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    01 March 2005, Volume 25 Issue 03
    Network and distributed techno
    Developing SIP-based applications with JAIN SIP
    OUYANG Xing-ming,CHENG Jian
    2005, 25(03):  493-494.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0493
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    SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) plays an important role in 3G environment, and JAIN SIP implemented SIP by Java language. After the introduction of SIP standard, we analyzed the architecture and implementation mechanism of JAIN SIP, then described its development process using code segments and interactive graphs. Developing SIP-based applications with JAIN SIP will improve the development efficiency and the applications will gain high reliability and portability.
    Information transmission routing algorithm for hierarchical mobile ad hoc networks
    YU Gen-jian,ZHENG Bao-yu
    2005, 25(03):  495-497.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0495
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    An information transmission routing algorithm and a node mobile tracking model based on semi-Markov process for hierarchical mobile ad hoc networks were investigated. This algorithm can be applied to the communications and information exchange between the hierarchical sub-networks efficiently. By the mobile tracking model of relay nodes deduced from the routing algorithm and computer simulation, we analyzed the transmission capacity and routing cost of hierarchical mobile ad hoc networks and arrived at the conclusion that, the transmission capacity is influenced by the mobile calling ratio ρ when 0≤ρ≤1 and, in the other hand, influenced by node’s totality, mobile velocity, and acceleration when ρ>1.
    Improvement on communication of low-end distributed embedded system
    WANG Jia,WANG Zheng,TONG Jian-lin
    2005, 25(03):  498-500.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0498
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    Aiming at many constraints of distributed embedded system into account, a new communication method was presented and analyzed. Based on the bus structure, some ideas from switcher and router were brought into the bus communication system: adding network layer on link layer, to improve the expansibility and performance of low-end bus-based distributed system. The performance of this design was evaluated by simulation tests.
    Research on micro-mobility of MPLS-based mobile IP
    ZHANG Xiao, LI Yun, LONG Ke-ping, ZHANG De-min, CHEN Qian-bin
    2005, 25(03):  501-503.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0501
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    The integration of MPLS and traditional mobile IP has many limitations. In order to improve its performance, many researches on integrating MPLS into micro-mobility were carried out. Based on these researches, especially HMPLS and MMPLS, this paper analysed their problems and then proposed a solution. Through LSP extension within a domain, this scheme overcomes some defects of current schemes of micro-mobility integrated with MPLS,supports fast and smooth handover and has lower signalling overhead.
    Algorithm for achieving expansibility of wireless sensor network size
    LI Jian-rong,WANG Yang-li
    2005, 25(03):  504-505.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0504
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    Wireless sensor network is a multi-hop wireless network which is made up of a lot of distributed smart sensor nodes. Aiming at the characteristics of the wireless sensor network, under the energy-efficient MAC protocol, the distributed algorithm which adapted to the expansibility of network size was proposed, and simulated by NS-2. This algorithm implemented the expansibility of network size in MAC layer, and enhanced the adaptive ability of network to the variety of the network size.
    Trajectory-based multipath tolerant routing for sensor networks
    YANG Wei-feng,PENG Zhao-yi,SUN Xing-ming
    2005, 25(03):  506-510.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0506
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    In order to improve the tolerance of routing algorithms, this paper proposed a new algorithm based on trajectory to construct multipath. Its basic idea is that the source node selects several suitable curves to sink at one time and intermediate nodes build dynamic forwarding tables according to different greedy forwarding strategies. Compared with other algorithms constructing multipath, this new algorithm only needs information in one hop and doesn’t need too much calculation, so it is distributed and can be realized easily. Theoretic analysis and simulation results show that it is more tolerant.
    Overview of ad hoc routing protocols
    QI Wei-ning,YU Hong-yi,LUAN Yu-jie
    2005, 25(03):  511-514.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0511
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    Based on the analysis of the factors which affect the routing protocol design, the key technique issues of ad hoc routing protocols were summarized, including route loop-freedom, adaptation to dynamic topology, control overhead, energy efficiency, and combination with orientation technique, etc. At last, the problems in routing protocol research aspects, such as protocol requirements, and protocol evaluation and comparison methods, were described.
    Routing protocol of enhancing TCP performance with receiver participation in mobile ad hoc networks
    LIN Zhi-wei,XU Li
    2005, 25(03):  515-517.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0515
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    In wireless mobile ad hoc environment, the characteristics of multi-hopping and dynamic topology make route information stale quickly, and the sender cannot activate route request in time when route fails. All these make the throughput of TCP over DSR degrades when mobile nodes move fast. RP-DSR was proposed based on DSR, in which the receiver participated in route discovery. The simulation results show that RP-DSR protocol can get more satisfying performance than DSR in the status of fast and dynamic topology.
    Study on the signal gate way in SoftSwitch
    QIN Wei,YAN Wei,WANG Dong
    2005, 25(03):  518-520.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0518
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    ecause of the asymmetry between SIP protocol and H.323 protocol, there are some difficulties in the course of realizing SGW(Signal Gate Way) in SoftSwitch. Through discussing the following problems such as call setting up, signal converting, media logical channel setting up and media ability exchange, relevant methods about address exchange and the inconsistency of signal interpretation were put forward to realize the SGW in SoftSwitch.
    Research and design of a hybrid P2P network model
    TANG Hui,ZHANG Guo-jie,HUANG Jian-hua,LI Zu-peng
    2005, 25(03):  521-524.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0521
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    Low expandability and overweight of telecom backbone in mainstream P2P network model have been hampering the development of P2P system. Though structured overlay network model solves part of problems, it is difficult to be applied into Internet due to its limitations. By analyzing other P2P models, this paper provided a hybrid model based P2P network model, and described some important processes in the model. A manager protocol and new key matching algorithm were also proposed to enhance the management and practicability of P2P network.
    Implementation of gigabit multifunctional router based on network processor
    SHI En,ZHENG Ai-rong,YANG Bin,CHEN Yu,XU Rong-sheng
    2005, 25(03):  525-527.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0525
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    Router is the key Internet device and network processor is a new network core processing component. Gigabit multifunctional router based on network processor can provide both high bandwidth and various services, so it can adapt itself to the demand of future network’s development. This paper analyzed the characteristics of Intel network processor, IXP2400, then presented the implementation of gigabit multifunctional router based on IXP2400. Experiments prove that it can attain the high power of packet processing.
    Design of micro-communication system by UML-based object-oriented approach推
    PENG Zheng,ZENG Jia-zhi
    2005, 25(03):  528-529.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0528
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    An object-oriented approach to the design and implementation of micro-communication system based on UML(Unified Modeling Language) was proposed . It can satisfy various requirements in micro-communication system, and it is visualized, vivid and legible for developers to understand and implement. Based on abstract, analysis and design, a simple model for connectionless service was also represented.
    Improved method of location information service
    SHEN Jun, CAO Yuan-da, ZHANG Shu-dong
    2005, 25(03):  530-532.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0530
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    In many cases, mobile host needs to obtain accurate or approximate location information in the network, i.e. needs a location service. Five existing location services known as Location Information Flooding(LIF), DREAM Location Service(DLS), Simple Location Service(SLS), Reactive Location Service(RLS), and GLS Location Service were briefly discussed and their performances were compared. Based on these protocols, a new location service named Simple New Location Update Service (SNLUS) was put forward. It improved the Simple Location Service (SLS) by adding "sign of information update" in location information table. Simulation results show that it provides an effective location information service with less overhead.
    Application of max-min fair rates allocation algorithm in layered multicast
    DONG Chun-ling,ZHU Xiao-li,ZHENG Ming-chun
