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    01 July 2005, Volume 25 Issue 07
    Network computing
    On computer networks and grid service
    ZENG Hua-shen, LI Ji, FENG Lin, GONG Xun
    2005, 25(07):  1475-1478.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01475
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    Grid service provides a distributed computing service over heterogeneous network environment by taking the advantage of the Web Service. The relationship among grid system and network systems, especially the Web Service system, was examined in the perspective of computer network architecture. An emphasis has been given to clarification of Open Grid Service Architecture(OGSA), in which some of layers irrelevant to network functionality (outside of the scope of OSI/RM) were miss-represented in early documents.

    Pervasive computing:human-centered computing
    SHI Wei-ren,ZHOU Bin,XU Lei
    2005, 25(07):  1479-1484.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01479
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    Pervasive computing is a human-centered computing paradigm, which emphasizes that computation should cater for user‘s intent and coordinate with users automatically to let them concentrate on their tasks. In the pervasive computing environment,  computation should be weaved into the everyday life to enable users to get computing and information services anytime and anywhere. The comprehensive background of pervasive computing was provided from its incentive and philosophy to the state of the art and future development, and finally a brief introduction and analysis to typical research projects up to date were given.

    Network and distributed techno
    QoS multicast routing algorithm based on hybrid genetic algorithm
    CHEN Nian-sheng, LI La-yuan, DONG Wu-shi2
    2005, 25(07):  1485-1487.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01485
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    The multicast routing problem with multiple QoS constraints is NP complete problem. A network model suitable for investigating the routing problem was described based on delay, delay jitter, bandwidth and packet loss metrics. A multicast routing algorithm with multiple QoS constraints based on GA and TS hybrid strategy was presented. This algorithm took advantage of GA and TS (Tabu Search), and overcame the shortcomings  of GA in solving the multicast routing problem with multiple QoS constraints-poor climbing ability and immature convergence. Simulation results show that the algorithm is an effective approach to multicast routing decision with multiple QoS constraints.
    Implementing distributed DRR scheduling algorithm in CICQ switche
    WANG Rong1, CHEN Yue2
    2005, 25(07):  1488-1490.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01488
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    Traditional inputqueued switches based on crossbar are insufficient in providing good QoS performance. As a contrast, the CICQ(combined input and crosspoint queuing) switches can provide almost 100% throughput under different input traffics. Its performance is very close to the OQ(outputqueued) switch, and has the potential to support good QoS. Based on the CICQ switch, a new scheme was put forward, which could realize distributed DRR schedule for the packets of variable length. It had both the scalability of inputqueued switches and QoS performance of outputqueued switches. Simulation results show the scheme is very effective and have good performance.
    CIOQ-based variable packet switches
    ZHANG Shu-qi,JIA Shu-heng
    2005, 25(07):  1491-1493.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01491
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    By extending the output queue (OQ) in traditional Combined Input-Output Queued (CIOQ) and using parallel transmission method in the internal switching architecture, the switching fabric could work in non-speedup with distributed operation of scheduling. By feeding the OQ‘s state back into the input, the switching architecture was able to fit for variable packets, and the expenses caused by segmentation and reassembling the packets in cell-based switching fabric were decreased.

    Research on path matrix based on regression model
    SHANG Feng-jun,PAN Ying-jun,TANG Hong
    2005, 25(07):  1494-1497. 
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    In order to manage the whole network, a novel traffic model was proposed based on the regression formula method. The core of model had three parts: (1) acquiring the delay by injecting probe packet train into the network based on Internet Protocol Measurement Protocol (IPMP); (2) deducing regression formula according to M/M/1 queue model; (3) acquiring the path by active measurement. In order to compute regression formula, the coefficients were acquired by the least square method. It is proved that the regression formula method is effective, and  the competed traffic error is within 30% by regress formula.

    Larger-traffic-first packet marking for real-time IP traceback
    LI Qiang, ZHU Hong-zi, JU Jiu-bin
    2005, 25(07):  1498-1501. 
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    Based on the current research on improving realtime PPM algorithms in IP traceback, the relations among marking probability, traffic volume for constructing an attack path and the distance of the attacking path were analysed. And an approach of realtime IP tracebacking which deploys larger traffic first probabilistic packet marking scheme (LTFMS) was proposed. According to the statistics on the present traffic of routers, a victim could construct a major attacking path in minimum time. For large-scale DDoS attacks, by establishing a simulated test environment and experiment analysis, LTFMS can construct more attacking paths than the existing schemes within the same time.
    Dynamic addressing in mobile ad hoc networks
    ZHANG Zhi,DAI Guan-hong,CHEN Wu,ZHAO Yu-ing
    2005, 25(07):  1502-1505. 
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    As an important issue of autoconfiguration in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), various dynamic addressing protocols were surveyed. Future research issues were presented based on the comparison of current addressing approaches.

    Pure end-to-end TCP approaches in wireless network
    CHEN Zuo-tian, ZHOU Jin-fang, CHEN Kang-sheng
    2005, 25(07):  1506-1508. 
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    The schemes to solve the high bit error problem in wireless networks were discussed. Aiming to improve the performance of TCP protocal in mobile environments, two typical TCP models of the pure end-to-end approaches, TCPW and TCP-Real,  were researched. The pure end-to-end schemes have the advantage of preserving the end-to-end semantics of TCP protocol. Simulation results with different bit error conditions of these protocols reveal an evident improvement in terms of TCP performance in relative to others, especially when the bit error rate is high.

