this paper.
    Analysis of kernel object of Linux 2.6
    DING Xiao-bo, SANG Nan, ZHANG Ning
    2005, 25(01):  76-77.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00076
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    The new mechanism of Linux kernel v2.6 - kernel object was analyzed, including the structure, principle and functions of it. A method was provided to simplify the structure of directories.
    Comparison and development of two styles of Web services invocation
    LU Xiao-fang, FU Xin-jian
    2005, 25(01):  78-80.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00078
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    Since the time when Web Service appeared, most Web Services are built around Remote Procedure Calls(RPC). However, WSDL specification allows for another kind of Web Service architecture: document style, in which the whole document is exchanged between service client and server. The two styles of Web Service invocation were analyzed and compared, and a kind of resolve project was put forward to develop document style Web Service.
    Integration middleware of heterogeneous information resource based on Web
    ZHENG Ya-feng, YU-bin
    2005, 25(01):  81-84.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00081
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    The integration of traditional heterogeneous information resource were analyzed, and the techniques of improved integration middleware architecture of heterogeneous information resource and data query were presented. By distinct transform mechanism to different information resource, the method of integration was simplified, and the accuracy of query was improved.
    Research and implementation of process automation system oriented dynamic compounding of Web service
    ZHOU Kun,DENG Bao-hua,LIN Qi-sheng,YAO Dan-lin
    2005, 25(01):  85-87.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00085
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    Combining the Web services with the workflow, WSBPMS which supported dynamical compounding of Web services was designed and realized. General architecture of WSBPMS and its critical techniques were introduced, including dynamical binding Web services to the workflow, supporting automatic and half-automatic execution of process and optimizing choices of Web services by QoS.
    Automation regression testing in Java project
    YOU Yong-kang, LIU Nai-qi
    2005, 25(01):  88-90.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00088
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    Regression testing is an important part in Software Testing. When software has some changes, Regression Testing needs to check if the changes have affected the software quality. These changes include bugs fixing, functionality changes, build process changes, configurations added etc. Changes to one part of software often impact of other working parts and impair the whole system’s quality and functionality. Regression Test can monitor these changes and report the test results to the developer in time. Automation Regression Testing can improve efficiency and quality of Regression Testing. This paper firstly introduces the conceptions of Software Testing and Regression Testing. Secondly it gives an example of a Java project CADS (Cross Architecture Development Suite) to introduce how to design Automation Regression Testing in Java project. At last it summarizes the advantages of the Automation Regression Testing and its scope.
    Research and implementation of compiler based on CORBA component model
    ZHENG Xian-rong, HUANG Jie, JIA Yan
    2005, 25(01):  91-92.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00091
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    The definition of the CORBA component model with IDL3 and CIDL was analyzed, and the compiler and its interface repository of the CORBA component model were designed. The front end of compiler was implemented by analyzing accidence and syntax parsing on source file with LEX and YACC, while the back end was implemented by "preorder traversal" means on interface repository, thus providing generate tools for CORBA component platform to make components.
    Image processing & multi-media
    Compressing method of texts via bivalue and sub-sampling
    DUAN Chong-wen, HOU Chen-ping
    2005, 25(01):  93-95.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J/1087.2005.00093
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    wo kinds of pre-procession methods were briefly discussed. Firstly, the true-color pictures are changed into bi-value ones, with the black pixels standing for the texts. Secondly, sub-sampling is applied to raise the compression rate (CR) to as about twice or more times as before. For compressing, a method called Modified Huffman Coding, which is a combination of traditional Huffman and Run-length coding method, is applied. After receiving the specially designed code stream, the decoding work reconstructs the pictures with several interpolation algorithms. Experimental results show that the reconstructed pictures are visually perfect with the size no moreTP391.41 than 1% as original ones.

    Network and distributed techno
    Research on media player with component technique
    WANG Yu-ping, CHEN Rong, WANG Xiao-ge
    2005, 25(01):  96-99.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00096
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    The advantages of media player using component technique, such as automatic replacing decoders and dynamic upgrading, were analysed. With an example of DirectShow, how a media player with component technique works was illuminated. Afterwards, by analysing DirectShow in detail(on synchronization and controlling), DirectShow was simplified and improved, and a new set of interface definition was shown, a scheme of media player was implemented as well. This scheme was proved to be able to support hardware decoder, and be expanded to media capture.

