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01 September 2005, Volume 25 Issue 09
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Web and database
Survey on the research of focused crawling technique
ZHOU Li-zhu,LIN Ling
2005, 25(09): 1965-1969. DOI:
(292KB) (
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The survey of focused crawling starts with the motivation for this new research and an introduction on basic concepts of focused crawling.The key issues in focused crawling are reviewed,such as webpage analyzing algorithms and the searching strategy on the Web.How to crawl relevant data and information according to different requirements is discussed in detail and three representative architectures of focused crawler systems are analyzed.Some future works for focused crawling research are indicated,including crawling for data analysis and data mining,topic description,finding relevant Web pages,Web data cleaning,and the extension of search space.
Web services management based on concept lattice
ZHOU Ao-ying,PENG Dun-lu,WANG Xiao-ling
2005, 25(09): 1970-1973. DOI:
(222KB) (
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An efficient management of Web Services is the key to service discovery and service composition.Some basic concepts about Web services are introduced,the relationships between Web Services are defined.A concept lattice corresponding to the properties of Web services is generated to describe the relationships among different services.The management for Web services with concept lattice is discussed.An algorithm is developed to maintain concept lattice incrementally and to retrieve Web services successfully in the concept lattice.Extensive experiments show that Web services could be managed effectively and retrieved with high efficiency and accuracy when using the proposed approach.
Study of two-layer trust model in service grid based on behavior
WANG Shan,GAO Ying,CHENG Tao-yuan,ZHANG Kun-long
2005, 25(09): 1974-1977. DOI:
(312KB) (
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In open service grid,to establish trust relationships among different domains is a basic problem so as to cooperate between them.In this paper a two-layer trust model based on behavior was proposed to enhance grid security and extensibility.This trust model was used to resolve trust issues between entities in different domains.The upper layer established and maintained recommendation trust relationships between different domains in grid.Lower layer was in charge of how domain manager evaluated trust of entities in his domain.An algorithm was given to adjust trust relationships between domains based on entities interactions,and a practical method to process recommendation trust.At last,the experiment results show that two-layer trust model is effective and extensible.
Three new techniques for knowledge discover by gene expression programming— transgene,overlapped gene expression and backtracking evolution
TANG Chang-jie,PENG Jing,ZHANG Huan,ZHONG Yi-xiao
2005, 25(09): 1978-1981. DOI:
(227KB) (
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Three new technologies ware introduced by the authors in the past year,i.e.:(a) TranGene technique.By injection gene segment,it guides the evolution direction,controls knowledge discover process.(b) Overlapped gene expression.It borrows the idea of overlap gene expression from biological study,introduces overlapped gene expression,and saves space for gene expression.(c) Backtracking evolution.It comes from atavism in biology and proposes the concept of backtracking GEP algorithms,designing geometric proportion increased checkpoint sequence and accelerated increased checkpoint sequence to restrict the backtracking process. Experiments show that all three techniques respectively boost the performance of GEP by one or two magnitudes.
Sampling and scheduling algorithm for wireless sensor networks based on sample data probability model
LI Jian-zhong,SHI Sheng-fei,WANG Chao-kun
2005, 25(09): 1982-1985. DOI:
(200KB) (
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A key challenge in wireless sensor networks is to achieve maximal network lifetime with dynamic power management on sensor nodes.In this paper an adaptive node sampling and scheduling strategy based on probability model of data generated by sensor nodes was investigated.Compared to previous works on dynamic power management,this method concentrated on the characters of data.The node can schedule its sampling and communication time according to the prediction value of the model.The results of simulation confirm the energy efficiency of the algorithms compared with previous algosithms.
Decision tree pruning algorithm with IF-THEN rules
ZHANG Xiao-long,LUO Ming-jian
2005, 25(09): 1986-1988. DOI:
(187KB) (
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Decision tree is a basic learning method in machine learning and data mining.An algorithm was presented to prune a decision tree with a set of rules that are converted from C4.5,where rule information was used as a pruning criterion.The empirical results demonstrate that the proposed pruning algorithm has high predict accuracy and good noise-tolerance.
Updated algorithm for mining association rules based on parallel computation
WU Lei,CHEN Peng
2005, 25(09): 1989-1991. DOI:
(171KB) (
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Updated solution in parallel implementation of discovery of association rules was studied,and IDD algorithm based on DD algorithm was introduced.After that,HD algorithm,based on IDD and CD algorithms was proposed to solve the problem of distributing the candidate item sets among processors effectively.The last part was the complexity analysis of the IDD and HD algorithms.
Rough set-based user’s fuzzy interest model in mining WWW cache
ZHANG Wei-feng,XU Bao-wen
2005, 25(09): 1992-1994. DOI:
(245KB) (
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The popular WWW pages are stored in users’ places.By this WWW Cache technology,the browsers can speed up fetching these pages.The information in the WWW Cache shows the users’ recent interest,which can be widely used,for example,to customize the WWW pages,filter the information,pre-fetch the information and so on.How to use the information in the WWW Cache effectively lies in how to build an adaptive user interest model and how to construct an adaptive algorithm for interest mining.The interest is a fuzzy concept,but the granularity is too little in simple interest model to describe users’ interest appropriately.Based on analyzing the WWW Cache model,a rough set-based describing method for users’ fuzzy interest was brought forward.By this method,the web page and the set of web pages in the WWW cache can be modeled conformably,by which the history interest and matching the interest can be easily used.
Design and implementation of the storage based on object-oriented XML data
ZHANG Xiao-lin,TAN Yue-sheng,ZHOU Jian
2005, 25(09): 1995-1998. DOI:
(221KB) (
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Design and implementation of self-tuning model of resource for DBMS
WANG Yuan-zhen,JIANG Hong,XIE Mei-y
2005, 25(09): 1999-2001. DOI:
(158KB) (
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In the design of DBMS,the high performance of DBMS is important.In this paper,a self-tuning model of dynamic-tinning of resource of DBMS was brought forward based on feedback model.This model can adjust system parameters automatically to achieve good performance.It also puts forward the dialog tree,model of relationship of resource,and the arithmetic used to make tinning plan.
