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    01 June 2005, Volume 25 Issue 06
    Network and distributed techno
    Medium access control algorithm cross-layer design and multi-packet reception in wireless Ad Hoc network
    XU Li
    2005, 25(06):  1227-1229.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1127
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    Utilizing multi-packet reception method and cross-layer design idea, a media access control algorithm for Ad Hoc network was presented, based on the RTS/CTS multiple access protocol of IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC(Media Access Control).The performance of algorithm was analyzed. The results show that the network throughput is greatly improved, compared with the conventional RTS/CTS protocol.
    Time synchronization protocol for wireless sensor networks
    PENG Gang, CAO Yuan-da, SUN Li-min
    2005, 25(06):  1230-1232.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1130
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    A time synchronization protocol based on hierarchical structure was designed. In this protocol, at first a hierarchical structure tree was established with sink node as root node, then a pair wise synchronization was performed along the tree to establish a global timescale throughout the sensor network. The simulation results show that the time synchronization protocol can be used for wireless sensor network applications.
    Analysis of the application layer multicast protocol for multi-layer architecture P2P networks based on region
    YUE Guang-xue
    2005, 25(06):  1233-1236.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1133
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    By analyzing the multi-layer architecture peer-to-peer networks based on region protocol, this paper studied the stress and stretch with the model which has two intuitive metrics of goodness defined to evaluate the quality of the application layer multicast data paths. In addition, functions of the network or region size parameter k and N, and relationship between the stress and the stretch metrics, as well as quantifies both the average and maximum values of the two metrics were studies and computing formula was given. At the same time, the idea was put forward about the tradeoffs between the stress and stretch metric for randomly distributed network or region size on realistic topologies. The final the results show: the stretch does not depend on the network or region size, while the maximum stress increases with increasing network or region size, and decreasing stretch in this protocol model leads to increased stress and vice versa. In the data paths about protocol model, stretch between any pair of members is O(log N) and stress at the members is O(1).
    Scheme of mobile IP applied on multi-tier cellular structure
    ANG Hong, AN Yong, TAO Jing-tao, WANG Bai-ding
    2005, 25(06):  1237-1240.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1137
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    The studying of mobile IP almost don’t consider the real mobile communications network structure, especially the multi-tier cellular structure which is more and more dominate in the mobile communications network. A Novel mobile management of mobile IP which include hierarchical topology of FAs, flexible scheme of handoff control and two types of COA was presented in this paper. Comparing to other micro-mobile proposals, this scheme is more adaptive for multi-tier cellular networks.
    Study on throughput capacity of UWB Ad Hoc networks based on events conflict interference model
    YU Gen-jian
    2005, 25(06):  1241-1243. 
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    The issue of Bit-Error-Rate control and the throughput capacity of UWB(Ultra-Wide Band) Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks were studied in this paper. Based on the theory of conflict graph of information sent and events received, the paper mainly addressed the impact of interference among nodes on networks throughput. The numerical value of expectant achievable throughput capacity of the system was reached by solving the linear constraints problem with the throughput graph. A model simulation was conducted to testify the results.
    Survey of backoff algorithms for wireless Ad Hoc networks
    LI Ning, HAN Lu
    2005, 25(06):  1244-1247.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1244
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    The key functionality of backoff mechanism in wireless Ad Hoc networks was introduced and the flaws of the binary exponential backoff algorithm used in IEEE 802.11 standard were discussed. Then, various typical backoff algorithms currently proposed were reviewed in categories, their features as well as some related issues were discussed. Finally, the possible research trends on backoff algorithms for Ad Hoc networks were investigated.
    Implementation of grid-based distributed simulation platform
    ZHU Zi-yu, CHEN Ying-ming, LI San-li, DU Zhi-hui
    2005, 25(06):  1248-1250.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1248
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    To address the issues of resource availability, limited simulation scale, etc. in simulation system, an distributed simulation platform, which was based on grid technology and HLA, was proposed in this paper. The idea of separating federate into simulation client and simulation service provider was discussed. This platform was implemented. The result shows introducing the grid technology into HLA simulation provide a way to improve resource availability and to enlarge the scale of simulation system.