    2005, 25(03):  533-535.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0533
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    This paper aimed at the solution of layered multirate multicast focusing on the fair problem of network with coexistence of multirate multicast and TCP unicast. The fair rate of every virtual session was obtained through the application of max-min fair rate allocation algorithm in layered multicast, then the rate set was regulated in different granularity with the adoption of bisection method, and the detailed layering solution was proposed. It can guarantee the effective implementation of layered multirate multicast with fairness precondition in the heterogeneous environment.
    DRSP:an efficient and reliable MA locating protocol
    YANG Juan,BAI Yun,QIU Yu-hui
    2005, 25(03):  536-538.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0536
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    In mobile agent systems, in order to make mobile agents(MA) cooperate well, and to locate mobile agents quickly, it is necessary to design an efficient and reliable MA locating protocol. It should meet the requirements proposed by traditional distributed systems, like transparency, scalability and efficiency, and maintain the consistency of the information concerning the MA environment. A new MA locating protocol called DRSP(Distributed Registration Search Protocol) was proposed to meet all the requirements above, and the specific details in DRSP were described. Its consistency was proved by a search program.
    Multi-agent system communication model for KQML-based virtual enterprise oriented partner selection
    XIE Jia-you, ZENG Jian-chao
    2005, 25(03):  539-542.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0539
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    KQML has been accepted as a standard of ACL(Agent Communication Language), and it offers knowledge-based communication between agents.This paper presented a multi-agent system communication model of virtual enterprise oriented partner selection based on KQML,including reserved performatives,extended performatives for system communication and necessary maps between some KQML messages and SQL sentences.
    Information security
    Image encryption algorithm based on mixed chaotic dynamic systems
    PENG Fei,QIU Shui-sheng,LONG Min
    2005, 25(03):  543-545.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0543
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    The paper proposed an image encryption algorithm based on mixed chaotic dynamic systems including Lorenz system, Chen system and Lü system. With the map of the external keys, the initial condition of the mixed dynamic systems was acquired and chaotic signals were generated subsequently, then the plain image was encrypted by masking with the chaotic signals. The simulation and analysis results show that the chaotic signals are greatly sensitive to the keys and the algorithm has a large space of keys to acquire good encryption effects and efficiency, and a better security performance to statistical analysis.
    DoS attack based on IEEE 802.11 authentication protocol
    FENG Liu-ping,LIU Xiang-nan
    2005, 25(03):  546-547.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0546
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    Vulnerability in IEEE 802.11 authentication protocol and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against wireless network were anatomized. IEEE 802.11 MAC frames were captured and analysed. DoS attacks against authorized legitimate clients were detected by sequence number analysis method. DoS attacks against access points were detected by statistic analysis method.
    Building certificate path based on reverse method and alternative name of certificate subject
    HUANG Ying-chun,HE Liang-sheng,JIANG Fan
    2005, 25(03):  548-550.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0548
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    The certificate path of the inner-realm is described in its subject alternative name, and the certificate path of the inter-realm was implemented by its proxy. In the same realm, the shortest path can be acquired by the sponsor with comparing the path in the subject alternative name of the target’s certificate and the sponsor’s trusted anchors. In the different realm, the path of the inter-realm can be acquired by requesting the proxy of the construction and concatenating the certificate path described in the subject alternative name, thus the construction of the whole certificate path can be implemented.
    Secure and efficient reputation system in P2P networks
    ZHAO Heng, QUAN Yi-ning, HU Yu-pu
    2005, 25(03):  551-553.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0551
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    This paper presented a secure and efficient reputation system in P2P networks. It defined certificate CCert storing client information, and certificate RCert storing reputation information. Its mode of searching reputation was different from those existing modes, and ensured the efficiency and security of searching reputation. At the same time, it produced the last-time timestamp for the real-time characteristics of reputation information. Additionally, the system had other characters such as integrity of reputation information, non-repudiation, collusion-resisted and retaliation-resisted, which improved the usability of P2P networks.
    Design and realization of security and trust model for P2P network
    SHI Yan-fen,GE Sui-he
    2005, 25(03):  554-556.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0554
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    This paper first analysed the security demands of P2P applications, then designed a P2P security and trust model based on JXTA. Finally, it implemented the trust mechanism of the model and communication among peers to insure the security of P2P applications.
    An algorithm of compound adaptive digital watermarking
    WENG Jie-qiong,ZHANG Zhi-hao,LAI Ke-wei
    2005, 25(03):  557-559.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0557
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    Embedding robust watermark and fragile watermark in one image simultaneously, an algorithm of compound, adaptive digital watermarking was presented. The strength of robust watermark and the places to insert the watermark were adaptively determined by the significant coefficients wavelet tree (SCWT) based on the EZW(Embedded Zerotree Wavelets) coding model. Simulation results show that the algorithm managed to convey ownership and verify content integrity.
    A new redundant encoding scheme and its applicationin QoS controlling of IP networks
    HOU Yue-xian,HE Pi-lian,FU Ai-ling
    2005, 25(03):  560-562.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0560
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    The paper proposed an encoding scheme of redundancy code, SPM (Shuffled Prime Matrix) code. It was the variation of the popular RS (Reed-Solomon) code. Compared with the latter, SPM was more efficient in time and space and easier to be implemented. Therefore, SPM was more suit for real-time or embedded applications. Based on SPM, an end-to-end QoS controlling scheme was proposed and its benefits were demonstrated.
    Security analysis and improvements of IKEv2 protocol
    GAO Xiang,LI Ya-min,GUO Yu-dong,MA Hong-tu
    2005, 25(03):  563-564.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0563
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    IETF put forward a new version of IKE, IKEv2.Different from the old IKE,IKEv2 combines and redefines key exchange process. This paper introduced IKEv2, and analysed the security of key negotiation mechanism of IKEv2.Aiming at some security problems in EAP exchange, such as authentication with digital certificate and reauthentication to avoid accessing VPN tunnel with unauthorized identity, some improvement advice and solutions were given.
    Digital watermarking algorithm using Discrete Wavelet Transform
    YANG Xiong, FENG Gang, YAN Xiong-bing, LIU Xiong-hua
    2005, 25(03):  565-566.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0565
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    Though many DWT-based watermarking algorithms have been presented, few of them discuss the issue that which detail subband is the better choice to watermark. This paper presented a novel DWT-based watermarking algorithm. This algorithm selected the detail subband with the highest RMS value for watermarking and got good results. Experiment results show that watermarking in this subband is more robust than the other two detail subbands to Gaussian noise and JPEG compression.
    Interactive model of identity authentication based on ICE technique
    LI Ai-hua, XU Li-zhen
    2005, 25(03):  567-569.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0567
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     In the application integration, the distributed application of unique identity authentication is a hard nut to crack for the distributed application system. This paper focused on the character of unique identity authentication, and proposed an interactive model of identity authentication based ICE(Internet Communication Engine) technique.
    Graphics and image processing
    Image segmentation by graph partition on histogram clustering
    YAN Cheng-xin,SANG Nong,ZHANG Tian-xu
    2005, 25(03):  570-572.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0570
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    In traditional graph theory based image segmentation methods,the grayscale value of an image is processed directly to obtain clustering results, but the computing time of these methods is very large. A novel segmentation method based on graph partition on histogram clustering was presented. The proposed algorithm obtained threshold by clustering histogram potential function. Since the input is histogram data, the computation time will not be affected by the image size. Experiment results demonstrate that the computation time can be significantly reduced by the proposed algorithm.