Dynamic management and maintenance of node information in distributed and parallel database system
CHEN Jian-ying,ZUO Chao-shu,WANG Li
2005, 25(09): 2000-2003. DOI:
(197KB) (
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Aiming at the randomicity and unpredictability of the change of node-state in distributed and parallel database system DPSQL,the dynamic scheme was put forward to handle the management and maintenance of the node information.The scheme was implemented on the basis of the correctness and consistency of the information table where every active node-state was written and refreshed on time.This ensured the correspondence of all server nodes and the cooperation of inner subsystem in each node.Consequently,it ensured the effective service of DPSQL.
Study on the transaction scheduling for real-time database system
CHEN Chuan-bo,WANG Hua
2005, 25(09): 2004-2006. DOI:
(160KB) (
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Generally the deadline of transaction is only considered in dealing with real-time transaction scheduling,but in many cases,scheduling method is directly related with data deadline.This paper analyzed in detail if different scheduling strategy could consider data deadline and thus induced the existed rule.Based on the overall run-time estimation of transaction,the author offered the transaction strategy aimed at data deadline and transaction deadline.
Artificial intelligence
Research of Morlet Wavelet in the fault diagnosis for flight control systems
HUANG Yi-jun,ZHANG Wei-guo,LIU Xiao-xiong
2005, 25(09): 2007-2009. DOI:
(151KB) (
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A fault diagnosis system of flight control based on the wavelet neural network was introduced.A mother wavelet based on the sigmoid function was formed.A wavelet neural network was designed using this function as nerve cell.Three kinds of common faults of flight control system can be distinguished by this network.Simulation results about application of this network were also given.
English grapheme segmentation rules learning based on the finite generalization algorithm in English speech synthesis
WANG Yong-sheng,CHAI Pei-qi
2005, 25(09): 2010-2014. DOI:
(283KB) (
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Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion(L2P) is a very important component in English speech synthesis system.The first task of L2P is grapheme segmentation.A machine learning method named the Finite Generalization Algorithm(FGA) was presented,which was used to learn rules of English grapheme segmentation.The average accuracies of training and testing sets were 99.84% and 97.88% respectively for instances segmentation,and 99.72% and 96.35% respectively for words segmentation.The average number of rules is 472,about 1 rule per 52 words.
Evaluation method for software system developers based on Wavelet network
HAN Ya-ming,CHEN Zhong,ZHANG Zhi-jun,LI Gui-gen
2005, 25(09): 2015-2017. DOI:
(156KB) (
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On the basis of building software system developers evaluation index system,a wavelet network based evaluation method for software system developers was proposed.It can not only simulate quantificational evaluation made by experts,but also avoid the evaluation error due to subjective factors.
B-spline surface reconstruction based on Kohonen neural network
FAN Yan-ge,LIU Xu-min,CHEN Jing
2005, 25(09): 2018-2021. DOI:
(230KB) (
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The approach to the freeform surface self-organizing reconstruction for the dense 3D scattered data was discussed.Based on the self-organizing feature map neural network,a rectangle mesh reconstruction approach and the training algorithm were developed.The inherent topologic relations between the scattered points on the surface were learned by the self-organizing feature map neural network.The weight vectors of the neurons on the output layer of the neural network were used to approximate the scattered data points.By this approach,not only to approximate the scattered data points and the surface which is reconstructed by this method can be as base surface for further process,but also the experiment indicates that by this approach,the reconstruction of the surface and the reduce of the dense scattered data points are combined into the same process.The computer simulation result shows that this method is effective.
Study on topic partition based on sequential paragraphic similarity
FU Jian-lian,CHEN Qun-xiu
2005, 25(09): 2022-2024. DOI:
(179KB) (
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Topic partition is a significant problem during text structuring in automatic abstracting system.VSM was established for the whole article based on paragraph,and then algorithms for multi-topic text partitioning based on sequential paragraphic similarity were proposed.It solved the problem of chapter structural analysis in multi-topic article and made the abstract of the multi-topic to have more general content and more balanced structure.Experiments on close test show that the precision of topic partition for multi-topic text and single-topic text reaches 92.4% and 99.1% respectively.
Segmentation algorithm for Chinese based on extraction of context information
ZENG Hua-lin,LI Tang-qiu,SHI Xiao-dong
2005, 25(09): 2025-2027. DOI:
(183KB) (
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Chinese segmentation is a special and important issue in Chinese texts processing.The traditional segmentation methods based on an existing dictionary have an obvious defect when they are used to segment texts which may contain words unknown to the dictionary.And the probabilistic methods those consider the probabilistic model of the training set only also do a bad job on the texts of a specific domain.In this paper,a probabilistic segmentation method based on extracting context information was proposed,which adds the context information of the segmenting text into the segmentation probabilistic model so as to guide the processing.The method combining n-gram model and EM algorithm achieves a good effect in the close and opening test.
Study of automatic text categorization based on CBR
ZHANG Ting-hui,GENG Huan-tong,CAI Qing-sheng
2005, 25(09): 2028-2030. DOI:
(181KB) (
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K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN) is one of the top-performing classifiers,but it has a large time complexity on calculating the similarity between the document and all training samples.An automatic text categorization mechanism based on CBR was presented,the training sample library was converted to the case library and the document was classified by KNN.In experiments,the average recall and precision were 87.07% and 89.17% respectively.In addition,by analyzing the time complexity,this mechanism can perform much more quickly than the KNN method.
Improved feature selection method and TF-IDF formula based on word frequency differentia
LUO Xin,XIA De-lin,YAN Pu-liu
2005, 25(09): 2031-2033. DOI:
(168KB) (
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The vectorization of documents affects the speed and accuracy of text categorization greatly.The most common used formulas: TF-IDF,MI,and IG were analyzed.The method of feature selection based on word frequency differentia was proposed and TF-IDF formula was modified to improve the quality of feature selection,the speed and accuracy of categorization.
