Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 48-52.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2015.01.0048

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PageRank parallel algorithm based on Web link classification

CHEN Cheng1, ZHAN Yinwei1, LI Ying2   

  1. 1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou Guangdong 511400, China;
    2. Institute of Digital Guangdong, Guangzhou Guangdong 510000, China
  • Received:2014-07-17 Revised:2014-08-21 Online:2015-01-01 Published:2015-01-26


陈诚1, 战荫伟1, 李鹰2   

  1. 1. 广东工业大学 计算机学院, 广州511400;
    2. 广东省数字广东研究院, 广州510000
  • 通讯作者: 陈诚
  • 作者简介:陈诚(1989-),男,四川简阳人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:云计算、分布式应用、数据挖掘;战荫伟(1966-),男,吉林长春人,教授级高级工程师,博士,主要研究方向:图像处理、模式识别、数据挖掘;李鹰(1958-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,教授级高级工程师,博士,主要研究方向:遥感技术、物联网、大数据分析.


Concerning the problem that the efficiency of serial PageRank algorithm is low in dealing with mass Web data, a PageRank parallel algorithm based on Web link classification was proposed. Firstly, the Web was classified according to its Web link, and the weights of different Web which was from diverse websites were set variously. Secondly, with the Hadoop parallel computation platform and MapReduce which has the characteristics of dividing and conquering, the Webpage ranks were computed parallel. At last, a data compression method of three layers including data layer, pretreatment layer and computation layer was adopted to optimize the parallel algorithm. The experimental results show that, compared with the serial PageRank algorithm, the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is improved by 12% and the efficiency is improved by 33% in the best case.

Key words: link classification, Hadoop, PageRank, MapReduce, data compression



关键词: 链接分类, Hadoop, PageRank, MapReduce, 数据压缩

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