    Image processing & multi-media
    Fast detection of image edge based on DCT compressed domain
    WANG Gui-hua,ZHANG Wen-yin, TANG Jian-guo
    2005, 25(01):  100-102.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0100
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    Compressed-domain image analysis and process have been an active area in the fields of multimedia research. A fast JPEG image edge detection method based on DCT compressed domain was presented, which computes the edge points directly from none-zero DCT coefficients without full decompression, so that a lot of computational cost was saved. In addition, edge image with different accuracy to meet different demands could be obtained progressively by this method. Compared with the traditional pixel domain based edge detection algorithms such as Laplacian Operator, Canny Operator, Sobel Operator and so on, the proposed method calculated the pixel gradient directly from some important DCT coefficients other than original pixel values. Further more, some approaches to reduce the computational cost were used in this paper. The method could be used in the long- range object recognition or Web-based JPEG image retrieval.

    Restrictive MFC-ICA algorithm and its application in extracting image feature
    LIU Zhi-fang, YOU Zhi-sheng, ZHANG Ji-ping
    2005, 25(01):  103-105.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00103
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    A traditional Independent Component Analysis(ICA) is a noise-free model and has some rigorous conditions. However, there are many noises. In this paper, these conditions were changed by the factor analysis in multi-variable statistics and a noisy ICA model was formed. The theory of Mean Field Approximation (MFA) in statistical physics was used to estimate the model parameters. In order to obtain more independent features in feature extraction, some restrictions were added to model parameters, such as non-negative mixing matrices and non-negative source signals. Experiments were done by two different cases that simulated graphics and ORL face databases. The simulated graphics experimental results show this proposed method can extract more independent features than the traditional ICA and the unrestricted MFAICA method do.
    New ROI coding algorithm based on rate-distortion optimization
    PAN Yu, GUO Bao-long, DING Gui-guang
    2005, 25(01):  106-109.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.00106
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     According to the Rate distortion optimization of EBCOT, and combined with the Maxshift method, an improved region-of-interest(ROI) method was proposed. By shifting the corresponding distortion-rate slopes instead of the corresponding ROT coefficients in Maxshift, this method avoided the coding efficiency defects caused by increased bit-plans in Maxshift. It could reconstruct the arbitrarily shaped ROI image with higher quality without receiving the entire image and improve the efficiency of coding. Besides, the new method enabled the flexible adjustment of compression quality in ROI and background. Experiments indicate its efficiency.
    Video image segmentation under the illumination changing
    WANG Lin-bo, ZHAO Jie-yu
    2005, 25(01):  110-112.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0110
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    Segmentation is the first step towards the target location and recognition in video sequences. This task becomes difficult when the background illumination changes. A Bayesian learning method was applied into video segmentation. The constantly changing background was modeled at the pixel level. The histogram colors and co-occurrence vectors were calculated. The feature vector for each pixel was represented with a discrete probability distribution function. A Bayesian learning method was used to obtain these probability distribution functions from the video image inputs. Experiment results indicate that the proposed approach is able to learn a complex background of which the illumination changes gradually or suddenly.

    Fast texture segmentation algorithm based on wavelet transform and kd-tree clustering
    HOU Yan-li, YANG Guo-sheng
    2005, 25(01):  114-116. 
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    A texture image segmentation algorithm based on wavelet transform and kd-tree clustering was studied in this paper. Firstly, texture features of an image were extracted using wavelet transform. Secondly, an improved algorithm based on quarter partition was given to smooth the texture feature image. Thirdly, the clustering algorithm using the kd-tree data structure was applied to the texture segmentation, and then a fast texture feature clustering effect was achieved. At last, simulations were performed on the presented algorithm, and the simulation result showed that the presented algorithm has lower segmentation error rate, higher accuracy and better in-time performance.