    Effective multicast model based on hierarchical P2P overlay network
    CUI Xiao-yuan, SUN Xue-jun, YANG Yong-huo, HE Pi-lian
    2005, 25(07):  1509-1511. 
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    A distributed, scalable, and self -organized model HMCON(Hierarchical Multicast Overlay Network) was presented based on two-layer P2P network. This model balanced the load on every participant by delivering the source signal on several complementary multicast trees. This forest of trees could significantly improve the quality of communication. The simulation results on NS-2 using ITU-T E-Model verify the effectiveness of HMCON.

    A  multi-resources  load-balancing  algorithm
    LIU Ke-jian, LIU Xin-song, WU Ai
    2005, 25(07):  1512-1513. 
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    A multi-resources load-balancing algorithm in the distributed system was brought forward. While scheduling, first, the arriving tasks were classified by the resources which they would take up later, and then a load of each node was calculated online. Nodes in the system were also classified into some classes in term of the deference between load of a node and the average value of system. At last, a node in the least loading class was selected randomly and uniformly. The algorithm can avoid the schedulingpouring effect. It has been adopted in a distributed system and got a satisfying result.

    Head-signed congestion control algorithm based on ECN and priority
    LI Hong-chun,LIU Qun, CONG Yan-qi,LIU Xiao-jian
    2005, 25(07):  1514-1516. 
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    After researching  RED and ECN algorithm, a head-signed congestion control algorithm was raised based on ECN and priority. The signal was delivered to the receiver as fast as possible, and was brought to the initiator by the acknowledgement frame.  As a result, it can prevent the congestion and enhance the performance of network.

    Extension and implementation of 802.1X protocol for switch
    CAO Hua-wei,YIN Zhi-ben
    2005, 25(07):  1517-1519.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1097.2005.01517
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    The theory and authentication process of IEEE 802.1X protocol was analyzed and introduced. According to the requirements of authentication and port control of switch in Ethernet application environment, to solve the questions of port control, selection of authentication scheme, compatibility and security of authentication server, an extended scheme of 802.1X was given. It was implemented on a 100M switch, and tested in Ethernet environment.

    Reduction and improvement of TCP protocol based on μC/OS II
    FU Xue-jin,BAO Ke-jin
    2005, 25(07):  1520-1522.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01520
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    A method of predigesting implementation and ameliorating performance of TCP protocol was brought forward to adatp to the limited memory resource and slow CPU speed in embedded systems. The requirements of RFC 1122 document were reducted and ameliorated. The main techniques of TCP protocol implementation based on μC/OS II, such as module structure, core data structure, connection establishment, sending and receiving data and memory management, were described in detail. At last the fast retransmission and congestion avoidance algorithms were presented.

    Does DiffServ work well in wireless ad hoc networks?
    WANG Yu-ling1, LI Yun1, ZHAO Wei-liang1,2, LIU Zhan-jun1
    2005, 25(07):  1523-1525.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01523
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    The performance of DiffServ in wireless ad hoc networks was evaluated by simulation. The simulation results show that bandwidths obtained by high and low priority traffics were not consistent with their WRR(Weighted Round Robin) weight ratios. Combined with simulation trace, this phenomenon is caused by MAC mechanism. We conclude that it is impossible to proportionally distribute resource only using DiffServ at network layer in wireless ad hoc networks.

    Information security
    Research on the techniques of security events correlation
    GAO Lei, XIAO Zheng, WEI Wei, SUN Yun-ning
    2005, 25(07):  1526-1528. 
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    The events correlation techniques in security integration management systems were introduced. A normal architecture of the correlation engine was introduced, and some discussions on the critical technologies and the main achievements in the field were put forward. The directions of the technology development were analyzed and evaluated, such as pattern obtainment, engine distribution and performance promotion. At last, a solution based on hierarchical rules to correlate events was presented.

    Research and design of Windows firewall driver based on hook
    XIAN Ji-qing,TAN Dan,CHEN Hui
    2005, 25(07):  1529-1530.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01529
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    The network driver of Windows 2000/XP was analyzed, and a scheme of implementing firewall driver using NDIS(Network Driver Interface Specification) hook was presented. Different from API hook, the method could take effect without reboot and strengthen the ability of resisting intrusion. The driver worked on network layer and filtered all data packets through the computer, so it could protect users' information effectively and conveniently. A driver communication model based on share memory and event object was also provided. The analysis of this model indicates that it can greatly improve the communication efficiency between driver and application.

    DDoS defense system based on aggregated traffic pushback
    LI Xiao-ning
    2005, 25(07):  1531-1534.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01531
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    A new combined method of DDoS defense based on pushback of aggregated traffic  was proposed. The distributed traffic limit were made in the edge router where  DDoS traffics aggregated and in the level n of the reverse aggregate traversal tree  to offend the DDoS attack. Both algorithms for limiting traffic and constructing reverse aggregate traversal tree were described. The former can limit the DDoS traffic as more as possible and prevent the good traffic of users at the same time, and the latter can build the reverse aggregate traversal tree to be needed in pushbacking the aggregated traffic by detecting the path of the high aggregated traffic.

    Attack model and its application based on system states aggregation
    LAI Hai-guang, HUANG Hao, XIE Jun-yuan
    2005, 25(07):  1535-1539.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01535
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    In order to evaluate a systems security and predict the attack actions, an attack model  based on system states aggregation was presented. In the model, the threat was abstracted as the aggregation of the systems states, and the attack process was depicted as the change of the system states aggregation. A method of detecting network attacks and early warning using the model was also described. Based on the model, an early warning prototype was implemented. Our experiment shows that the prototype is able to  detect attack processes effectively and predict the possible risk level the system will reach.