    Enhancing AODV performance by link breakage prediction mechanism
    IAN Mei,WANG Neng
    2005, 25(06):  1251-1253.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1251
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    The link breakage prediction mechanism was introduced into the AODV protocol in this paper. The mobile node used the signal strength from the received packets to find and remove the invalid routing information in time. In addition,the improved protocol was optimized by using hop numbers. The simulation shows the improved AODV protocol could reduce the end-to-end delay effectively and increase the packet delivery ratio in high load network.
    Space model of information grid subject and its applications
    YANG Ning,XU Zhi-wei,ZHOU Hao-jie
    2005, 25(06):  1254-1256.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1254
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    An EVP space model of information grid subject was proposed in this paper according to the research on object space model. Using the theory of user’s full life cycle (includes register, log on, use, maintenance, hang up, reconnect, exit, and log out), the processes of the grid users were studied; the change of this model during the different processes of the user’s full life cycle was analyed; the applications of this model in the project of VEGA-IG were introduced, to solve the problems of information grid users, such as distributing, heterogeneous and uniform identification were tried.
    Improvement of distributed coordination function in IEEE 802.11 WLANs
    ZHANG Liang, SHU Yan-tai
    2005, 25(06):  1257-1260.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.20051257
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    In this paper, the standard DCF protocol was modified to achieve efficient channel utilization and improve the performance of WLANs. In our modified DCF, the wireless station sends a small data packet (e.g., ACKs of TCP layer) instead of CTS to reply the RTS of AP. In this way, transmitting small packets separately in WLANs was avoided and also the number of CTS packets in WLANs was decreased. Therefore, the channel utilization rate was increased. The simulation results show that our modified DCF can consistently achieve higher throughput and maintain better fairness among all mobile stations than the standard DCF.
    Multicast routing algorithm based on neural network and genetic algorithm
    PAN Da-ru,DU Ming-hui
    2005, 25(06):  1261-1263.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1261
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    The multicast QoS (Quality of Service) routing problems was introduced, and then a novel QoS-based multicast routing algorithm based on the neural networks (NN) and the genetic algorithm (GA) was proposed. A novel coding scheme was also developed, which is very easy for the crossover and mutation. By this mean, it can overcome premature and increase the convergence speed. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional GA in terms of convergence speed.
    Object-oriented design and implementation of the L2CAP
    WANG Ze-lai, BAO Yan-ru,FENG Zhi-yong
    2005, 25(06):  1264-1266.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1264
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    Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer Protocol (L2CAP) resides in the data link layer of Bluetooth. The development of L2CAP using an object-oriented formal method was presented. Unified Modeling Language (UML) was used in this work.
    Media streaming based on P2P
    2005, 25(06):  1267-1270.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1267
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    Current media streaming systems are often based on the client-server framework and IP-level multicasting supported by ISP, which limits clients amount to a great extent. In P2P network, each client receives data and forwards it to others at the same time. So large numbers of clients resource ignored before can be effectively used. Firstly challenges in P2P media streaming applications were pointed out, then some recent research results such as application-level multicast tree, heterogeneity of network and incentive mechanism and so on were introduced. Some existent problems and some remained issues for further research were discussed.
    Information security
    Security model of mobile agent in e-commerce
    ZHANG Da-lu, LIN Chen
    2005, 25(06):  1271-1273.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1271
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    aving analyzed some security problems in e-commerce, a kind of security model of mobile agent in e-commerce was presented. In this security model, different access patterns, security policies and reputation management were used by mobile agent to reduce the risk in e-commerce as much as possible and the transactions of e-commerce more efficient was made.