    Network and distributed techno
    Non-supervised textural images segmentation based on texture primitive set denoted by grey vector
    DENG Juan, YANG Jia-ming
    2005, 25(01):  117-118.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0117
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    A new textural images segmentation method was proposed based on textural statistical concept. By using this method to describe texture, an improved c-means fuzzy clustering algorithm was adopted to realize non-supervised textural images segmentation.
    Image processing & multi-media
    Dimensionality reduction in color IC images based on image segmentation and weighted Fisher criterion
    GUO Ruo-shan, PENG Si-long
    2005, 25(01):  119-121.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0119
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    In order to reduce the complexity of processing of color IC images, a color image is usually transformed into a gray one before further processing. The idea in data dimensionality reduction that the optimal projection direction can be obtained by optimizing a criterion was induced into color to gray transformation in this paper. In order to get the optimal direction, a criterion to evaluate the quality of a gray image obtained by different directions was needed. A new criterion called Weighted Fisher Criterion was proposed. After a color image was segmented into different regions, the new criterion evaluated the quality of an image by encouraging inner-region smoothness and inter-region contrast, especially the contrast between the neighboring regions which could be controlled by weights in the criterion. Thus the transformation from color to gray was divided into four steps, including selecting a color sample image firstly, segmenting it into regions based on Gaussian Mixture Model, and maximizing the Weighted Fisher Criterion to get an optimal direction to transform a color image into a gray one.
    Moving objects detection based on fuzzy clustering and Kalman filtering
    PAN Wei, YOU Zhi-sheng, WU Kun, WANG Ning
    2005, 25(01):  123-124.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0123
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    A kind of technique for detection of multiple moving objects based on fussy clustering and Kalman filtering was brought forward, and has been applied to vehicle detection and tracking. An improved fussy C mean clustering algorithm was used, in which the matrix of grade of membership was modified in order to speed up convergent velocity. Kalman filtering was used to track moving target. Corresponding state equation and plus matrix were constructed based on video sequence to track multiple moving objects at the same time. It can achieve fine object searching with more reliability and efficiency.
    Improved bit-allocation algorithm for video coding
    ZHANG Wen-xiang, WANG Xin-hui
    2005, 25(01):  125-126.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0125
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    The bit-number allocation strategy of Test Model 5(TM5) may cause the coding quality to decrease among sequence code. Therefore an improved algorithm for MPEG-2 target bit-number allocation was proposed in this paper. The influence of smooth on coding quality was analyzed and an approach to improving the coding performance among sequence code was presented to avoid a sharp quality decrease of frames. Simulation results indicate that this improved algorithm provides a promising coding quality among frames at the same code rate.

    Synchronization of video and audio in (MPEG- 4) streaming media system
    CAO Li-yu,YAO Dan-lin
    2005, 25(01):  128-130.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0128
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    The synchronization of video and audio is very important to streaming media system. First of all, (MPEG- 4) was introduced briefly, and the factors affecting the synchronization of video and audio in streaming media system were analyzed, Then a set of solutions about the synchronization were presented in detail. Finally, the implementation of a digital video surveillance system based on (MPEG- 4) was introduced.
    Implementation of DVB
    YUAN Yu-liang, LIU Yu-gui
    2005, 25(01):  132-133.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0132
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    On the basis of MPEG-2 and DVB criteria, MPEG-2 program stream was transformed to transport stream consistent with DVB definition. Some transport stream was also multiplexed into one.