    Automatic extraction of Internet worm signature based on common feature set
    LI Zhi-dong, YUN Xiao-chun, YANG Wu, XIN Yi
    2005, 25(07):  1540-1542.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01540
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    Serving as the bridge that links detection and containment, automatic signature extraction has played an important role in anti-worm. Traditional Internet worm signature extraction algorithms were introduced. Based on the  analysis of their mechanisms and major defections, an extraction algorithm  based on common feature set was presented. It supported low complexity extraction and optimization, as well as the tradeoff between sensitivity and specialization, and had remarkable superiority in dealing with background noise and cross infection.

    New encryption scheme of RSA with multi-recipient
    LI Xiao-feng,LU Jian-zhu
    2005, 25(07):  1543-1544.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01543
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    According to the protocol of RSA and the multi-private key theory, a new encryption scheme of RSA with multi-recipient was presented. This protocol allowed each recipient using the same public key during the encryption process and the sender using a random number to enlarge the public key following the number of recipients. Each recipient decrypted the cryptograph by two small public key. Therefore, the encryption speed of RSA was raised while withstanding the low exponent attack and multi-sending attack. Furthermore, this protocol was provided with the function of recipient identification.

    New certified E-mail protocol
    WANG Cai-fen,YU Cheng-zun,LIU Jun-long, JIA Ai-ku
    2005, 25(07):  1545-1547.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.10
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    The flaws contained in the proposed certified E-mail protocols were found out. Based on verifiable encryption with blind decryption scheme, two new certified E-mail protocols were presented, the new  protocols are practical, fair and secret, overcoming the flaws of  the proposed protocols.

    Promela modeling and analysis for security protocol
    LONG Shi-gong,WANG Qiao-li,LI Xiang
    2005, 25(07):  1548-1550.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01548
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    The normal model checking technology to analyse security protocol was introduce. As an example, a model for Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Protocol was constructed by using Promela language. SPIN was used to check and discover an attack upon the protocol. The method is easy to extend to check the security protocol which involves several agents.

    Network intrusion detection based on multi-class support vector machine
    LI Jian, FAN Wan-chun,HE Chi
    2005, 25(07):  1551-1553.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01551
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    The application of  multi-class support vector machine(SVM) for network intrusion detection was researched, and the key technique problems and solutions were discussed. Our designed SVM classifier was evaluated with a benchmark dataset used in the third knowledge discovery and data mining competition (KDD'99), the results obtained were compared with BP neural network's. Experiment results show that classifier based on SVM outperforms BP neural network in training time.

    Ontology based cooperative intrusion detection system
    CHEN Gang, CHEN Wei
    2005, 25(07):  1554-1557.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01554
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    After a survey of present IDSs, it was concluded that more accurate and efficient detection result could be obtained by using multi-sensor cooperative detection. A matchmaking method based on ontology was given to improve flexibility of detection. Cooperative detection framework based on the ontology was also discussed.

    Using semantic Web technology to build signatures identification and attack model
    2005, 25(07):  1558-1561.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01558
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    Signatures indentification of security and attack forecast are integrant function parts of network security field, and the description and definition of attack models and other security signatures request special language. But there exist many questions on the current such languages, such as solitary function of language and weak adaptablility; lack of openness and semantic coherence, and absent reuse ablility. In order to improve this state, the ontology's modeling means were used. It was demonstrated that ontology's language is fit for the description and definition of attack models and other security signatures by a representative attack.

    Design and realization of vulnerability testing system by imitating attack
    YANG Kuo-zhao, JIANG Fan
    2005, 25(07):  1562-1564.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01562
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    Traditional network=based vulnerability scanners can't get very exact information of the target system, they can't identify all of the vulnerabilities in the target system. The way of imitating attack can test the vulnerability exactly. When most of the new vulnerabilities were put forward, the test programs of the vulnerabilities were given together, but the diversity of the parameters of the test program made it difficult to integrate all of the programs. The parameters were classified as DR, DL and DV, and then XML was used to describe the parameters, and a vulnerabilities testing system by imitating attack with XML describing parameters was implemented.

    Design and formal description of security policy coordination for heterogeneous information systems
    HAN Zhi-yong, WANG Ping, NI Yong, LI Xian-guo
    2005, 25(07):  1565-1567.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01565
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    In heterogeneous information systems, some access control techniques and policies were adopted to protect the resources. It was necessary to coordinate security policies between interconnected enterprises. By this way the information could be shared effectively. A primitive ticket-based authorization model was proposed to manage disparate policies in information enclaves. The formal description and the computation of the privilege were also given.

    Role representation and contradiction redundancy treatment of RBAC-based information grid
    YANG Ning,XU Zhi-wei,ZHOU Hao-jie
    2005, 25(07):  1568-1569.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01568
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    The access control policy of information grid was proposed, so was the definition of permit and role. How to use one-dimensional string to represent permit and role, the containing relationship of operation, and the inheriting relationship of role were analysed. The method to deal with the contradiction and redundancy of role assignment by containing relationship of operation and inheriting relationship of role was described. The performance of permit assignment by the system automatically was evaluated.

