Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 869-875.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2022010141

Special Issue: 网络与通信

• Network and communications • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Greedy synchronization topology algorithm based on formal concept analysis for traffic surveillance based sensor network

Qing YE1,2, Xin SHI3(), Mengwei SUN3, Jian ZHU3   

  1. 1.National Engineering Research Center for Mountainous Highways,Chongqing 400067,China
    2.School of Big Data and Software Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing 401331,China
    3.School of Information Engineering,Chang’an University,Xi’an Shaanxi 710064,China
  • Received:2022-02-11 Revised:2022-05-30 Accepted:2022-06-20 Online:2022-07-15 Published:2023-03-10
  • Contact: Xin SHI
  • About author:YE Qing, born in 1994, Ph. D. candidate, engineer. His research interests include intelligent transportation, vehicle infrastructure cooperation, autonomous driving.
    SUN Mengwei, born in 1997, M. S. candidate. Her research interests include collaborative perception based on internet of vehicles.
    ZHU Jian, born in 1997, M. S. candidate. His research interests include time synchronization based on wireless sensor network.
  • Supported by:
    Project of Open Fund of National Engineering Research Center for Mountainous Highways(GSGZJ-2020-06)


叶青1,2, 史昕3(), 孙梦薇3, 朱健3   

  1. 1.国家山区公路工程技术研究中心, 重庆 400067
    2.重庆大学 大数据与软件学院, 重庆 401331
    3.长安大学 信息工程学院, 西安 710064
  • 通讯作者: 史昕
  • 作者简介:叶青(1994—),男,重庆人,工程师,博士研究生,主要研究方向:智慧交通、车路协同、自动驾驶
  • 基金资助:


Aiming at the energy efficiency and scene adaptability problems of synchronization topology, a Greedy Synchronization Topology algorithm based on Formal Concept Analysis for traffic surveillance based sensor network (GST-FCA) was proposed. Firstly, scene adaptability requirements and energy efficiency model of the synchronization topology in traffic surveillance based sensor network were analyzed. Secondly, correlation analysis was performed on the adjacent features of sensor nodes in the same layer and adjacent layers by using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). Afterward, Broadcast Tuples (BT) were built and synchronization sets were divided according to the greedy strategy with the maximum number of neighbors. Thirdly, a backtracking broadcast was used to improve the broadcast strategy of layer detection in Timing-synchronization Protocol of Sensor Network (TPSN) algorithm. Meanwhile, an upward hosting mechanism was designed to not only extend the information sharing range of synchronous nodes but also further alleviate the locally optimal solution problem caused by the greedy strategy. Finally, GST-FCA was verified and tested in terms of energy efficiency and scene adaptability. Simulation results show that compared with algorithms such as TPSN, Linear Estimation of Clock Frequency Offset (LECFO), GST-FCA decreases the synchronization packet overhead by 11.54%, 24.59% and 39.16% at lowest in the three test scenarios of deployment location, deployment scale and road deployment. Therefore, GST-FCA can alleviate the locally optimal solution problem and reduce the synchronization packet overhead, and it is excellent in energy efficiency when the synchronization topology meets the scene adaptability requirements of the above three scenarios.

Key words: traffic surveillance based sensor network, synchronization topology, Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), broadcast tuple, greedy strategy, synchronization packet overhead



关键词: 交通监测传感网络, 同步拓扑, 形式概念分析, 广播元组, 贪婪策略, 同步报文开销

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