Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2005, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (05): 1029-1030.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1029

• Artificial intelligence and simulation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Architecture of a simulator designed for multi-robot systems

LU Bo-bo, HUANG Hong   

  1. Department of Automatic Control, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Online:2005-05-25 Published:2005-05-01



  1. 北京理工大学自动控制系

Abstract: The experimental platform of multi-robot systems costs much and developers are often confronted with problems like hardware aging, malfunction and damage etc. Software architecture of a flexible simulation platform was proposed to solve these problems. This simulator was based on client/server architecture and used a kernel module to organize other functional modules. A concept of plug-in was introduced to build sensor plug-ins and they effectively achieved the simulating of varied sensors. Experiments show the simulator is usable and practicable.

Key words:  MRS(Multi-Robot Systems), simulator, plugin, RoboCup, client/server architecture

摘要:  针对多机器人系统实验平台造价高,硬件容易老化、损坏等问题,提出一种仿真平台实现模拟的框架结构。仿真平台基于客户机/服务器结构,利用内核模块管理其他功能模块,引入插件概念构造传感器插件有效的实现了传感器的模拟。实验证明其易用性与实用性。

关键词: 多机器人系统, 模拟器, 插件, RoboCup, 客户机/服务器结构

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