    Texture segmentation using EMD refined quaternionic spectrum
    CUI Feng, SHEN Bin, PENG Si-long
    2005, 25(03):  573-576.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0573
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    This paper presented an unsupervised texture segmentation algorithm utilizing EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition) refined quaternionic spectrum. The innovations include: first, 2-D separable EMD algorithm was utilized to enhance the separability of features in frequency-domain; second, a quaternionic Gabor filter bank was designed to extract analytic features; at last, a novel validity function of FCM(Fuzzy C-Means Clustering) was introduced to realize unsupervised texture segmentation. Experiment results indicate that this method explores a reasonable way to use EMD and quaternionic spectrum analysis in image processing.

    Interactive vectorization for chromatic scan map
    HUANG Zhi-li,FAN Yang-yu,HAO Chong-yang
    2005, 25(03):  577-579.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0577
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    To overcome the shortcomings of current methods in chromatic scan map vectorization, an interactive vectorization method was proposed. It used the color distance and line width as characteristics, and adopted the strategies such as fuzzy point selection, adjustable tracking direction and changeable tracking mode. Experiment results show that it can vectorized the chromatic scan map rapidly and interactively.

    Color multifocus image fusion based on discrete-wavelet frame transform
    XU Sheng-nan, CHEN Gui-you, CHI Hai
    2005, 25(03):  580-582.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0580
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    This paper described a color multifocus image fusion algorithm based on discrete-wavelet frame transform. The intensity component of each multifocus image was decomposed by discrete-wavelet frame transform. According to the discrete wavelet frame transform coefficients, the clarity measure of each pixel in each multifocus image was calculated. The fusion process was performed by selecting the clearest pixels in the multifocus images. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm works well in color multifocus image fusion.