Fault diagnosis expert system with fault tree and rule matching
DAI Qian,WANG Li-sheng
2005, 25(09): 2034-2036. DOI:
(248KB) (
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Currently,sorts of objective factors limit the design and application of fault diagnosis expert systems.From the perspective of practicability,a fault diagnosis expert system model was brought about with fault tree and rule matching based on former fault tree diagnosis and rule inference methods,and the deducing algorithm and growing up mechanism in the system were given.This system model mainly focused on the efficiency and facility of the fault diagnosis system,thus it could be applied generally to some extent.In specialty,it has had a successful application in project.
Variant of K-means algorithm for document clustering: optimization initial centers
ZHAO Wan-lei,WANG Yong-ji,ZHANG Xue-jie,LI Juan
2005, 25(09): 2037-2040. DOI:
(244KB) (
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Document clustering had been employed in information filtering,web page classification and so on.K-means is one of the widely used clustering techniques because of its simplicity and high scalability.Owing to its random selection of initial centers,unstable results were often got when using traditional K-means and its variants.Here a technique of optimization initial centers of clustering was proposed.Combined with incremental iteration,it can produce clustering results with high purity,low entropy as well as good stableness.
Unified disposal for two-way loop in design of GiNaC compiler
QIN An,FU Hong-guang
2005, 25(09): 2041-2043. DOI:
(203KB) (
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A new method to dispose the two-way loop in syntax analysis was introduced.In this method,both increased and decreased loops were treated as one pattern.The recognition and distinction between them would be dealt with until the object codes was generated.Using this method,the weight of each part in compiler will be more equitable.At the same time,this method provides more information for code optimizing.GiNaC is an open-source symbolic computing package based on Linux,and the method implemented in GiNaC compiler achieves a satisfactory result.
Improved Dezert-Smarandache theory and its application in target recognition
MIAO Zhuang,CHENG Yong-mei,LIANG Yan,PAN Quan,YANG Yang
2005, 25(09): 2044-2046. DOI:
(178KB) (
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The Dezert-Smarandache Theory(DSmT) is more desirable than the D-S Theory in the case of solving conflicting evidence.However,the mass function of the main focal element is difficult to converge in many cases while applying DSmT.The new mass values were reconstructed to solve this problem.An improved DSmT was proposed so that the mass value of main element could quickly converge.Simulation results of target recognition based on 2D sequence images of airplanes demonstrate that the revised mass value of main focal element has better convergence to the desired threshold and consequently the task of target recognition is accomplished more precisely.
Research on 3D modeling with integration CAD into ComGIS
LIU Ling,HU Ying-kui,AI Ji-xi,WANG Xue-bing
2005, 25(09): 2047-2049. DOI:
(190KB) (
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Aiming at the lack of the function of 3D Modeling of ComGIS,the idea of 3D Modeling based on ComGIS and CAD’ Integration was put forward,and an integration method of 3D Modeling was introduced.The idea was that GIS data’ import,3D Modeling and raster picture of 3D perspective drawing were realized by Visual LISP programming of AutoCAD,the command of WIN32 API ran AutoCAD in background,and Command Scripts realized loading and running of Visual LISP,and at last,GIS displayed 3D Model.
Unknown computer virus detection based on fuzzy pattern recognition
ZHANG Bo-yun,YIN Jian-ping,TANG Wen-sheng,HAO Jing-bo
2005, 25(09): 2050-2053. DOI:
(298KB) (
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A fuzzy recognition algorithm to detect computer virus approximately was present.It could overcome the shortage of normal virus scanner-which could not detect unknown virus.Based on this method,a virus detect network model was designed.This model can detect virus in the on-line system,and it can also detect known and unknown computer virus by analyzing the program behavior.
Designing and constructing of knowledge management system and CIMS
ZHOU Xiao-qing
2005, 25(09): 2054-2056. DOI:
(202KB) (
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The obstacles of the typical CIMS in the age of knowledge management were discussed,the design thinking and frame structure of the CIMS system of an enterprise based on knowledge were put forward.Realizing work-flow management and the integrated skill of knowledge management were one of key skills.The detail design,actualized project and economy benefit of CIMS were pointed out.
Network and information security
Threshold partially blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings
LU Hong-wen,ZHENG Zhuo
2005, 25(09): 2057-2059. DOI:
(161KB) (
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Partially blind signature schemes in practice can not only protect the message sender’s privacy efficiently but also limit the sender’s ability by embedding the signer’s information.A threshold signature scheme distributes the signing abilities to a group of signers,and avoids the system unsecurity.Recently the researches in these two signature schemes are popular.Meanwhile the signature schemes from bilinear pairings have attracted more attentions.In this paper a new threshold partially blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings was proposed. Further more the security and efficiency of the proposed scheme were analyzed.
Key management scheme for secure multicast based on threshold and one-way function
ZHANG Zhi-hao,XUE Xiao-ping,HE Ming-de
2005, 25(09): 2060-2062. DOI:
(180KB) (
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Multicast is the current prime network technique focusing on the group receivers,but the absence of security mechanism has limited its application in various network services.Group key management is one of the kernel problems in secure multicast.A group key management scheme for secure multicast was proposed,which can not only effectively reduce the key numbers of group controller,but also detract the probability of alliance attack.
Mobile agent route protocol based on Hash functions collisions
LIU Yi,JIANG Zheng-tao,WANG Yu-min
2005, 25(09): 2063-2065. DOI:
(167KB) (
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The characteristics of mobile agents make them ideal for electronic commerce applications in open networks.But the security problems have been an obstacle for mobile agents to be practical.In this paper,Domingo J.’s mobile agents route protections based on Hash functions collision was analyzed.It was pointed out that the protocol could not be against collusion of malicious hosts.Then a secure route protocol of mobile agents based on Hash functions collision was given.The method not only satisfied all security properties but also kept the computational complexity of hosts lower.