    Database Technology
    Multilevel document clustering algorithm based on association rules
    SONG Jiang-chun,SHEN Jun-yi,SONG Qing-bao
    2005, 25(07):  1570-1572.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01570
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    A multi-level document clustering algorithm was proposed based on association rules, It constructed ducument feature vector of topic and keyword by using a new method of document feature extraction. Firstly, it found the initial ducument clusters by using fast algorithm of finding frequent item sets in topic vector space, then in keyword vector space, re-clustered the initial clusters according to the cluster distance and the link intensity. For processing initial clustering by using classical fast frequent item sets, the efficiency and the precision of the algorithm were highly increased. The new method of ducument feature extraction is also used to solve the problem that the dimention of the keyword vector space is too high with increasing of keywords in document.

    Research and realization of an efficient clustering algorithm
    ZHANG Yong-mei,HAN Yan,ZHANG Jian-hua
    2005, 25(07):  1573-1576.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01573
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    Based on mathematical morphology, a new algorithm of 3D spatial clustering was presented, which clustered spatial objects by closure operation. This algorithm could not only complete 3D spatial clustering at a time, and process clustering in-convex and complicated objects rapidly. On the basis of mathematical morphology, its high performance parallel algorithm was easy to realize. Experiments show that the algorithm is better than general clustering algorithms in some cases.

    Fast algorithm for mining association rules based on relationship matrix
    HU Hui-rong, WANG Zhou-jing
    2005, 25(07):  1577-1579.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01577
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    After the introduction of famous Apriori algorithms, an efficient algorithm SLIG(Single-level Large Itemsets Generation) learning from relation theory and "AND" operation on recognizable vectors was proposed. SLIG transformed the production process of frequent itemset to the vector calculation process in relationship matrix and only needed to scan the database once. Empirical evaluation and experiments show that SLIG is more efficient than the algorithms that need to pass the large database many times.

    Web robot detection algorithm based on episode analysis
    GUO Wei-gang,JU Shi-guang
    2005, 25(07):  1580-1583. 
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    After analyzing the navigational patterns of Web robots, the feature was found that the access sequence of robots usually didnt satisfy the hyperlink relations. The concept of episode was defined and a new algorithm based on episode analysis was proposed. The experiments show that the new algorithm can detect the unknown robots and unfriendly robots who do not obey the standard for robot exclusion.

    Study and application of time-interval sequential pattern to equipment fault monitoring
    YAN Wei,ZHANG Hao,LU Jian-feng1
    2005, 25(07):  1584-1586.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01587
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    Time-interval sequential pattern mining was used to discover frequent subsequences as patterns from sequence database of flowing industry. Firstly, the large history database were analyzed by fuzzy theory and the exceptional equipment parameters were found. After scattering exceptional parameters by Time-window approach, a new time-interval sequential database was got by dealing with time intervals. In order to find time-interval sequential pattern, TimeSeq_PrefixSpan algorithm is developed from the conventional PrefixSpan algorithm and implemented in flowing industry's production. Then the models can monitor faults when the equipments circulating.

    CoSDE:spatial database engine of VegaGIS
    HE Xiong, FANG Jin-yun, TANG Zhi-min
    2005, 25(07):  1587-1589.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.2005.01587
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    The architecture, design and implementation of CoSDE in VegaGIS were introduced. It enabled the CoSDE server to access multiple types of spatial database directly. CoSDE has a real threetiered C/S architecture, which enables the client application to access the database transparently, separates the specific database physically and implements a real crossplatform server application.

    Storage strategy of spatial metadata based on XML data reduced schema
    ZHANG Tao,YU Xue-qin
    2005, 25(07):  1590-1591.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01590
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    A storing systematic configuration of spatial metadata based on XDR Schema was proposed and a XML data reduced schema was created. The spatial metadata expressed by XML was mapped to SQL Server 2000 RDBMS.  The annotated XDR schema corresponded with XML view, so we could query database using annotated XDR schema and get result in XML form.

    Map-ased BitSet association rule mining of remote sensing image
    HUANG Duan-qiong, CHEN Chong-cheng, HUANG Hong-yu, FAN Ming-hui
    2005, 25(07):  1592-1594.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01592
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    MBSA(Map-based BitSet Associaition Rule) algorithm was presented which used TreeMap class and a compressed BitSet class in Java to store Boolean values. MBSA algorithm scanned the transaction database only once and further database scans were replaced by BitSet logical AND operation, which efficiently speeded up the computation. MBSA algorithm had been applied to mine the association rules of red, green and blue bands associated with crop yield from remote sensing image of crop. It is useful for improve crop production.

    Risk analysis of information system based on variable precision rough set
    XIAO Long,DAI Zong-kun,YANG Wei
    2005, 25(07):  1595-1597.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01595
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    The risk analysis method based on variable precision rough set (VPRS) was proposed. It used reduct functions and filtered risk regulations and combined quantitative measurement with qualitative analysis. So it not only reduced greatly the data, but also increased the validity of risk regulations. At last, we analyzed the data in the reference [4] and mined the risk regulations effectively among them by using this method.

    Graphics and image processing
    Research on ROI image coding based on human visual specialties
    LIANG Ya-ling,YANG Chun-ling,YU Ying-lin
    2005, 25(07):  1598-1601.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01598
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    Set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) was used to realize region of interest (ROI) image coding. Based on the characteristics of SPIHT, the properties of image wavelet coefficients after the coefficients associated with ROI were scaled up, and human visual specialties, a parameter of image quality (Q) and its formula were presented. Based on this, an improved algorithm was put forward, which could improve the subjective quality of image meanwhile ensure the quality of ROI. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective and the formula of Q is correct, and we can choose Q to control the quality of ROI.