    Skew angle detection and correction of document images based on Hough transform推
    LI Zheng, YANG Yang, XIE Bin, WANG Hong
    2005, 25(03):  583-585.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0583
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    The document images scanned may be skew somehow. Severe image skew makes image segmentation difficult and lowers character recognition accuracy. A new approach of skew detection based on Hough transform was presented. In order to overcome the heavy computing burdens of Hough transform,the method selected the subfield with part representation and extracted the horizontal edge from images in the first place, then performed two-stage Hough transform on the edge extracted. Experiment results show that it corrects the skew document images more rapidly and accurately than general Hough method and cross relation method.

    Skew correction and segmentation method for OMR images
    ZHANG Kai-bing, HUANG Xiang-nian,QIN An,LIU Zhong-hua
    2005, 25(03):  586-588.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0586
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    A skew angle detection approach using Hough transform was proposed for OMR images. The proposed method doesn’t need to identify exact position of locating marks and can bear high noise. In order to avoid heavy computing of Hough transform, a low-resolution image was created by sampling OMR image. Also, a fast iteration algorithm based on run-length center for written marks segmentation was presented. Experiment results show that the algorithm can achieve skew correction and segmentation of OMR image efficiently and accurately.

    Color facial image coding for low bit rate transmission
    LI Qian,ZHU Yu-wen,LIU Wan-chun
    2005, 25(03):  589-591.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0589
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    An embedded color facial image coding,based on the characteristics of facial image and multi-correlations of color image with wavelet decomposition, was proposed for low bit rate transmission. This algorithm combined joint-component vector quantization respectively with zero block and zero tree coding,scanned three component of color image separately and simplified separate coding into joint scanning and joint encoding. Experiment results show that in low bit rate environment, the new image compression scheme performs better than JPEG in the aspects of perception and PSNR(Peak Signal Noise Ratio).

    Application of pseudo-Zernike moments in image reconstruction
    HU Hui-jun, LI Yuan-xiang, LIU Mao-fu
    2005, 25(03):  592-593.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0592
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    seudo-Zernike is a kind of region-based shape descriptor. The concept of the pseudo-Zernike moments were introduced, and their good characteristics, such as invariance, robustness and effectiveness, were discussed. Images could be reconstructed based on invariant pseudo-Zernike moments. Experiment results demonstrate the feasibility of the image reconstruction based on the improved pseudo-Zernike moments.

    Image retrieval based on IFS fractal code
    MA Yan, LI Shun-bao
    2005, 25(03):  594-595.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0594
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    The technology of image retrieval on compression domain was researched. Each image in the database was compressed by fractal coding and IFS fractal code was got. Based on the fractal code, the distance of query image and the image in the database was calculated using the distribution character of fractal code. Experiment results show that the algorithm presented is efficient in image retrieval based on IFS code.

    Algorithm of irregular fragments merging based on matching-pairs
    ZHAO Cai-hong, LU Zhang-ping, LU Jin-zhong
    2005, 25(03):  596-597.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0596
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    The modular structure of irregular fragments reconstruction based on contour feature was introduced, and a new traversing algorithm for the sequence of fragments merging was presented. In the algorithm, the locating and merging of a fragment were determined by the current matching-fragment and another fragment, which ensured the process of fragments merging. An example was given and experiment results illustrate the algorithm efficient.

    Fast and adaptive gray-level correction of uneven illumination image
    YANG Jie,FU Zhong-liang,RUAN Bo
    2005, 25(03):  598-600.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0598
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    Imaging at close distance leads to uneven illumination images in practical application. Based on the illunination model, a new gray-level correction method with adaptability was proposed. Being analysed and compared with existent methods, this new method was proved fast and effective, and suitable to high-speed image process in machine vision systems.

    View-dependent geometry compression and transmission algorithmfor 3-D graphics
    YANG Wei
    2005, 25(03):  601-602.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0601
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    A geometry compression algorithm for 3-D graphics was presented. It divided 3-D graphics into many layers, created BSP tree in the receiver, and extracted the view-dependent layers and visible triangulars information. This algorithm can greatly reduce the transmitted data of 3-D graphics without affecting the process and display of sensitive data.

    Database Technology
    Modified coding algorithm based on listless zerotree wavelet
    WANG Hui-bin,LI Hui-fang,LI Zheng,WANG Li-bo
    2005, 25(03):  603-605.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0603
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    The modified coding algorithm based on listless zerotree wavelet was proposed by studying SPIHT and LZC. The zerotree coding process was improved, and the complexity of the encoding procedure was reduced. The novel algorithm was easy to be realized by hardware. The top bits of transformed coefficients were used to store flag maps, and the memory requirements of coding process were further reduced. Experiment results show that PSNR(Peak Signal Noise Ratio) values of the novel algorithm are obviously better than those of LZC, and less than those of SPIHT appreciably at the same compression ratio.

    Graphics and image processing
    New algorithm of image enhancement based on wavelet transform
    ZHOU Xuan,ZHOU Shu-dao,HUANG Feng,ZHOU Xiao-tao
    2005, 25(03):  606-608.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0606
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    Traditional wavelet-based algorithm has a common effect on the images of light nonuniformity and scarcity. Aiming at the shortcoming, a new wavelet-based algorithm for image enhancement was proposed. The image was first decomposed into multi-level wavelet to obtain the scaling coefficients and the multi-level wavelet coefficients. Then, every level of wavelet coefficients was enhanced by different algorithms, and the scaling coefficients were processed by MSR(Multiscale Retinex). Finally, the image of enhancement was obtained via the inverse wavelet transform. Experiments show that the algorithm excels conventional algorithms in the effect of enhancement and the abatement of noise, at the same time, it has an excellent effect on the images of light nonuniformity and scarcity.