Authenticated routing for Ad hoc networks and performance analysis
LI Jian-dong,HUANG Zhen-hai,TIE Man-xia
2005, 25(09): 2066-2069. DOI:
(320KB) (
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Security threats against Ad hoc routing protocols were introduced in terms of AODV and DSR used as representatives of multi-hop Ad hoc on-demand protocols.In order to guard against these attacks,security requirements for Ad hoc routing design were described and an Authenticated Routing for Ad hoc Networks(ARAN) was detailed.This current protocol exploited asymmetric cryptographic operations and its routing messages were signed by node’s private key,so it successfully defeated many different types of identified attacks.Although ARAN has some disadvantages on computing complexity and memory size,it is a sufficient on-demand security routing protocol and can satisfy security routing requirements for various applications.
Routing protocol with encryption and authentication for Ad hoc network
WANG Ju-fen,YUAN Dao-hua,WANG Fang,ZHANG Fan
2005, 25(09): 2070-2073. DOI:
(247KB) (
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With the features of convenience and flexibility,Ad hoc network becomes one of the most valuable next-generation networks.However,it has many secure defects because of its lack of inherent infrastructure.The possible secure defects of Ad hoc network were analyzed,and an improved routing protocol with encryption and authentication for Ad hoc network was brought forth,which can prevent both active and passive attacks.The security and efficiency of this protocol were also evaluated.
Design of a deception-based intrusion prevention model
2005, 25(09): 2074-2077. DOI:
(250KB) (
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Research of host intrusion detection systems based on levenberg-marquardt algorithm
WANG Zi-min,WANG Yong1TAN Yong-hong
2005, 25(09): 2078-2079. DOI:
(115KB) (
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Intrusion Detection System(IDS) is one of the research hotspots in the field of Information Security.The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was taken to optimize traditional BP Neural Network,and the LMBP algorithm was successfully applied to host intrusion detection systems.Then an LMBP-HIDS intrusion detection systems model was built.The result indicated that by using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to optimize BP Neural Network,the BP Neural Network could work more efficiently in Intrusion Detection Systems.It could improve the training speed,shorten the training process.
Register code software encryption and protection based on RSA algorithm
HUANG Jun,XU Juan,ZUO Hong-fu
2005, 25(09): 2080-2082. DOI:
(264KB) (
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An integral method on how to protect software was presented.The method was based on register code software protection.The method of "one computer one register code",and RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) algorithm were used to encrypt the register code and save different encrypt keys in a database.The method can prevent the illegal register code and illegal register program.In the end,the software protection of the method was realized with(VC++) 6.0.
Security component model based on agile kernel structure of elastos
HU Tian-hua,GU Wei-nan
2005, 25(09): 2083-2085. DOI:
(186KB) (
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Elastos is an operation system based on ezCOM component technology.The Agile Kernel model is adopted which supports dynamic loading,substituting and unloading system.In this paper,the security component model based on the Agile Kernel model was presented and a digital watermark security component was built according to the security component model,which was one of the feasible strategies to resolve security problem of operation system.
Proxy convertible authenticated encryption schemes
REN De-ling,WEI Wei,Lü Ji-qiang
2005, 25(09): 2086-2088. DOI:
(157KB) (
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Combining proxy signature and convertible authenticated encryption scheme together,a proxy convertible authenticated encryption scheme and a(t,n) threshold were proposed,which could make a proxy signer/at least t of n proxy signers delegating an original signer authenticatedly encrypt a message to a designated receiver.
Automatic cryptographic protocol analysis
NING Xiao-jun,HUANG Liu-sheng,ZHOU Zhi
2005, 25(09): 2089-2091. DOI:
(149KB) (
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Cryptographic protocol is one of the important ways of constructing safe internet environment and protecting the safety of information systems.However,it is very difficult to analyze its limitation and unclose the intrusion.In this article,an automatic cryptographic protocol analysis was put forward,based on object submission and information model inspection by synthesizing the cryptographic protocol analysis based on logic and model matching,and further analysis on public-key protocol of Need-Schroeder(NS) was made.
IP traceback based on adjusted probabilistic packet marking
GU Xiao-qing,LIU Yuan
2005, 25(09): 2092-2093. DOI:
(177KB) (
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Defending against distributed denial of service attacks is one of the hardest security problems on the Internet today.Among several countermeasures,adaptive probabilistic packet making(APPM) is promising.Every router marks a passing packet with a probability that is adaptive to a given strategy,so that a minimum convergence time for an attacking path can be achieved to the victim,and the victim can be found in attack path reconstruction using IP traceback method.In this paper,an adaptive probabilistic packet making scheme was given.Compared to common schemes,it reduced the number of packets needed for path reconstruction,and the computation overhead and false proofs in path reconstruction were effectively reduced.
Parallel,fair and intelligent QoS multicast routing mechanism in IP/DWDM optical internet
WANG Xing-wei,LIU Cong,CUI Jian-ye,HUANG Min
2005, 25(09): 2094-2097. DOI:
(236KB) (
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QoS requirement is denoted by the range to support the flexible and heterogeneous QoS.According to the microeconomics theory and method,a Kelly/PSP model-based pricing strategy was presented to support the inter-group fairness.The ELSD(Equal Link Split Downstream) method was adopted to apportion the cost among group members,thus the intra-group fairness was provided.Based on the parallelized FCNN(Firing Coupled Neural Network),a parallel and intelligent QoS multicast routing algorithm was introduced,exploiting the inherent parallelism in FCNN fully and improving the scalability to the network size and the problem complexity significantly.Combining the above,a parallel,fair and intelligent QoS multicast routing mechanism was established.Simulation results have shown that the proposed mechanism is both effective and efficient,and the runtime efficiency of the proposed parallelized algorithm is higher than its corresponding serialized one.