    Blind detection of chaotic digital audio watermark in DCT domain based on ANFIS
    WANG Bing-He, GUAN Xian-nian, LV Ming
    2005, 25(06):  1274-1276.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1274
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    Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System(ANFIS) is a neural network system with one input and several outputs, which is got through achieving one step sugeno fuzzy system by the format of network. It can simulate the connection of the in-out very well, and its constringency is very soon, error is very little and the necessary swatch is little, which are very favourable for blind separation of watermark signals.Based on the upstanding adaptive control ability of ANFIS, a strongly robust audio watermarking algorithm in DCT domain was given in this paper. Experiments show that the performance in watermark detection is high, the time expense is litlle, the resisting to attacks is strong and the imperceptibility is good.
    Access control model of 2-D spatial region based on spatial index
    LIU Ying, ZHANG Shu-guang
    2005, 25(06):  1277-1278.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1277
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    Aim at the characters of spatial data access control, the concept of spatial region access control based on spatial index was proposed. The 2-D access control model of spatial data was presented. The authorization and access request rules and constraints of spatial region access control were defined, and the method of spatial data access control was described in detail.
    Blind digital watermarking algorithm in wavelet domain based on correlation theory
    BIAN Xing-bin, ZHU Qing-xin
    2005, 25(06):  1279-1281.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1279
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    A new blind digital watermarking algorithm was proposed. In embedding process, an unit module was used to represent a pixel, in detecting process correlation value of the unit module and watermarked image wavelet coefficients was calculated and was processed with proper threshold to detect the embedded watermark. The detecting process doesnt need original image and position information, so the scheme realizes blind detecting and self-synchronization. Sharpening the watermarked image with Laplacian before detecting could make the watermarking scheme more robust to attacks and get better detecting result. Furthermore, adding sharpening step could lower the demand of embedding strength without affect the detecting result. Thus it improved watermark invisibility. Experiments show that the algorithm has good invisibility and robustness.
    Application research based on Granger causality test for attack detection
    WANG Sheng,SUN Le-chang,GAN Guo-zheng
    2005, 25(06):  1282-1285.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1282
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    The method for attack detection based on Granger Causality Test(GCT) within the framework of temporal data mining was investigated. Through computing causality between a lot of precursors from input time series and a given anomaly from output time series, the method can be used to detect the precursor from datasets containing multivariate time series related to different security regimes of network system, and then produces the precursor rules and causality rules for actual attack detection and early warning with high confidence. Several experiments were conducted to verify the accuracy and precision of the proposed method, and finally its application analysis in attack detection and early warning prototype system was presented.
    Layered and separated operating system kernel
    XIE Jun, ZHANG Tao, ZHANG Shi-geng, HUANG Hao
    2005, 25(06):  1286-1289.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1289
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     In traditional monolithic kernel operating systems, all kernel codes run within a common and shared address space, and any vulnerabilities in kernel or any untrusted modules loaded in kernel would compromise the whole system security. The development of a layered and separated secure kernel was described in this paper. Since the powers of kernel are partitioned, the vulnerabilities of kernel are confined, and arbitrarily tampering of kernel by malice codes was prevented. The prototype system is entirely developed from beginning for the i386 architecture.
    Distributed and dynamic computer forensic model
    LIANG Chang-Yu ,WU Qiang,ZENG Qing-Kai
    2005, 25(06):  1290-1293.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1290
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    Along with the development of computer technology , traditional computer forensics model could not meet the requirements for safety. The new forensic model was proposed here. Camparing with traditional computer forensic model, the major differenced between these two models lies on the distributed structure and the mechanism of dynamical data gathering. With this two characteristics, forensics system based on the new model could gather real-time evidences dynamically in a distributed system, and save this evidences in a safe place in time. So unauthorised deletion ,change to evidences could be detected and prevented. Then the stored evidences could be used for further analysis and review.
    Semi-fragile watermarking algorithm based on operations over finite field
    YAN Xiao-dong, WANG Zhi-qin, GUAN Yu-jun
    2005, 25(06):  1294-1295.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1294
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    A new kind of semi-fragile watermarking algorithm based on operations over finite fields was presented by analyzing the fragile effects of the scrambling encryption for the watermarking algorithms. The experiments results show that this algorithm has a good robustness for the JPEG compression with the fixed coefficient, and a good fragileness for the illegal manipulation.