    Edge detection algorithm based on local homogeneity analysis
    PANG Yin-zhuo,ZHANG Xin-rong
    2005, 25(03):  609-610.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0609
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    This paper proposed a new algorithm for edge detection. First, it proposed a criterion for homogeneity by using local homogeneity analysis, then made a template according to the criterion. Every pixel in image did homogeneity analysis with this template and got new value, so the edge of image could be found. Experiment results indicate that this method has low complexity and therefore improves the quality of edge detection.

    Software process technology
    Unified model for uncertain temporal information representation
    IN Jia-yi, PENG Hong, XIE Jia-meng, ZHENG Qi-lun
    2005, 25(03):  611-614.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0611
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    Temporal representation and reasoning is a main research topic in artificial intelligence. Most common models can only represent certain temporal information, but many events happen with uncertain temporal information in real life. A new model for representing uncertain and certain temporal information was proposed to describe events and facts with time indeterminacy. This model firstly defined some temporal objects (such as time point and time period), then defined several relations among temporal objects and discussed the transitivity between the relations. Finally, two examples were analyzed, using this model to solve the uncertain temporal reasoning problem.

    Constructing and realizing reachability tree of Petri Nets by software programming
    LIU Yan-hong
    2005, 25(03):  615-616.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0615
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    Some good characters of C++ were combined with Matlab and some ideas and algorithms of “Data structure” were adopted to devise a Matlab program. This program can construct reachability tree of Petri Nets automatically,and can be used to analyze the dynamic performance of Petri Nets.

    Algorithm design for full link pointer module B* tree
    YUAN Xiang-yang,YIN Jian,YIN Jian-ping
    2005, 25(03):  617-619.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0617
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    To improve the storage efficiency of syntax, FLPM-B* tree, a full link pointer module B* tree, was designed. According to its structure characteristics, some algorithms such as module insert algorithm, reconstruction algorithm, and partition algorithm, were put forward. These algorithms make the FLPM-B* tree manipulated and efficient.

    Implementing low-coupling module with generative programming methods: the theory and practice of AOP
    ZHANG Qiang, TAN Bo, TAN Cheng-xiang
    2005, 25(03):  620-622.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0620
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    With the development of programming technology and theory, some problems in practice, which can not be solved by the traditional OO theory, are attracting more and more interests of researchers. A generative programming-based approach was proposed to solve such kind of problems by constructing domain-neutral models and low-coupling modules. One implementation of our proposed approach, AOP, was analyzed to demonstrate the advantages and shortcomings of our approach. Finally, a comparison between AOP-based and OO-based Observer models was conducted to show the superiority of our approach over traditional OO approaches.

    Research on resistance to static disassembly
    WU Jin-bo, JIANG Lie-hui
    2005, 25(03):  623-625.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0623
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    The goal of making unauthorized modifications or stealing intellectual property of software can be reached by analyzing the static disassembly result of its executable binary code. In order to avoid this kind of instance,this paper described the basic static disassembly algorithm, then proposed two anti-disassembly techniques focusing on the obfuscation of control flow,branch function and jump table spoofing. These two techniques can hide the real target addresses of jump instructions, and can fabricate target addresses which will lead to error of static disassemblers. Therefore the (program’s) resistance to static disassembly will be improved, and it is more difficult to analyze the software.

    Program porting from Nucleus to Linux
    ZHU Zhi-yong,HUANG Jian
    2005, 25(03):  626-627.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0626
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    The solutions for porting programs from single-address space operating system to multiple-address space operating system were illustrated and contrasted in the architecture of embedded MIPS. Then a solution named "single device, multiple modules and architecture porting" was introduced to the program porting from Nucleus to Linux. Experiment results show that this solution is executable, low costing and effective.

    Design and implementation analysis of an object-oriented parallel message passing library
    MA Ke-jiang
    2005, 25(03):  628-630.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0628
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    MPI is a widely used message-passing library for parallel programs. The standard MPI-2 also defines C++ bindings. Nevertheless, there is a lack of integration of object-oriented concepts. We discussed some existing object-oriented message-passing systems, then described our design of a parallel message-passing library, an object-oriented library written in C++ on MPI. It has the characteristics of easy transmission of objects(including user-defined types and STL containers), MPI conformity and type safety. Examples and results of performance analysis were given.

    Materialized view maintenance strategy based on schema changes推
    LIU Qun,ZHANG Chun-hai,LI Hua
    2005, 25(03):  631-633.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0631
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    The view maintenance process in the loosely coupled environment was implemented as a conceptual transaction, by the definitions of concurrency dependency and same-source dependency. Based on schema changes, the VMSCNF algorithm was proposed to solve the consistency of view maintenance processes in the non-FIFO network environments. Finally, a preliminary experiment was carried out to verify the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

    OWL-based Web service component
    ZHAO Hui-jie,SHEN Jian-jing
    2005, 25(03):  634-636.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0634
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    Based on component technology, a method of OWL-based Web service was proposed. Combined with atom-component and ontology, the Web service component granularity became a single function component. The application of OWL and ontology improved Web service at information and knowledge.

    Database and data mining
    An entropy-based algorithm for discretization of continuous variables
    HE Yue,ZHENG Jian-jun,ZHU Lei
    2005, 25(03):  637-638.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0637
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    It is very important to ascertain rationally the number and positions of split points for discretization of continuous variables. To improve the efficiency of unsupervised discretization, an entropy-based algorithm was proposed for discretization of continuous variables. It made use of the characteristics of the information content(entropy) of a continuous variable, and partitioned the continuous variable by itself for minimizing both the loss of entropy and the number of partitions, in order to find the best balance between the information loss and a low number of partitions, so then obtained an optimal discretization result. The experiments show this approach effective.