Effective bandwidth and measurement-based admission control algorithm for heavy traffic
GUI Zhi-bo,ZHOU Li-chao
2005, 25(09): 2098-2099. DOI:
(175KB) (
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Based on the TES(Transform Expand Sample) models of heavy traffics with certain burstiness,a new practical formula for computation of effective bandwidth of traffics was derived out.When the effective bandwidth computed by means of this formula was used as the declared bandwidth of the newly coming traffic,all the simulation results on the related measurement-based admission control(MBAC) algorithm showed that the better utilization of network could be achieved than the way of those MBAC algorithms that only used average rate or peak rate as the declared bandwidth for newly coming traffic.
Mobile agent’s lifecycle management based on lease
TAO Xiao-feng,SUN Jian
2005, 25(09): 2100-2103. DOI:
(245KB) (
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A lease model was cited into mobile agent system.With the model,there was a lease relationship between mobile agent and its run-time environment.Taking advantage of lease negotiation and a limited time,mobile agent run-time environment could restrict mobile agent’s lifecycle without changing mobile agent’s behaviors.This mechanism can enhance security of mobile agent system,and make it self-heal and self-management.
Survey of energy-efficient MAC protocols for Ad hoc networks
LI Ning,WANG Zhi-ming
2005, 25(09): 2104-2107. DOI:
(247KB) (
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Firstly,the background of using energy-efficient MAC protocols for wireless Ad hoc networks was introduced.Some related issues were discussed,including power-consumption features of wireless network interface devices,several factors that would influence the energy-efficiency,critical principles that must be kept when designing energy-efficient MAC protocols and usual approaches that can be resort to.Then,several typical energy-efficient MAC protocols and techniques were reviewed.Finally,some future research directions and challenges that must be overcome on this topic were investigated.
DMSP-Sharing Based Mobile Multicast Scheme
ZHANG Jian-ming,GU Nai-jie,LI Jing
2005, 25(09): 2108-2113. DOI:
(204KB) (
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RBMoM is a mobile multicast protocol with good integrated performance,which integrates two basic methods called Remote Subscription and Bi-directional Tunneling in Mobile IP of IETF.The problems in RBMoM mobile multicast protocol were analysed,and a DMSP-sharing mechanism was proposed,on which an efficient mobile multicast scheme was provided based.This scheme lessens efficiently multicast traffic in network,and reduces multicast tree maintenance costs,but does not cause multicast data delivery to incur too large delivery delay.
Algorithm for the longest induced path in Hypercube
QIU Cheng-gong,MA Ying-hong,REN Xiao-hui
2005, 25(09): 2111-2113. DOI:
(158KB) (
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Hypercube network is a kind of common interconnection network.The definition of the longest induced path(the LIP) in hypercube was proposed with an algorithm for the LIP which could improve the performance of the fault-tolerance in multiprocessors.In the end,the realization of the algorithm using the language(C++) was given.
Network management architecture based on smart 802.1X client
LI Zhi-qiang,XIAO Zong-shui
2005, 25(09): 2114-2116. DOI:
(258KB) (
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The limits of traditional SNMP NMS were analyzed,and then new network management architecture was presented,which extended 802.1X client.Network management module was added and the weakness of traditional NMS was complemented.The extended client was designed by the technology of platform-plug-in,so that this architecture has flexible structure and is easy to extend.
Graphics and image processing
Variable size block matching bi-directional motion compensation based on entropy criterion
MA She-xiang,WANG Lei,LIU Gui-zhong,LIU Tie-gen
2005, 25(09): 2117-2119. DOI:
(208KB) (
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A variable size block matching bi-directional motion estimation and compensation scheme was introduced.The optimal segmentation of the encoding frame was achieved by the entropy criterion.Assuming the backward frame(reference frame) was encoded by the variable size block matching backward motion estimation and compensation,then the current frame was encoded by the bi-directional motion estimation and compensation.For this frame,backward motion estimation and compensation used the segmentation information of the backward frame firstly.Then,from the backward frame to the current frame,forward motion estimation and compensation was performed on the smaller blocks.The overlapped compensation pixels were the average filter.Because it used variable sizes block matching and utilized the well performance of forward motion estimation,the prediction quality was further improved.Simulation results show that the average peak signal-noise ratio is increased with various video sequences.
Moving object tracking algorithm based on Hausdorff distance
SHEN Yun-tao,GUO Lei,REN Jian-feng
2005, 25(09): 2120-2122. DOI:
(185KB) (
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It is a hard job to track the moving objects in video sequence.Considering disadvantages of watershed transform,a novel moving object tracking algorithm was proposed based on Hausdorff distance.In the algorithm,firstly Canny edge detector was adopted for the image boundary generation,and multi-scale watershed transform was used to initialize contour of the objects.Then the matching of the objects was judged by partial Hausdorff distance.Finally,multi-scale watershed transform was reused to update the object model.Experiment results show that the proposed algorithm can efficiently track more than one non-rigid moving object simultaneously.
Dynamically representing 3D lighting effect based on photos
HAN Hui-jian,XU Lin
2005, 25(09): 2123-2125. DOI:
(225KB) (
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Traditional image texture mapping can increase abundant details for virtual object.As virtual lighting condition varies,textures lack realistic representation with dynamic lighting changes.Bump mapping can get basic shadow varying by disturbing normal vectors.But it is difficult for a realistic photo to create a Bump map.Some concepts and theories of BRDF & BTF were described.An image-based method was offered,which could dynamically represent surface detail of diffuse objects.Using it,the mapped textures can represent dynamical effect in different virtual lighting.
Multilevel adaptive cluttering segmentation method for marine ship in remote sensing image
TANG Ya-bo,LIU Xiao-jun,XU Shou-shi
2005, 25(09): 2126-2127. DOI:
(182KB) (
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Modified image information entropy which could express the complex degree of the target region was used in this paper.Based on the modified image information entropy and Otsu cluttering algorithm,a multilevel adaptive segmentation algorithm for marine target under complex background images was put forward.Experiment results testify the validity of the proposed methods.