    Linear control and prediction of fractal coding time
    CHEN Zuo-ping,YE Zheng-lin,ZHENG Sheng-chao
    2005, 25(07):  1602-1604.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01602
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    Taking the Brownian dimension as their texture feature, image blocks were clustered and sorted, to control the number of domain blocks to be compared with each range block in coding. Furthermore, by combining techniques such as excluding plain blocks and building domain pool from averaged image, a fast algorithm for fractal coding was obtained, in which the coding time can be linearly controlled and predicted by the number of domain blocks compared with each range block. Experiment results indicate that with the same compression ratio, the proposed method improves the speed of coding with even better quality of decoded image, in contrast to existing classification and clustering methods.

    Planar pattern tracking and its application in augmented reality
    LIU Guo-yi, LI Hua
    2005, 25(07):  1605-1607.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01605
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    An approach for planar pattern tracking was introduced. The tracker could locate a planar pattern accurately in real time using a Webcamera. The tracking result could be used for computing camera's position and placing virtual object in the video. Some common tracking failures caused by "motion blur", "fast motion", "small target" were discussed. An algorithm, combined "LK tracking" techniques with "Hungarian algorithm-based feature correspondence", was used to solve such problems. A method based on non-linear optimization is used to suppress the influence of noise, when computing the camera's position. The experiments show that this method can track the planar pattern robustly in some difficult situations. The curve of the camera's computed position is smooth and accurate.

    Face recognition based on mixed feature of ICA in PCA residual face space
    WU Yan,SONG Jin-jing
    2005, 25(07):  1608-1610.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01608
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    To improve the effect of traditional eigenface method on face recognition under large illumination variation,  a new face recognition method was proposed. Unlike second -order PCA face recognition, it used independent component analysis on the PCA residual eigenfaces instead of principal component analysis to extract the independent component feature, and integrated the IC feature in PCA residual face space with the IC feature in original face space to be the ultimate feature for recognition. Experiments prove that it is more efficient than some conventional human face recognition methods, such as eigenface based method, ICA based method, and second-order PCA method, under large illumination and pose variations, and also has a good practicability.

    An efficient algorithm of facial expression generation based on RBF network
    YU Zhong-ji, LI Ji-jun
    2005, 25(07):  1611-1615.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01611
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    The method to generate high-precision expression images by locating a small number of definite landmarks was proposed. The warping did not use landmarks as control points directly, but used a set of generated warping control points. Taking account of facial anatomy and symmetry, a novel set named Facial Characteristic Points Set(FCPS)was designed as landmarks with very low information redundancy. A radial basis function network (RBF Network) was employed to define the relationship between the movement of FCPS and the corresponding change of expressions. The FCPS, produced by RBF network, was processed by data-mapping component to generate a set of compensated warping control points. By using these generated warping control points, 2D RBF warping algorithm, which could effectively reduce the negative effects brought from the errors of generated warping control points, was employed to create assigned expression image. To prevent ill-posed data from affecting the computation and to reduce the computation complexity, recursive regularized least square (RRLS) algorithm was adopted in the neural network training.

    Video segmentation method based on mixture probabilistic background model
    LIU Zhen,ZHAO Jie-yu
    2005, 25(07):  1616-1619.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01616
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    Aunified framework was proposed for detecting and segmenting foreground objects in complex scenes involving swaying trees, moving shadows and ocean waves. A mixture probabilistic model of hidden Markov modelsand probabilistic graphic model was presented to model the variation of background. In this model, the color of each pixel from backgrounds was regarded as a random variable. The property that background variations at neighboring pixels had strong correlation, also known as "co-occurrence", was used to initialize and update the mixture model online. Bayesian belief propagation algorithm was used to efficiently calculate the maximum of the posterior probability of background with input data. The experimental results for real video demonstrate the effectiveness and robust of our method.

    An edge-preserving image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform
    LIU Peng,ZHANG Yan,MAO Zhi-gang
    2005, 25(07):  1620-1622.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01620
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    An image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform was proposed. The wavelet coefficient local model maximum method and local energy analysis method is used to fuse the high-frequency component, and local energy analysis method was also used to fuse scale coefficient. The result image had good vision representation capability. It did not need to set threshold, so it had effective generalization. The experiment results on  several multi-focused images show that the incorporation of the wavelet coefficient local model maximum method and local energy analysis method can emersion and protect the edges, and local energy analysis method used in the low-frequency component fusion, can eliminate the blur in the multi-focused images. This algorithm can improve the quality of the fused image in both objective effect and subjective effect evidently.

    Fast retrieval of JPEG images compressed by DCT
    BIAN Guo-chun,ZHANG Xi-huang
    2005, 25(07):  1623-1625.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01623
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    A new method of retrieving JPEG compressed images was proposed. The features were extracted directly in DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation) compressed domain, using the characterization of DCT. Instead of fully decompressing JPEG images, this method only needed to do partial entropy decoding. Therefore, the work of retrieving images is accelerated. Also, the efficiency of retrieving is satisfied, with certain robustness.