    Attribute reduction and rule extraction algorithms based on decision matrices
    WU Zhi-feng, JI Gen-lin
    2005, 25(03):  639-642.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0639
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    Two important issues in rough set, attribute reduction and value reduction, were discussed. The definition of extended decision matrices was presented. A novel algorithm based on extended decision matrices for attribute reduction(EDMAR) was proposed. Some equivalence classes were partitioned from the universe of objects by the decision attributes, and decision matrix for each equivalence class was created. Using the decision matrices, the attributes were reduced. Compared with algorithms based on discernibility matrices, EDMAR is of much less space complexity and time complexity. Furthermore, a new algorithm for rule extraction based on decision matrices was presented. And much more concise decision rules could be got with this method. Experimental results on the data sets in UCI machine learning repository show that the algorithms are efficient and feasible.

    Clustering techniques based on good point-set genetic algorithm
    SU Shou-bao,LIU Ren-jin
    2005, 25(03):  643-645.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0643
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    This paper proposed two new approaches, GAmeans and HgaMeans, using good point-set genetic algorithm to cluster data in data mining for various databases. GAmeans could be used to find the centroid of specified number of clusters, characterized as inferior sensitivity to initial data, quick convergence, high accuracy and removal of premature. The hybrid algorithm HgaMeans used k-means to refine the clusters formed by GAmeans. Experiments show that the hybrid method has better clustering quality and general performance.

    Processing Models and algorithms based on Web mining
    FAN min,HUANG Xi-yue,SHI Wei-ren
    2005, 25(03):  646-648.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0646
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    A PDAS(Pattern Discovery and Analyzing System) structure for finding user access patterns was designed according to characteristics of Web information. Based on association rule theory, the processing models and algorithms of single-user k-sequence frequent access patterns were presented. Experiments show that frequent access patterns mined by algorithms can assist decision-making to some extent.

    Application of state evolution patterns mining in traffic flow forecasting
    YAN Di,SONG Su
    2005, 25(03):  649-651.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0649
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    The traffic flow forecasting is the hot spot in the research of the traffic flow guidance. In order to extract the characteristic law that the traffic flow changes, a framework of state evolution patterns mining was adopted aiming at the characteristics of the traffic flow data. A method of discovering traffic flow patterns and rules were presented and validated through experiments.
    Time series data mining using discrete wavelet transform
    YU Jing-ming, HE Xi-qiong, CHENG Dong-ai
    2005, 25(03):  652-653.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0652
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    A new method of time series data mining using discrete wavelet transform was proposed. The main property of this method lied in its feature extraction strategy, which was different from other methods before. Instead of using only the first k coefficients or the largest k coefficient, which emphasized on energy preservation, this new method decided extracted coefficients according to their classification ability on real time sequences in the training set. Generally speaking, this method tried to select coefficients from all wavelet coefficients to form a feature coefficient set, which best enlarged the distance between different classes and reduced the distance within same class. With this feature coefficient set, we can make prediction on test sequences set by calculating pertaining degree of each sequence to each class. The prediction result is the pertaining relation with largest pertaining degree. For real time series data used in our research, the efficiency and accuracy of this method is satisfying.

    Artificial intelligence
    Model of points selection in map using genetic algorithms
    WU Zhan-feng,WU Yu-shu
    2005, 25(03):  654-656.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0654
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    Points selection in map is used in many fields. Combining the basic principle and characteristics of genetic algorithms with the basic principles of points selection, this paper designed a model of points selection in map based on genetic algorithms. In order to keep the variety of the points, and the internal distribution and density farthest, this paper proposed a new method with Elitist Recombination which employed an improved strategy of the ambulatory loca crossovers and mutations. Experimental results show that the method is timesaving and space-saving,it can avoid prematurity and quickly find optimal solution with stable performance and high search efficiency.
    Robot dynamic path planningbased on time grids method and immune algorithm
    HU Xiao-ming, WU Geng-feng, FAN Jian
    2005, 25(03):  657-660.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0657
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    Based on time grids method and immune algorithm (IA), a new robot path planning method in dynamic environment was proposed. Time grids method was used to represent moving obstacles and build up the environmental model of robot. IA was used to make global and local robot path planning in dynamic environment in order to avoid obstacle and collision. The fitness function of IA wass evaluated in terms of collision, distance, corner and safety parameters. Simulation experiment results demonstrate the effectiveness and correctness of the method.
    A new feature selection method in text categorization
    WANG Xiu-juan, GUO Jun,ZHENG Kang-feng
    2005, 25(03):  661-663.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0661
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    Feature selection is a valid method to reduce the dimension of text vector in automatic text categorization system. After analyzing some normal evaluation functions for feature selection, a new evaluation function named the ratio of mutual information in feature selection was presented. Experiments show that the method is simple and feasible. It is advantageous in improving the efficiency of the selected feature subset.
    Text filtering based on support vector machine of semantic space
    SHEN Li-hong,ZHOU Chang-le
    2005, 25(03):  664-665.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0664
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    Traditionally, text filtering based on support vector machine uses the vector space model to represent the text and user profile. Vector space model draws the noise into the system because it assumes that the word in the text is independent and it influences the performance of the filtering. The proposed method was based on vector support machine of semantic space in which text and user profile were represented by the semantic space. The proposed approach used the singular-value decomposition to derive a latent semantic space. User profile and filtering threshold could been got by training the support vector machine in the semantic space. And the similarity between the user profile and new text was computed by cosine measure, after the new text was mapped into the semantic space. Experimental results show that the filtering rate of our approach can get 98.67%.
    A self-adaptive approach for information integration
    CHENG Guo-da,ZOU Ya-hui,ZHU Jing
    2005, 25(03):  666-669.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0666
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    Detecting records that are approximate duplicates, but not exact duplicates, is one of the key tasks in information integration. Although various algorithms have been presented for detecting duplicated records, strings matching is essential to those algorithms. In self- adaptive information integration algorithm presented by this paper, the hybrid similarity, a comprehensive edit distance and token metric, was used to measure the similar degree between strings. In order to avoid mismatching because of different expressions, the strings in records were partitioned into vocabularies, then were sorted according to their first character. In the process of vocabularies matching, misspellings and abbreviations can be tolerated. The experimental results demonstrate that the self-adaptive approach for information integration achieves higher accuracy than that using Smith-Waterman edit distance and Jaro distance.
    TOP-N selective Markov prediction model
    HAN Zhen,CAO Xin-ping
    2005, 25(03):  670-672.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0670
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    After analyzing the behavior of accessed users, browsers and existing Markov prediction models, a TOP-N selective Markov model was presented to predict user next requests. The TOP-N consisted of URLs which requested time was over N in Web logs. The Markov chains were made up of user visit sessions. If the session which user visited currently matched one of the Markov chains, the next URL of this Markov chains in TOP-N would be prefetched in local cache. The experiment results show that this model can achieve dramatic improvement on predictive accuracy and get a good hit ratio with reducing the traffic load to some extent.
    Application of Bayesian networkin subscriber churn analysis of wireless carriers
    YE Jin,LIN Shi-min
    2005, 25(03):  673-675.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0673
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    The analysis system of subscriber churn in wireless carriers was constructed based on data mining. It used Bayesian network to build the subscriber churn model from existing business data. So the market people could make corresponding policy. Experiments prove that the priority knowledge can be corrected continually by inference information of Bayesian network, and help to solve the problem of subscriber churn.
    Typical applications
    Design and implementation of remote real-time management system for FC-RAID 3000
    2005, 25(03):  676-678.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0676
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    A remote real-time management system for FC-RAID 3000 based on embedded Web server GoAhead was designed and implemented. The system communicated with remote user through GoAhead, which accepted the user’s requests and responded with corresponding Web pages stored in the minimal file system. When the user logged in, the remote management module would authenticates the user’s authority; and when the user sent configuring and monitoring command, the remote management module would parse the command and execute it by calling the functions provided by RAID controlling module. The system can efficiently improve the management performance of FC-RAID 3000.