    Information security
    Reconfigurable hardware implementation of AES algorithm in CBC mode
    LIU Hang, DAI Guan-zhong, LI Hui-hui, MU De-jun
    2005, 25(01):  135-137.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0135
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    he operation mode of block cipher algorithm is vital to sensitive information security. In this paper, an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) core which works in Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) is developed in reconfigurable hardware. The design of the key unit is optimized based on the analysis of AES. Simulation and experimental results show that in CBC mode the core can work steadily and encrypt/decrypt sensitive information in high speed.
    Symbolic model checking analysis for cryptographic protocol
    LONG Shi-gong, LUO Wen-jun, LI Xiang
    2005, 25(01):  138-140.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0138
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     A method was given to analyze the cryptographic protocol using a model checker in theory. A concrete example was given using SMV kits. Results show that the method using symbol model checker can discover replay attacks upon some cryptographic protocols and is effective.
    Method for encrypting image with chaos series
    YU Wei-zhong, MA Hong-guang, WANG Ling-huan, ZHAO Xing-yang
    2005, 25(01):  141-143.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0141
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    Chaos is widely used in image encryption because of its high sensitivity to initial conditions and parameters and its stochastic series. A kind of chaos map whose parameters were randomly changed was brought forward. A chaos key stream with good randomcity and long cycle was made out, whose statistic character was proved strictly. The key stream has been used to encrypt image, and method was proved to work well.
    Application of AdaBoost method in IDS
    GUO Hong-gang, FANG Min
    2005, 25(01):  144-146.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0144
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    Firstly, the principle and algorithm of AdaBoost method were described in detail. Secondly, the application of this method to intrusion analytical technique that was the core of the technique of intrusion detection was introduced. Finally, how to verify this method with experimental data was shown. Meanwhile, compared with that of base classifiers BP, the test result of AdaBoost method could remarkably increase the accuracy of weak classer and was fit for the IDS data set.
    Scheme of optimizing intrusion detection system
    FANG Jie, XU Feng, HUANG Hao
    2005, 25(01):  147-149.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0147
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    Rule based intrusion detection system is the mainstream of intrusion detection systems. For every incoming network packet, a scheme of creating a single rule set for pattern match was discussed. This scheme could reduce the work of pattern match, and improve the efficiency of system.
    Research on the network immune system based on replication behavior of the viruses
    ZHANG Tao,WU Hao,XI Qi
    2005, 25(01):  150-153.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0150
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    The biological Immune System(IS) is highly complicated and aimed at detecting and removing the viruses. There’re many similarities between the computer security system and living organism’s IS. So the researches on the similarities could provide important clues about how to construct robust computer security system. Based on the theory of lymphocyte activation, a behavioral characteristic detecting model based on the self-replicating behavior of the viruses is brought forward. A validity analysis and experiment was made. The results of the experiment show that this model could become a new try to detect the viruses according to the replication behavior of the viruses. And at the same time it effectively reduces the problem of false negative and false positive in the process of distinguish between self and non-self.
    A security management platform for multi-application card
    WANG Tong-yang, QIN Bao-an, WU Jun-jun
    2005, 25(01):  154-156. 
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    Multi-application card operation system leads the trend of the development in smart card. The key problems include dynamic download, refresh and deletion of applications. In this paper, the hierarchical construction of card operation system and the architecture of Multi-application system were analyzed and the solution to the Multi-application management platform was presented. Then the design of the Application Operation Data(AOD) and the Application Operation Certificate(AOC) were also given in detail. Finally the security of this system wais discussed. With the solution, the dynamic download, refreshment and deletion in Multi-application card system can be accomplished safely.
    Electronic auction protocol with group signature
    SU Yun-xue, ZHU Yue-fei, YAN Li-ping
    2005, 25(01):  157-159.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0157
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    lectronic auction is one of the methods of electronic commerce. A new sealed-bid electronic auction based on group signature and verifiable secret sharing scheme was proposed. In this protocol, multi-auctioneers participated in auction synchronously, and all auctioneers shared one key, therefore the bidder needed only one encryption in bidding, and the computation was independent of the number of auctioneers. In addition, the identity of the winner was identified by group manager according to signature of the winner’s bidding message, therefore after registering once, bidder could participate in many auctions synchronously without disclosing his identity.
    Study and implementation of security protocols for wireless local network
    LIN Qin,ZHANG Hao-jun, YANG Feng, ZHANG Quan-lin
    2005, 25(01):  160-162.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0160
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    Development of WLAN and its security protocols were presented. Then researches were made on some of the most important security standards formed in the development. Finally, based on the characteristics of these protocols the implementation was displayed.
    Network and communications
    Research of Ad hoc network structure
    LI Yong,HUANG Jun-cai,WANG Feng-bi, YIN Jun-xun
    2005, 25(01):  163-164.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0163
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    The network structure design for Ad hoc is different from those of the traditional ones. The node structure was expounded and some typical network structures were compared firstly. Then a kind of protocol stack for Ad hoc was given. Different from other models, there was a middleware layer between transmission layer and net layer in this model, which shielded the OS and network’s low layers details and enhanced the reliability and security of communications at the same time.

    Analysis and validation of communication protocol based on Petri Net
    WANG Jing, FAN Xiao-ya, CAO Qing
    2005, 25(01):  165-167.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0165
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    Based on a PDA project, a communication protocol which communicated through PSTN was introduced. Then, a series of representative link layer protocol models using Petri net were described abstractly. By the direction of Petri net emulation tool, these models were modified and improved gradually. Finally, a protocol model which could be applied in the practical work was achieved.