    Lifting-chemed line-ased wavelet image compression
    ZHANG Hong-ei, LIU Zheng-uang, CHEN Hong-in
    2005, 25(07):  1626-1628.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01626
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    Due to the large requirement for memory and the high complexity of computation, JPEG2000 can not be used in many conditions. The line-based wavelet transform was proposed and accepted because it required lower memory without affecting the result of wavelet transform. In this paper, the improved lifting scheme was used to perform wavelet transform to replace Mallat algorithm in the original linebased wavelet transform, the corresponding context-based arithmetic coding was discussed here too. As a result, considerable reduction of memory and computational costs can be achieved.

    Automatic analysis system of Chinese characters structure based on image understanding
    CHEN Liang-yu, ZENG Zhen-bing, ZHANG Wen-yin
    2005, 25(07):  1629-1631.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01629
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    Automatic analysis system of Chinese character structure applies many mature techniques in the fields such as computer vision, image understanding to analyze and recognize the Chinese character. GB2312-80 Chinese characters set was chosen to generate subcomponent images. Then the feature description of Chinese characters component structures is generated, and valid ratio is over 90%.

    Artificial intelligence
    Text feature selection method based on pattern clustering and genetic algorithm
    HAO Zhan-gang,WANG Zheng-ou
    2005, 25(07):  1632-1633.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01632
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    The features of text were selected by pattern clustering and GA(Genetic Algorithm) and were classified by Kohonen network. The dimensions of text could be reduced greatly by using pattern clustering from thousands to hundreds, then reduced to tens by using GA. The experiment results indicate that combining these two methods can greatly reduce the dimension of text and improve the precision of text classification.

    Text categorization rule extraction based on fuzzy decision tree
    WANG Yu, WANG Zheng-ou
    2005, 25(07):  1634-1637.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01634
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    A new method was presented, which extracted similar text categorization rule by a fuzzy decision tree merging some branches.   χ2  statistic was analyzed and improved. The new method converged features of text in terms of the improved   χ2  statistic, and so largely reduced the dimension of the vector space. And then, the fuzzy decision tree was applied to text categorization. The number of categorization rule was reduced largely by merging some branches. Both the understandable categorization rules extraction and better accuracy of categorization can be acquired.

    Agent negotiation model based on neural networks in electronic commerce
    LU Wu-chang, HU Shan-li
    2005, 25(07):  1638-1640.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01638
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    An agent negotiation model to help people do shopping online was introduced. Its effectiveness was verified through an emulation experiment. The model was constructed based on BP (error Back Propagation) neural networks. By learning from the sample data of people's personal preference for shopping, the agent could get a block of regular information which reflected the characteristics of people's bias as the basis for reasoning during negotiation; Also the agent learned from the result of negotiation to develop its adaptability to the changeable market.

    Solving frequency assignment problem using an adaptive multiple-colony ant algorithm
    ZHANG Chun-fang,CHEN Ling,CHEN Juan
    2005, 25(07):  1641-1644.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01641
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    An adaptive multiple colony ant algorithm was presented to solve frenquency assignment problem of mobile communicaiton. Unlike the traditional ant colony algorithm which used only one ant colony, our algorithm used multiple ant colonies. For each ant colony, a coefficient of convergence was defined by which the ants adaptively could choose the path, update their local pheromone and exchange information between colonies. By using the adaptive strategy to update the pheromone, the balance between the diversity and convergence of every ant colony was kept. The simulation results on the fixed frequency assignment problem and minimal span frequency assignment problem show that our algorithm has global convergence and higher speed of optimization.

    Predictive model of semiconductor manufacturing line based on RBF neural network
    WANG Ling-qun,PAN Shi-zhu,ZHENG Ying-ping
    2005, 25(07):  1645-1646.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01645
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    Semiconductor manufacturing process's complexity and randomness make it difficult to build determinate prediction model. A new method was presented which used RBF neural network to model this process. Manufacturing lines with various release control and scheduling policies were simulated by software simul8, and the sampling data got from the simulation model were used in the training and test of the prediction model. Results demonstrate that the model's output and the real samples output are basically identical and the model has great generalization ability. So the well-trained network can be used to forecast the state of the process rapidly and accurately, which lays foundation to prediction control and real time scheduling.

    Fault diagnosis design based on qualitative constraint

    SHAO Chen-xi,ZHANG Jun-tao,BAI Fang-zhou,ZHANG Yi
    2005, 25(07):  1647-1650.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01647
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    Based on the QSIM algorithm of B. J. Kuipers, comparative constraint was presented to reduce the diagnosis space. The transfer regulation of qualitative constrain was used in the simulation and reasoning of system diagnosis. This algorithm took observed faulty state as the beginning, to diagnosis the location and cause of variable discrepancy according to the transfer regulation of qualitative constraint, reasoned from diagnosed faulty to examine the result and deleted the redundancy of diagnosis result. In the example of condensation refrigeration system, the constraint relation was built according to qualitative difference equation. Aim at the bad efficiency of refrigeration, the mixture of air or Freon superfluously was diagnosed as the result faulty source, consistent with the factual system.

    A  fast image matching method based on PBIL algorithm
    SONG Xiao-yu,LIU Yun-peng,WANG Yong-hui
    2005, 25(07):  1651-1653.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01651
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    To solve the problem of slow computation speed and low  image matching accuracy, a new approach to image matching using population-based increased learning algorithm (PBIL) was proposed. PBIL algorithm is a probability learning based evolutionary algorithm. It integrates genetic search strategy based  on function optimization with competitive learning strategy. It regards evolution as a learning process, and revises the produce probability of offspring according to knowledge come from competitive learning. Compared with the conventional sequential similarity detection algorithm and genetic algorithm, the experiment results show that this approach is fast in operation, and has high accuracy in matching, and the convergence is very stable.