    Flexible application framework for manufacturing execution systems
    CHAI Yong-sheng,SUN Shu-dong,WU Xiu-li,LI Peng
    2005, 25(03):  679-681.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0679
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    For the complexity of constructing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), a flexible application framework was proposed, based on multi-layer application service architecture. Some advanced technologies, such as object-oriented analysis for business process, event-driven mechanism with business rules and business engineering analysis, were used to achieve reconfigurable organization, scalable business processes and customizable business rules, which increased the development flexibility of MES software systems. At last, one instance was analyzed and realized by using the framework.

    Supply chain optimal algorithm based on manufacturing resource limits
    LI Shao-bo, XIE Qing-sheng
    2005, 25(03):  682-684.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005/0682
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    This paper studied the supply chain optimal algorithm based on manufacturing resource limits, defined the mathematical model, established the first-order necessary conditions of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality for it. Considering the Lagrangian theorem, the iterative solution approaches in difference conditions were presented. Our computational testing indicates that both algorithms converge in a few iterations and are very efficient.

    Design and application of USB transfer system for real-time human motion capture device
    GAO Shen-yu,WANG Guang, LIU Jin-gang
    2005, 25(03):  685-687.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0685
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    This paper analysed the functions of all parts of the USB transfer subsystem in real-time human motion capture device, and introduced its detailed designing methods of this subsystem. The USB transfer subsystem can transfer exact data in real time while the device is running and collecting human motion data.

    Examination and approval of business workflow model based on Petri net
    OUYANG Jun,YANG Guan-zhong,YANG Liu,LIU Mei-qin,LU Shao-fei
    2005, 25(03):  688-690.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0688
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    After formally defining the examination and approval of business, a formal dynamic behavior model for examining and approving business, called EABWF-net, was established. The model was different from traditional process-oriented model. It centered on the examination and approval role taking the message as roam mechanism and rule as flow logic of business. The model overcomed the limitation of traditional modeling method that lacks process suppleness and system flexibility. Furthermore it can explain the examination and approval business clearer and more directly.

    Preprocess techniques of mining user access patterns at E-commerce sites
    GUO Wei-gang
    2005, 25(03):  691-694.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0691
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    The comprehensive techniques of data collection and data preprocessing were discussed, which included data collection, data cleaning, user identification, session identification, episode identification and session sub-sequence generation. The methods for filtering frame, detecting search engine robots and generating user session semantic sequences, were proposed.

    Research on negotiation strategies of establishing cooperative teams in CSCW
    WANG Ying,ZHANG Xiao-zhen
    2005, 25(03):  695-698.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0695
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    A strategy set was put forward to support constructing cooperative work teams by automated negotiation. The set grounded on restriction representation framework PFCSP to take time and resource factors into consideration. It overcomed those restrictions coming from separating factors. "Trade-off" and "relax" strategies were used for generating counter-offer. A special "group-strategy" was proposed to support meta-negotiation of establishing team. From the perspectives of communication and computation cost, the correctness and validity of this strategy set were verified under the negotiation environment of establishing cooperative work teams. Finally one example was demonstrated on application of these presented strategies.

