Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (01): 38-41.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2012.00038

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Fully secure attribute-based authenticated key exchange protocol

WEI Jiang-hong,LIU Wei-fen,HU Xue-xian   

  1. Institute of Information Engineering, Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou Henan 450002, China
  • Received:2011-08-09 Revised:2011-09-23 Online:2012-02-06 Published:2012-01-01
  • Contact: WEI Jiang-hong



  1. 信息工程大学 信息工程学院,郑州 450002
  • 通讯作者: 魏江宏
  • 作者简介:魏江宏(1987-),男,甘肃定西人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:密码协议的设计与分析;刘文芬(1965-),女,湖北安陆人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向:概率统计在通信和密码学中应用;胡学先(1982-),男,湖北红安人,讲师,博士研究生,主要研究方向:密码协议的设计与分析。
  • 基金资助:


Abstract: Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) scheme has been drawing attention for having a broad application in the area of fine-grained access control, directed broadcast, and so on. Combined with NAXOS technique, this paper proposed a fully secure Attribute-Based Authenticated Key Exchange (ABAKE) protocol based on an ABE scheme, and gave a detailed security proof in the Attribute-Based eCK (ABeCK) model by provable security theory. Compared with other similar protocols, the proposed protocol obtains stronger security and flexible attribute authentication policy, while decreasing communications cost.

Key words: Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE), access structure, key exchange, Attribute-Based eCK (ABeCK) model

摘要: 因在细粒度访问控制、定向广播等方面的广泛应用,基于属性的密码机制逐渐受到关注。以一个全安全的属性基加密(ABE)机制为基本构件,结合NAXOS技巧,提出了一个全安全的属性基认证密钥交换协议,并利用可证明安全理论在基于属性的eCK模型中进行了严格的形式化证明。相比已有的同类协议,提出的协议具有更高的安全性,并在提供丰富的属性认证策略的同时,减小了通信开销。

关键词: 属性基加密, 访问结构, 密钥交换, ABeCK模型

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