    Anonymity scheme and implementation based on IPSec for broadband wireless IP networks
    WU Zhen-qiang, MA Jian-feng
    2005, 25(01):  168-172.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0168
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    Broadband wireless IP(BWIP) is a new technique connecting wireless communications and Internet. Its security researches have become a global problem. Unfortunately, many security schemes do not consider the user’s anonymity. An anonymity scheme based on the IPSec protocol was given, which combined the agent functions of HA and FA in mobile IP and the ESP and AH in IPSec. This scheme provided bi-directional, real-time anonymous broadband wireless Internet communication that resisted traffic analysis for any broadband wireless IP applications. The principle and the created protocol of this scheme were first presented. Then the IP datagram format and the implementation of this scheme were described. This scheme was easily implemented in security gateways or IP router which supported IPSec, and could be implemented as an anonymous infrastructure for BWIP networks.

    Research and implementation of PCI interface in high-speed network adapter
    LEI Yan-jing, MIAO Ke-jian, KANG Ji-chang
    2005, 25(01):  173-175.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0173
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    Cluster is applied to more and more fields for its high price-performance. Requirements for high speed network adapter in cluster were analyzed in this thesis. The function logic of the network adapter and PCI interface could be implemented in a single FPGA chip. The PCI interface could work in master mode or slave mode respectively. Now the PCI interface has already been applied to PCs and SMP computers, and it is proved to perform well.
    Design and analysis of a Grid-based RPC system
    XIAO Jun, HE Yan-xiang
    2005, 25(01):  176-179.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0176
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    After the analysis of the grid-based RPC systems in existence, a new framework adopting mobile agent technique was presented, compared with former framework, this framework improved the transparency. What’s more, the INFO query was another aim to achieve. Finally the feasibility 可行性 原为usableness and utility of the framework were testified.

    Dynamic resource management algorithm based on Internet traffic prediction
    WANG Yue-wei, CAO Yang, YANG Mian, HUANG Shao-yu
    2005, 25(01):  180-181.  DOI: 10.3724/sp.j.1087.2005.0180
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    The static resource allocation algorithm based on the theory of effective bandwidth was introduced firstly. When the real behavior of Internet traffic is taken into account, this algorithm is inefficient. So here a dynamic resource management algorithm based on Internet traffic prediction was proposed to take the place of it. This algorithm was applied to a Differentiated Service network, and implemented on the boundary node. The basic idea under this algorithm was to allocate resources (bandwidth/buffer size) between different kinds of flows dynamically, according to the result of prediction. At last, ns-2 was used to run the simulation and find out the lost packets rate and output link utilization of this algorithm, which were superior to those of the static resource allocation algorithm.

    Agent-based strategy for network resource adjustment
    HUANG Min, ZHANG Xiao-zhen
    2005, 25(01):  182-185.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0182
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    The Quality of Service(QoS) is one of the key problems of multimedia data transportation. However, the traditional Internet lacks dynamic QoS control mechanism. The overloading and underloading problem of the network were handled with proposing an Agent-based strategy to adjust the network resources, which was represented by bandwidth. Experiments proved the negotiation among user Agents could realize the optimized allocation of network resources.

    Research on the scalability of data synchronization protocols based on PDA and PC
    GOU Yan, CHEN Yong-zhang
    2005, 25(01):  186-187.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0186
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    Personal Digital Assistants and Personal Computers often utilize synchronization protocols in order to maintain data consistency. These protocols operate in environments where network resources such as bandwidth, memory, and processing power are limited. In this paper a novel PDA synchronization scheme(CPISync) predicated upon recent information-theoretic research was introduced. The characteristic of this scheme was that its communication complexity depended on the number of differences between the PDA and PC. Moreover, experiments showed that the computational complexity and energy consumption of CPISync were practical and that the overall latency was typically much smaller, which played an important role in their scalability. Thus, CPISync had a potential of significantly improving synchronization efficiency for PDAs on large, heterogeneous, wireless networks.

    Transition mechanisms deployed in wireless network
    LI Zhen-jun, LU Yun-ting, CHENG Liang-yu
    2005, 25(01):  188-191.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0188
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    The mobile communication nodes require large numbers of IP address as they need to be always online. It’s a long period to deploy IPv6. During this period, the address transition mechanism is required to adapt itself to any situations in the present network, but the actual conversion mechanisms are all out of it. An all-purpose address transition mechanism used in the IP interim based on communications principle in wireless network was introduced. The mechanism was applied to wireless network.