    Mining user navigation pattern using incremental ant colony clustering
    SHEN Jie,LIN Ying,CHEN Zhi-min,ZHAO Min-ya
    2005, 25(07):  1654-1657.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01654
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    A novel algorithm for mining user navigation pattern with incremental clustering was presented. Firstly, a new method for expressing user interest was introduced to construct user profile object. Based on the basic concept of ant colony clustering, artificial ants were used to pick up or drop down object to implement clustering by analyzing the similarity with other local regional objects and. Then a mechanism of decomposing clusters was used to form new clusters when users'interests changed. Experimental results show that the method can adaptively and efficiently achieve incremental clustering.

    Differentia-driven case revise strategy in case-based reasoning
    ZHANG Guang-qian, DENG Gui-shi
    2005, 25(07):  1658-1660.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01658
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    The theories and methods of case revise were summed up, then the differentia-driven strategy of case revise was brought out, in which related knowledge base was added to case-based reasoning flow to support case revising. Details on how to get and use differentiadriven rules were given. Therefore there are explicit thoughts on case revise, and original cases are fully used. 

    Multilayer feed-forward neural networks based on immune genetic algorithm
    LUO Fei, HE Ming-yi
    2005, 25(07):  1661-1662.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.0187.2005.01661
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    An optimizing method based on immune genetic algorithm was presented for designing multilayer feedforward neural network. This algorithm could decide the structure of the multilayer feed-forward neural networks and search the proper weight of this network. The simulation experiments show that this algorithm has the better ability of convergent on whole solution space and the capacity of fast learning than genetic algorithm and momentum BP algorithm.

    Classification of "nonself" based on system call sequence
    LI Zhen, WANG Feng-xian
    2005, 25(07):  1663-1665.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01663
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    The classification method of "nonself" according to different intrusion activities, based on system call sequences was introduced to identify "nonself" intrusion program identified in general computer immune system model(GECISM). Rules were extracted from training set and the feature library of "nonself" class was built, so that the class that "nonself" program belongs to could be tested correctly. The experiments verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

    Software process technology
    Design and implementation of  a reflexive  workflow model
    XIE Bao-ning, TAN Qing-ping, LUO Meng
    2005, 25(07):  1666-1669.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01666
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    A reflex workflow system model was proposed. The model could monitor the system change automaticly without help of people, and modify the content of running business process dynamically. So the business process can dynamically adapt to the circumstance by changing it own content to finish business target. By the reflexive model, workflow system has the flex ability to changing circumstance.

    Design and implementation of development framework for human-oriented workflow management system
    ZHOU Yao-yu, LIU Qiang, ZHAO Ming-yang
    2005, 25(07):  1670-1673.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01670
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    A development framework for human-oriented workflow management system was designed and implemented. A case of specific scenario using this developement framework was given. The framework was divided into three layers, business object layer, runtime layer, and business entity layer. Business object layer provided efficient and concise API; Runtime layer set up a manageable runtime environment to make application run reliably; Business entity layer stored and maintained business object. Developing application with the framework will decrease the development complexity and make system maintain easier.

    A method of object code verification for debugging compiler
    2005, 25(07):  1674-1675.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01674
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    Traditionally, compiler-testing method confirms whether some bugs occur in the tested complier through comparing the anticipative results with tested results and figuring out whether the former is equal to the latter.  Based on the traditional complier testing, a method that introduced a reference compiler and a reference simulator into compiler testing was proposed.  Firstly, dynamic data information files for testing and debugging were generated during object code on software simulation, according to the relationship between reference compiler and tested compiler.  Then, the comparison of reference dynamic data information file and tested dynamic data information file helped to locate the bugs in tested compiler.

    Data compression algorithms based on wavelet transforming for sensor networks
    WANG Lei, ZHOU Si-wang, CHEN Zhi-ping, LIN Ya-ping
    2005, 25(07):  1676-1678.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01676
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    According to the data characteristics in sensor networks and the good performances of wavelet transforming in data stream compression, a novel mixed -entropy data compression algorithm based on interval wavelet transforming was proposed for sensor network. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that, the new method can compress the data stream for sensor networks effectively, and reduce the energy costs of nodes in data transferring. So, it can prolong the lifetime of the whole networks to a greater degree combined with those traditional DC (Data Centric) routing algorithms such as DD (Directed Diffusion) protocol.

    Real-time performance test and analysis of  Linux
    LI Jiang, DAI Sheng-hua
    2005, 25(07):  1679-1681.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.1087.2005.01679
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    The interrupt latency and context switch latency of Linux were measured and analysed to manifest the real-time performance of Linux in special platform, providing the datum when Linux was used as embedded operation system. Experiment results show that the interrupt latency of Linux is influenced by kernel mechanism and memory management mechanism,  and the context switch latency of Linux is influenced by process space of Linux and hardware.

    Large scale software distribution technology based on HTTP protocol
    ZHANG Xiao-feng
    2005, 25(07):  1682-1684.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.0187.2005.01682
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    Software distribution is the key technology for many enterprise management systems. A well designed architecture and effective bandwidth throttling technology is the core of large scale software distribution systems. Large scale software distribution technology using Web service architecture, bandwidth throttling and checkpoint were discussed.