    Research on metadata interoperability in digital library
    ZHENG Zhi-yun,SONG Han-tao,NIU Zhen-dong
    2005, 25(03):  699-702.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0699
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    Metadata is one of the key technologies in the development of digital library. With emerging of various kinds of metadata, the interoperability of metadata will be a focus, and important aspect of interoperability of digital libraries. The article pointed out the reasons of producing metadata interoperability, then summarized complete resolutions of metadata interoperability, and put forward existed questions. Finally,the possibility of realizing metadata interoperability using grid technology was discussed.

    Integrated information retrieval mechanism for federated digital librarybased on mediator/wrapper
    SHI Xue-lin, NIU Zhen-dong, SONG Han-tao
    2005, 25(03):  703-705.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0703
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    Federated digital library should enable heterogeneous data sources to be shared and allow users to access them easily. An integrated information retrieval mechanism for federated digital library based on mediator/wrapper was proposed. It used RDF as information exchange format, and implemented query translation and result integration. An FDL integrated information retrieval system using the mechanism was implemented. The designs of mediator and wrapper generator were introduced and the performance of the system was analyzed.

    Research and implementation of a new P2P E-mail system
    Lü Xin-jie,CHAI Qiao-lin,MA Li
    2005, 25(03):  706-709.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0706
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    A peer-to-peer (P2P) E-mail architecture was presented. It eliminated dependence on a single center server, and provided confidential E-mail service for all users. Its basic mechanisms of sending and reading E-mail were implemented in our design. Its prototype was implemented and discussed.

    Design and implementation of J2EE-based spatial data mining
    TU Jian-dong,CHEN Chong-cheng,HUANG Hong-yu,ZHANG Qun-hong
    2005, 25(03):  710-712.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0710
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    Based on the characters of spatial data, a spatial data mining prototype system with J2EE was designed, which integrated spatial data warehouse, spatial data mining, and spatial visualization techniques. The major functional modules of the prototype were described: spatial data management and interactive module, spatial data mining module, and visualization module. Finally, implementation of the prototype was demonstrated using the land use data of a certain city, and the typical user interfaces were illustrated. It is available to meet the need of reliability, expansibility and usability.

    Design of electronic business system with EDI format
    ZHANG Wei,FANG Nan-hui
    2005, 25(03):  713-716.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0713
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    The international standard of EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) in ISO9735 was recommended. The mechanism of electronic business system to exchange information using EDI format was described by an example of ticket-price query system. Then an EDI translator was developed based on it .

    Design and realization of multimedia terminal based on ADSP-BF533
    TAO Meng,HUANG Xiao-hong, LIU Feng
    2005, 25(03):  717-719.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0717
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    A multimedia communication terminal based on ADSP-BF533 DSP processor and used in IP network was designed and implemented. μCOS-II embedded operation system was used in the system, with the transplantation of LwIP. The experiments show that by the multimedia communicaiton terminal, the coding and transportation of multimedia information can be realized in real time in LAN.

    Application of self-adaptation parallel evolutionary strategiesin reconfiguration of distribution networks
    ZANG Wen-ke,LIU Xi-yu,HU Ming-feng
    2005, 25(03):  720-722.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0720
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    The mathematical model of distribution network operation scheme was constructed. Based on it, a parallel evolutionary strategy combined self-adaption and multi-population was presented and implemented to optimize the distribution network opration scheme. Multiple populations were used to expand nodes in the network, and the corresponding cluster locations were evolved and variated progressively. Experimental results show that this strategy can greatly reduce the electric network loss and increase the economic benefit.

    Design and realization of 2D bar code printing module
    LIU Yang,WANG Xiao-jing
    2005, 25(03):  723-726.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0723
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    A printing module based on COM was designed and realized. It could print 2D bar code of high resolution and microform effectively in appointed geometric area and form. The principle of COM technology was introduced, and the elementary method of using ATL to realize the COM module in VC was described.

    Development of roaming-a-city system based on OpenGVS
    XING Wei-wei, LI Feng-xia, ZHAN Shou-yi
    2005, 25(03):  727-728.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0727
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    An interactive 3D roaming-a-city system was developed with OpenGVS. Some key technologies in it, such as editing scene using three-dimensional viewing, collision detection with measuring the specific line segments, simulating natural phenomena in use of callback functions, making the mathematics model of movement equations, were discussed.

    Music visualization with aquarelle style based on real-time rendering
    LI Hua, HU Chun-hui, GU Ming
    2005, 25(03):  729-731.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0729
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    Most of current music visualizations are monotone. In this article, a aquarelle-style music visualization integrated perfectly with music was implemented. It adopts some key technologies, such as aquarelle effect based on alpha channel, tidy physical model, piecemeal joint, and composite anti-aliasing, etc. The example of music visualization by bloom, stalk, dimple and goldfish shows that this method can get good effect with low CPU occupancy and small memory request.

    Framework design of kernel-level VIA
    HUANG Hao-dan, FENG Dan
    2005, 25(03):  732-733.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0732
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    VIA(Virtual Interface Architecture) has been developed to standardize user-level network communication protocol. The kernel VIA was implemented and used in network storage. The test on Linux platform shows that the kernel-level VIA can improve all aspects of the I/O path between the storage nodes and the servers compared to the user-level VIA, especially can decrease the latency at least 30% for small-sized requests(<512B).

    Supply chain management system based on radio frequency identification
    QIU Jian-ping,CUI Du-wu
    2005, 25(03):  734-736.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.0734
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    The technique of radio frenquency identification(RFID) was introduced. The supply chain mangement system using RFID was established to get quick reaction. The model, architecture and service flows of this system were described. A prediction algorithm for supply chain management was also given.

2024 Vol.44 No.12

Current Issue
Honorary Editor-in-Chief: ZHANG Jingzhong
Editor-in-Chief: XU Zongben
Associate Editor: SHEN Hengtao XIA Zhaohui
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