    Design and implementation of distributed network performance testing system
    JIANG Tao,ZHANG Bin,WANG Shi-pu
    2005, 25(01):  192-195.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0192
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     Network Performance Testing is an important component in network testing. A distributed test model integrated with centralized control was introduced. The test goal, test method, architecture and working mechanism for the model were discussed thoroughly and the system design and implementation were developed based on them. The final experiment results show that the system is scalable and is suitable for network performance measurement.

    Application of CDN technology on MAN
    XIONG Ming,ZHAO Zheng,ZHAO Yi-su
    2005, 25(01):  196-198.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0196
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    CDN is a fictitious network, covered in Internet and made up of nodal servers in different areas. Through caching, duplicating, load balancing and user request redirecting, CDN pushes information resources to network edges to provide end users with the best and most available servers to access various contents. A brief view of CDN technology was presented, including basic working principles of CDN platform, design principles and mechanism compare of the content routing, and the nodal content engine was compared. The establishment of information sources in broadband networks was also mentioned.

    Typical applications
    Fuzzy causality diagram and application in fault diagnosis of pressure vessels
    WANG Hong-chun1
    2005, 25(01):  199-201.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0199
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    ausality diagram theory is an uncertainty reasoning methodology based on probability theory. It can process online dynamic reasoning and fault diagnosis to complex system, but the probability is required to be precision value in causality diagram. Under real conditions, the occurrence probability of event appears fuzzy and random. The fuzzy number was introduced into the causality diagram in this paper, and it can solve the problem of obtaining the precision probability value as well as the problem of the fuzzy and random occurrence of event probability. This is an efficient approach according to the fault diagnosis of pressure vessel.
    Methods of building the realistic graphics of natural objects with fractal feature using OpenGL
    QIN Zhong-bao,SHI Huai-yu, HE Wei-ping, FANG Ya-dong, ZHAO Feng1
    2005, 25(01):  202-205.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0202
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    The advantages of fractal geometry in representing natural objects with scrambling features and building their geometric models were introduced and the methods of producing the geometric data models of the natural objects based on fBm with mountain were exemplified. Then, how OpenGL was applied to display and render the realistic graphics of the mountain terrain was investigated. Because of the fractal features of the mountain terrains, the default function of OpenGL that could be used to compute the normals of the surfaces of the fractal models was ineffective. Thus, an effective method to remedy the flaw above was suggested. In the end, in order to prove the validity of the methods above, a prototype program was developed and a few vivid graphics produced by the program were displayed.
    Niche-based genetic & ant colony optimization algorithm for generalized assignment problem
    2005, 25(01):  206-209.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0206
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    Weapon-Target Assignment problem (WTA) is NP hard. Classical methods for solving such problems are based on graph search approaches and usually result in exponential computational complexities. A novel Niching Genetic & Ant Colony Optimization (NGACO) algorithm based on the combination of niche-based genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm was proposed. Moreover, an intensive study of how to use this algorithm in WTA was made. Some experiments were made. Experiment results were compared with those obtained using other classical optimization algorithm. The results demonstrated that NGACO is an effective and efficient algorithm, and is viable for other NP-hard problem.
    Hard real-time serial communication program design for UAV flight controller
    LIU Ge-qun,LIU Wei-guo,LU Jing-chao
    2005, 25(01):  210-212.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0210
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    The real-time property of the serial communication program for UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) flight controller was studied. The hard real-time serial receiving program which dealt with totally four different data frames was designed with four techniques: data frame picking-up in interrupt serve program, finite state machine theory, buffer sharing and code optimizing. Test results show that the program has reasonable time consumption and ideal hard real-time property. Meanwhile, it has an outstanding data frame picking-up ratio with high reliability and satisfies the requirement to control the UAV craft by serial communication.
    Algorithm research on freight train gauge inspection system based on structure lighting theorem
    SUN Li-li, XIAO Shi-de
    2005, 25(01):  213-214.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0213
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    Whether the freight train gauges intrude the circumscriptions or not greatly affects the running safety of the freight train. A new algorithm based on structure lighting theorem was presented to judge freight train exceeding gauge. The pivotal question, coordinate construction and transformation were described in detail. In the end, the image processing algorithm was verified by practice.