Face detection based on cascaded boosting algorithm
ZHU Wen-qiu,LUO San-ding
2005, 25(09): 2128-2130. DOI:
(189KB) (
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An algorithm based on Cascaded Boosting for human face detection was proposed.Firstly,the PCA was used to extract the feature from human face images,and integrate historical information into successive boosting learning.Based on linear recursive feature elimination(RFE) strategy,the redundancy of AdaBoost was removed.The ORL face database was used to test the proposed method.Experiment results shows that the method is effective and good detective performance is achieved.
Face recognition based on Gabor features and kernel discriminant analysis method
LIU Jing,ZHOU Ji-liu
2005, 25(09): 2131-2133. DOI:
(163KB) (
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A Gabor features based classification using kernel discriminant analysis for face recognition was introduced.First an augmented Gabor feature vector was derived from the Gabor filters.Then the kernel discriminant analysis(KDA) method was used for enhanced face recognition performance.The Gabor features characterized by spatial frequency,spatial locality,and orientation selectivity can do with the variations due to changes in illumination and facial expression.The KDA method can derive the nonlinear discriminant features in the input space.The feasibility of this method has been tested by experiments.
New kernel generalized optimal feature extraction method
XU Chun-ming,ZHANG Tian-ping,WANG Zheng-qun,WANG Xiang-dong
2005, 25(09): 2134-2136. DOI:
(201KB) (
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Based on the theory of kernel generalized optimal feature extracted mode,a new method for the corresponding mode was proposed.Firstly space transform method was used to transform initial kernel between class scatter matrix and kernel total scatter matrix,so the kernel total scatter matrix became positive definition. At the same time,by the means of kernel uncorrelated feature vectors extraction,the feature vectors got were statistical uncorrelated.To verify the effectiveness of this method,experiment was tested on ORL face databases and the result showed that the face recognition method proposed is more available than other methods such as kernel discriminant analysis.
Lossless compression scheme based on IWT and adaptive prediction
ZHOU Guo-rui,SUN Shi-xin,WANG Wen-jiang
2005, 25(09): 2137-2139. DOI:
(160KB) (
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A novel lossless image compression scheme IWTAP was presented based on combining integer wavelet transform and adaptive prediction.The theoretic arguments of the scheme was clarified first,and then the less complicated formula were given for computing these parameters which were deduced according to matrix theories and self-correlation model of low pass.At encoder side,high pass coefficients were modified by low pass coefficients following each time integer wavelet transform.Parameters used in modification were produced adaptively based on the characteristics of low and high pass coefficients.At decoder side,the high pass coefficients were reverted firstly,and then the integer wavelet transform was reversed.Experiments show that the scheme can greatly decrease the entropy of high passes and the lossless image compression bit rate,while the computational complexity increases slightly.
Denosing method based on wavelet transform
ZENG Xiang-li,FU Yan,QING Hua-ping
2005, 25(09): 2140-2142. DOI:
(166KB) (
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A method for de-noising by threshold,and their method has been used in many signal de-noising and compression problems.But it is not successful for the signals with detail local signal.It is known that detail local signals and noises have different Lipschitz coefficients,and after DWT they have different characters in time-scale domain.In this paper,a new improvement threshold method was proposed,which could de-noise effective and remain detail local signals as many as possible.
New concave polygon convex decomposition algorithm for rapid prototyping subarea scanning
BIAN Hong-you,LIU Wei-jun,WANG Tian-ran,ZHAO Ji-bin
2005, 25(09): 2143-2145. DOI:
(168KB) (
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A new concave polygon convex decomposition algorithm for rapid prototyping subarea scanning was proposed.The visible point chain of reflex point basic on the plus-minus method was found,and the related decomposition regulations aimed to the subarea of rapid prototyping scanning were presented.The best link point was selected by using the weight function or adopting the assistant point according to those regulations,and the acquired convex polygon shape quality was effectively advanced.The algorithm,as the bottom algorithm of the rapid prototyping scanning software system,has been applied to zone the profiled outline.
Edge detection in glass fragmentation image
ZHOU Xue-qin,LIU Xiao-hong
2005, 25(09): 2146-2147. DOI:
(195KB) (
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Based on the characteristics of glass fragmentation images,a process was proposed.It first combined noise reduction,a traditional edge-detection operator,and threshold segmentation to produce an initial binary image partition.Then it applied the distance function to reconstruct and inverse it.Finally it used the watershed transformation based on chain code to obtain the whole segmentation image of fragmented glass.The final image can be used in testing safety glasses, for example to analyze and count the number of fragments.
Content-based adaptive robust public watermarking algorithm
LI Zhi,CHEN Xiao-wei
2005, 25(09): 2148-2150. DOI:
(236KB) (
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A content-based adaptive robust public watermarking algorithm was presented,including several good points such as taking advantage of the characters of human visual to realize the adaptive watermarking embedding.According to the contents of original host image,the algorithm intelligently adjusts the threshold to embed watermarking adaptively and it doesn’t need host image when detecting the information of watermarking. 更多还原
Novel fragile watermark technique based on chaos and image content
CHEN Fan,ZHU Da-yong,XU Yi
2005, 25(09): 2151-2154. DOI:
(236KB) (
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To overcome well-connected attack in fragile watermarking,a novel fragile watermarking method based on chaotic system and image content was proposed.Based on the character of matrix singular values,singular values of image matrix were converted into a binary sequence as the watermark to be embedded.To improve watermark security,a chaotic system was applied to encrypt the watermark sequence.Then with the general fragile watermarking method,the tampered area of the watermarked image could be reflected in the watermarking difference map and singular values difference to improve the resistance to well-connected attack.Theoretic analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is effectively resistance to well-connected attack and more secure.