    Typical applications
    SIP-based inter-domain network conference system
    SHAN Lin-wei,SHAN Xiu-ming,REN Yong
    2005, 25(07):  1685-1687.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01685
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    Multimedia network conference is an important network application. The management system of network conference is an emphasis of current research activities. Based on the session initiation protocol and the common network conference models, the article designs a two-layer SIP network conference management system for inter-domain conference and presents the implementation of the functions. The paper presents a new SIP extension too.

    Design and implementation of a prototype system of TURN server
    LI Hong-bin,YANG Xue-hua,LEI Wei-min
    2005, 25(07):  1688-1691.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01688
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    TURN protocol is a technique for simple traversal of UDP through NAT. On the basis of RFC3489, the draft for TURN protocol was researched and analyzed in detail. Its address translation table was modified and simplified, which stored dynamic allocated addresses, and the working mode and application model of TURN technology were designed. Then, consulted STUN design ideas, a prototype system of TURN server was designed and implemented, which solved the problem that SIP UA cant traverse symmetric NAT by STUN.

    ARM emulator design based on Ethernet interface
    HE Hui-qin, HUANG Guang-ming, ZHANG He-ping, ZHANG Zhi-sheng
    2005, 25(07):  1692-1694.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01695
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    After discussing the debugging and emulation of traditional ARM emulators,  a perfect design of JTAG emulator for ARM over Ethernet was presented, based on the central CPU SAMSUNG S3C44B0X. This ARM emulator over Ethernet, can provide high downloading speed,  and shared the emulator resouces.

    Design and realization of IP address takeover of high available system based on Linux
    WANG Guo-hao, CHEN Wen-zhi, SHI Jiao-ying
    2005, 25(07):  1695-1697.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01695
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    A hot standby high available system based on Linux was introduced. It used IP address takeover to guarantee the smooth swift between the host system and the backup system when the network was failed.

    DVB-CI device driver development on embedded Linux system
    ZHOU Qing-xi,LIU Qiang
    2005, 25(07):  1698-1700.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.2005.01698
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    The method was introduced to encapsulate the detailed controls of the concrete DVB-CI device with device driver and provide the uplayer program an abstract device on the embedded Linux system. A DVB-CI device driver based on MontaVista's Hard Hat Linux system and IBM STB02500 Set-Top Box Integrated Controller was implemented as an example.

    Situation plotting and displaying in virtual battle environment
    CHEN Jian-xiang,WEI Ying-mei,WU Ling-da
    2005, 25(07):  1701-1703.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01701
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    A situation plotting system was designed and implemented. It could provide two plotting method: 2D plotting in electronic maps and 3D plotting in virtual battle environment. The key technology of 3D plotting such as terrain elevation matching, collision detection and response, special information and effect displaying were discussed. A realtime conversion method between 2D plotting and 3D plotting was presented to realize integrated display of 2D situation and 3D situation.

    An algorithm for designing communication station  to meet service requirement and destroy-resistance target
    GAO Jing-wei
    2005, 25(07):  1704-1706.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01704
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    The separation method of the graph was proposed for  improving destroy-resistance and throughput at the assumption of known user distribution. Link Weight Factor (LWF) that eclectically thinks over geography complexities, destroyresistance and portfolio is defined. Putting forward the intersection circle algorithm that seeks the feasible seat of nodes and virtual cell algorithm that seeks the service center.The Communication Station design closely combines with the geography information systems, therefore the result is feasible and available.

    Remote monitoring model of cooperative production process for virtual enterprise
    PENG Yong
    2005, 25(07):  1707-1710.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01707
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    In consideration of the characteristics of virtual enterprise production process and remote monitoring, a distributed and multilayer remote monitoring model based on mobile agents was proposed.The model supported virtual enterprise environment and had been put into application in a mould manufacture enterprise alliance. The application shows that the model is effective and stable in operation.

    Optimizing strategies for search engines based on PageRank algorithm
    ZHANG Wei,LI Zhi-shu
    2005, 25(07):  1711-1712.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01711
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    PageRank algorithm used by Google and many other search engines was introduced. The possible influence that various kinds of Web linking structures exerted on the ranking results of search engines based on PageRank were analysed. The advantages of various optimizing strategies of PageRank were discussed.

    Automatic detection of online duplication documents and its application in enterprise data warehouse
    BAI Guang-hui,LIAN Hao,LIU Yue,CHENG Xue-qi
    2005, 25(07):  1713-1715.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01713
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    Three general methods to detect duplicate Web pages were introduced. The similarity search technique was used  to detect duplicate information automatically in enterprise data warehouse. The results indicate that the similarity search method is fit for intelligent pretreatment of enterprise intelligence data.

    Intelligent treatment of converting Chinese name to the first letter of spelling
    TU Jin-de,LI Yong-ping
    2005, 25(07):  1716-1718.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01716
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    The pronunciation of family name and the conventional pronunciation of the polyphone in GBK standard Chinese library were analysed. Then these spellings not common use in name were removed, that reduced the coincident codes greately. The next, the left coincident codes  were treated intelligently, which could reducd the operation of selecting coincident codes further. At last, converting code table of the first letter of spelling was created and the converting algorithm was designed. The code table and algorithm can convert efficiently the first letter of spelling and the rate of coincident code reduces from 14.4 percent to 3.7 percent.

2024 Vol.44 No.12

Current Issue
Honorary Editor-in-Chief: ZHANG Jingzhong
Editor-in-Chief: XU Zongben
Associate Editor: SHEN Hengtao XIA Zhaohui
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