    New developing approach to Web UI based on JSF technology
    ZUO Xue-ming, ZHANG Li
    2005, 25(01):  215-217.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0215
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    In developing web user interfaces based on Java technologies, there are some problems such as greater difficulty and lower efficiency, compared with Microsoft Visual Studio. NET. A new technology named JavaServer Faces (JSF) was introduced, which had the potential to change the situation. How to develop web user interfaces using JSF was discussed with an example. The advantages, disadvantages and future applications of JSF technology were analyzed.
    Garbage collection algorithm based on embedded Java virtual machine
    CHEN Ning, QIN Zheng
    2005, 25(01):  218-219.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0218
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    A garbage collection algorithm for embedded Java virtual machine was described. The algorithm improved the division of generation and reference tracking of the generational garbage collection algorithm for reducing time and memory requirements, and made it suitable for resource-constrained embedded environments. Experiment results show that this algorithm does improve the efficiency of garbage collection.
    New model for evolutionary algorithms: species compete-die out algorithms
    DAI Chun-ni,YAO Meng,XIE Zhu-jie, CHEN Chun-hong
    2005, 25(01):  224-225.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0224
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    Inspired by the phenomena of evolution in nature and society, a new model for evolutionary algorithms to conquer its limitation of premature convergence was put forward. The model was used to optimize the parameters of the model of greenhouse cucumber the result of it was compared with that of the simple evolution algorithms under the same situation. Finally it wais proved that the new model was superior in stability and astringency.
    Application of UML in developing IFIS intelligent fingerprint identification system
    HONG Bing, MA Li-zhuang,NIE Dong-dong
    2005, 25(01):  226-228.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.2005.0226
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    UML is an object-oriented modeling language, and has been widely applied to software developing driven by Use-case and centered on architecture structure. The idea of UML object-oriented analysis and design was described which was applied to the development of IFIS intelligent fingerprint identification system, including requirement analysis, system design and system application.
    Research of process auto-optimized system based on 6 Sigma
    LIN Bing-yu, PENG Si-wei, WANG Xu-zhong
    2005, 25(01):  229-232.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0229
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    In recent years, Business Process Re-engineering(BPR) has been popular in enterprises at home and abroad. The Workflow Management(WfM), which is one of the efficient approaches of integrating business process, also has been applied to many fields. However, the current WfM technique has not been well combined with BPR. In order to carry out BPR efficiently by the implementation of workflow management system(WfMS), it is necessary to develop a WfMS based on business process. It is a good solution to analyze the data of business process according to 6 Sigma theory and then design a process auto-optimized system with intelligent alert functions and decision schemes of optimizing process.
    Platform of automatic discovery match and execution of Web services based on semantics
    HOU Zhong-cheng, SUN Rong-sheng
    2005, 25(01):  233-235.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0232
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    A platform of automatic discovery, match and execution of Web services which uses UDDI technology in service discovery can result in severe problem of response latency of services. A platform which was restricted in a specific domain was introduced. At the same time, a system based on OWL-S ontology language was realized. A function of area match in the service selection was given. A function of behavior remembrance was also provided to the service requests.
    Implementation based on ebXML registry of B/S structure
    PENG Jin, CHEN De-ren
    2005, 25(01):  236-237.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0236
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    he regulations of the ebXML 2. 0 standard on Registry Service was studied, and the existing ebXML Registry implementation based on C/S structure was analyzed. An ebXML Registry implementation based on B/S structure was also introduced.
    Design and study of a kind of MVC model based on double Servlet controller
    LIU Yun-long,HUANG Yan-bo
    2005, 25(01):  238-240.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0238
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    MVC model is an important method in developing Web application program. First of all, the common MVC model and its running procession were introduced briefly. Then a kind of improved MVC model based on double Servlet controller was put forward. With great emphasis put on the design and implementation of this improved MVC model, its feature and performance were analyzed.
2024 Vol.44 No.12

Current Issue
Honorary Editor-in-Chief: ZHANG Jingzhong
Editor-in-Chief: XU Zongben
Associate Editor: SHEN Hengtao XIA Zhaohui
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