Typical applications
Design and implementation of evaluation system for quality of super-large aeronautic product based on.NET
ZHAO Song-zheng,YIN Ming,LIANG Gong-qian,LIU Wei
2005, 25(09): 2155-2158. DOI:
(207KB) (
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With the increasing of product complexity,more requirements are raised to evaluation of quality.Directed toward large complex aerial product,evaluation architecture and model for product quality were proposed with synthesized theory.On basis of that,the key process and function of the evaluation system for quality of super-large aeronautic product were designed.At last,the implementation technology and the key function implementation of the evaluation system for quality of super-large aeronautic product based on.NET were presented in detail.
Data modeling research in telecommunication business support system
LI Yong,LIU Xiao-dong
2005, 25(09): 2159-2162. DOI:
(253KB) (
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he application of data modeling technology in Telecommunication BSS was discussed,and a sample about an unusual customer’s recognition system was presented.According to the data mining process,the procedure of data modeling,evaluation and data attribute reducing was deeply discussed.Through actual validating,the results indicate that this application used in telecom system based on data mining is more effective.
Design and implementation of dual-redundancy flight control computer system
SHI Xian-liang,WU Cheng-fu
2005, 25(09): 2163-2164. DOI:
(188KB) (
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Rdundancy technology is very important to improve the reliability of system.A kind of new method of dual-redundancy flight control computer system was presented in detail.First,the system architecture and the basic principle working were introduced in brief.Second,how to write multiple-task arithmetic in the embedded real-time operating system of VxWorks was introduced.This dual-redundancy system can improve safety reliability and task reliability effectively,and by using this method,the designed system becomes good real-time and practicable.
Research and realization of covering page-swapping mechanism by cutting Linux core
WANG Ya-jun,LIU Jin-gang
2005, 25(09): 2165-2168. DOI:
(240KB) (
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Page-swapping technology is very important in memory management of Linux.But this technology is not suitable for Real-time system.How to cover page-swapping mechanism in Linux core was expatiated.
Application of prior-knowledge-bearing learning machine in biological sequence analysis
LIU Ying,LIN Yuan-lie,QIN Zheng
2005, 25(09): 2169-2170. DOI:
(130KB) (
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Biological sequence analysis is an important application domain of data mining technology.Its particularity lies in that a great deal of prior knowledge can be utilized to improve the learning process.In the research of the protein modification of N-acetylation,by properly using prior knowledge and upgrading the pattern extraction method,improvement in performance of the SVM model was achieved.
Discovery of spatial association rules based on multiple minimum supports
WU An-yang,ZHAO Wei-dong
2005, 25(09): 2171-2174. DOI:
(234KB) (
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Mining spatial association rules can be used to discover the special spatial relationship between spatial predicate and nonspatial predicate in the spatial database.A multiple minimum supports-based algorithm for the discovery of spatial association rules was proposed,aiming at the road information of downtown area, and the general method of mining spatial association rules in GIS was presented.The algorithm can find the spatial association rules which users are interested in from city road geographical information database.Through the application in the city road planning and management system,the algorithm is proved to be effective and viable.
Computer network information discovery based on information fusion
SUN Liang,LI Dong,ZHANG Tao,XIONG Yong-ping,ZOU Bai-liu
2005, 25(09): 2175-2176. DOI:
(197KB) (
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The available tools for detecting network information can hardly meet the demands of acquiring the completeness and precision of network information for the researchers.The information fusion technology was applied to collect the network information using several detecting tools.The information from different detecting tools was fused in different layers.In data layer,the fuzzy logical statistic method was adopted to identify system type and network device,and in logic layer,the most credible information was obtained with the support of system knowledge database.
Lookahead selective sampling algorithm for production recommendation
YANG Jing,GAO Lin-qi
2005, 25(09): 2177-2178. DOI:
(157KB) (
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The decline of recommending quantity resulted in the extreme sparsity of user data was dealt with,based on nearest neighbor algorithm and the combination of selective sampling and lookahead framework for recommendation system,with the purpose of improving the accuracy of recommendation.The algorithm was put into experiment,with much lower average error rate and higher stability.
RBF-based time-series forecasting
ZHOU Guang-xu
2005, 25(09): 2179-2181. DOI:
(263KB) (
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The nonlinear properties of stock information were analyzed,and a novel time-series forecasting algorithm was provided.The new algorithm introduced radial basis functions into the basic ARMA model to explore the interaction among past information,and then chose optimal parameters for RBFs using an improved genetic algorithm.Then,selected stock prices trend was forecast using the new algorithm and approving results were achieved.
Research on the data grid technique for earthquake disaster alleviation scientific computing grid system
YAN Hong-mei,ZHAN Shou-yi,YANG Fang-ting
2005, 25(09): 2182-2184. DOI:
(186KB) (
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Locating,accessing,retrieving data efficiently is a main problem needed to be solved in WAN.Data Grid is an efficient way to solve the problem.The virtual Mete data model was used to put forward the unique data accessing interface.The unique data accessing interface was used to build the Mete data Directory Service.Finally the design concept was used to build the data management in Earthquake Disaster Alleviation Simulation Grid System.The efficient management on data resource was implemented.
Research on application of traffic smoothing algorithm
LI Zheng-ming,YE De-jian,ZHANG Zuo
2005, 25(09): 2185-2187. DOI:
(175KB) (
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The application of traffic smoothing algorithms(mainly WTS) in the context of developing a high-performance streaming server was studied.Two practical problems were analyzed and solved: one was to prevent the application of smoothing algorithm from bringing impacts on synchronization of audio and video streams on the client ends,and the other was to modify the sending plans produced by smoothing algorithms in order to make them applicable in RTP transferring.These two problems were studied and analyzed,and corresponding solutions and algorithms were presented and validated by experiments.
Multi-resolution parallel isosurface rendering
AI Zhi-wei,WANG Hong-kun
2005, 25(09): 2188-2191. DOI:
(250KB) (
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A visualization system of multi-resolution parallel isosurface rendering was presented.With an explicit schedule strategy,real-time rendering based on Level-Of-Detail model was achieved.Mesh reduction and multi-resolution techniques were introduced.Some experiments show that fast isosurface rendering can be realized in parallel and distributed environment.
Application research on general purpose computation on GPU
ZHANG Yang,ZHU Chang-qian,HE Tai-jun
2005, 25(09): 2192-2195. DOI:
(236KB) (
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In the research on general purpose computation accelerated by graphics hardware, a computation model based on OPENGL was synthesized,the performance of the computation structure was tested and several ways to enhance computing performance were analyzed.Then a method of parallel 2-d DCT on GPU was presented.This method computes DCT on 8×8 pixel blocks by one pass rendering.Up to 4 color channels of a picture can be simultaneously performed during the computation.Experiment results indicate that performance of hardware accelerated DCT is hundreds of times faster than that of CPU implementation in our hardware conditions.
Slice-based surface reconstruction of 3D pipeline
CHEN Han,WU Qun-yong,WANG Qin-min
2005, 25(09): 2196-2198. DOI:
(234KB) (
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Based on comparing surface rendering with direct volume rendering and slice-based with volume-based surface reconstruction of 3D objects and analyzing the work-flow of surface reconstruction,a method of calculating shape points which was easier to flexure of pipeline was presented.With this method,shape points were calculated by surface outline equation got from quadratic surface.Then these shape points were patched with triangles grid,which gained the pipeline surface model.Finally,the pipeline models were rendered by means of computer graphics in order to implement 3D pipeline surface reconstruction.At last,a reconstruction instance with Java3D was given.
Design and implementation of finite state automaton on USSD dialogue
JIANG Hai-sheng,FAN Hui
2005, 25(09): 2199-2201. DOI:
(172KB) (
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USSD(Unstructured Supplementary Service Data)is a type of interactive data service based on the GSM mobile network.Compared with the SMS,the service has more special characteristics such as high speed of response,strong interactive ability,high reliability and so on.Firstly the Signaling flow of USSD dialogue was analyzed,aiming at improving the parallel processing ability of Signaling.Then the implementation method of finite state automaton on USSD dialogue was brought forward.
Wireless portal of monitoring centre based on AAF
JIN Hai-hua,ZHANG Yong-jin,XIE Jian-cang,LI Hong
2005, 25(09): 2202-2203. DOI:
(211KB) (
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WAP promotes the effective combination of mobile communication and Internet,which is a developing direction of the network technology in the future.The basic principles of WAP and WML that develops WAP and AAF framework were introduced.The wireless portal of monitoring centre was designed and developed with the combination of WAP and AAF.
Research on a hybrid architecture for media streaming distribution
YANG Chuan-dong,YU Zhen-wei,WANG Xing-gang
2005, 25(09): 2204-2207. DOI:
(269KB) (
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To distribute video and audio data in real-time streaming mode,both CDN(Content Distributed Network) based and P2P based architectures have been proposed.However,each kind of architecture has its own limitations.The hybrid architecture which integrates CDN and P2P based streaming media distribution significantly lowers the cost of CDN server resources,without compromising the media quality delivered.In this paper,a new design of this kind of hybrid system was presented,and a resolution for some critical issues such as caching strategies at peers and the server failure recovery was given.
New embedded Net control system for electrical heating based on ARM9
SUN Shi-you,WANG Ye-fu,SHEN Yi
2005, 25(09): 2208-2211. DOI:
(273KB) (
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A currently prevalent and mature technique of Linux embedded system on the ARM9 platform combined with the MiniGUI graphics library was introduced.A kind of ARM+Linux+MiniGUI embedded exchanger for temperature control was designed.It consists of a net control system for the electrical heating based on the double net link.As a result,it boasts the characteristics of low cost,high security and multi-purpose of the embedded system.
Design and implementation of the SmartPhone based remote home surveillance system
WANG Ning,HUANG Zhang-qin,CHENG Liang,HOU Yi-bin
2005, 25(09): 2212-2213. DOI:
(182KB) (
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A 2.5G SmartPhone based Remote Home Surveillance System was presented,and the system structure and design principles were described.Based on the analysis of current GPRS bandwidth and SmartPhone’s computing power,an MJPEG based surveillance scheme and the design of related transfer/control protocol were introduced. The realization and analysis of proto type system was presented at the end of the paper.
MPEG-4 key technology in video-medical system
ZHANG Ya-nan,GENG Guo-hua,ZHOU Ming-quan,ZHU Xin-yi
2005, 25(09): 2214-2215. DOI:
(161KB) (
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Through the analysis of MPEG-4 video coding essential technology and principles,a video-medical system was developed,based on JMF and applied in the intellectualized community by using real-time,highly effective wireless video transmission features of MPEG-4.In video service system,JMF provides a unified construction and correspondence agreement to manage the gain,processing and the transmission of the time-based media.The adoption of real-time transmission agreement/Real-time transmission controlling agreement(RTP/RTCP) guarantees the video transmission process timeliness well,and introduces MPEG-4 compression algorithm plug-in unit in JMF to ensure the video compression.The compression rate of MPEG-4 compression algorithm is relatively higher and has strong network compatibility,which produces good effect in the procedure realization process.
Research and implementation of fast data I/O methods between DSP and host in multithread application
ZHOU Dong-mei,ZHONG Xiao-ling,WANG Jian-qin
2005, 25(09): 2216-2218. DOI:
(177KB) (
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TI TMS320DM642 is a powerful multimedia DSP of TI.Methods transferring large quantities of data between DM642 and PC throught PCI data bus in multithread application were introduced,and a fast and stable way was presented in detail.
2024 Vol.44 No.12
Current Issue
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Sichuan Associations for Science and Technology
Sponsored by:
Sichuan Computer Federation
Chengdu Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Honorary Editor-in-Chief:
ZHANG Jingzhong
XU Zongben
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