    Graphics and image processing
    Fuzzy image retrieval and its application
    ZHANG Ming, ZHANG Zheng-lan
    2005, 25(06):  1296-1298.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1296
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    The content-based image retrieval is one of the key issues in multimedia information processing. As a kind of most direct and vivid media , the description of visual characteristics of image is imprecise, so fuzzy image retrieval has become a natural and important method. In this paper, a fuzzy image database model based on fuzzy space were proposed and a method of fuzzy similarity measurement was described. Moreover, a fuzzy query system for water conservancy image was presented in detail.
    Compression and transmission scheme of desktop graphic image sequences
    LUO Hong, MU De-jun
    2005, 25(06):  1299-1301.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1299
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    In the first place, how to capture the Windows and Linux desktop graphic images was described, using their API functions. Then a lossless encoding arithmetic based on gridding was put forward, according to the characters of desktop graphic image sequences. The experiment results show that this arithmetic can compress the desktop graphic image sequences effectively and can meet actual application demands.
    Multi-scale algorithm of video shot cut detection on MPEG compressed domain
    HU Xin-tao, GUO Lei, REN Jian-feng
    2005, 25(06):  1302-1304.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1302
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    Shot cut detection is one of the challenging problems in video auto-index and retrieval. A multi-scale algorithm of shot cut detection on MPEG compressed domain which analyzed the video stream on the scales of GOP, slot and B frames was proposed in this paper. The I frames in two adjacent GOP was examined to find if there were shot cut whitin the GOP; the area of the cut was located by analyzing the slot and the exact frame where the shot cut occurred was found by examining B frames between two reference frames.
    New robust extraction method of image skeleton
    ZHAO Chun-jiang, SHI Wen-kang, DENG Yong
    2005, 25(06):  1305-1306.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1305
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    Based on the medial axis transform of the upright maximal squares, a new robust binary image skeletonization was proposed in this paper. By computing the numbers of the maximal neighboring pixels in an object, the transform image was obtained, and then skeleton was extracted. If the threshold was initialized, this method could extract the skeleton from the noisy image. Experimental results show that this method can excellently extract the skeletons. Moreover, compared with the traditional medial axis transform (MAT) method and morphology method to skeletonization, this method is robust to background noise.
    Fast fingerprint classification algorithm based on oriented radial and generalized nonsymmetrical features
    TONG Yu-bing, CHANG Qing, ZHANG Qi-shan
    2005, 25(06):  1307-1309. 
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    In this paper, several methods used to class fingerprint were introduced and analyzed. A novel spatial one was presented here, which made low request to fingerprint minutiae with low complexity by defining oriented radial and feature-indexing zone. The results from the experiment improve it effective.In this paper, several methods used to class fingerprint were introduced and analyzed. A fast fingerprint classification algorithm was presented, which was based on oriented radial and generalized nonsymmetrical features of fingerprint. The new algorithm made low request to fingerprint center location and the dimension of fingerprint features was also lower. The oriented radial was used to extract fingerprint spatial features. The process of extracting features and classification strategy were simple. At the bottom of this paper, results from the experiment improve it effective.
    Fusion algorithm for multi-temporal image based on change detection
    LI Xiao-chun, CHEN Jing
    2005, 25(06):  1310-1312.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1310
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    On the basis of analysis on characters of multi-temporal image, new fusion algorithm for multi-temporal image based on change detection was proposed. First, change extent of all areas in two images was decided by combining feature extraction based on wavelet transform and ICA change detection through subspace projection, concurrence region growing algorithm was proposed in order to extract feature mask on objects. The fusion scheme was proposed based on results of change detection. Simulation results show that the algorithm proposed is very effective.
    Motion-estimation based fast block-size selection for inter-frame coding in H.264/AVC
    WANG Zheng-ning, ZHU Chang-qian, ZHAO Jin-hua
    2005, 25(06):  1313-1315.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1313
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    One of the new features adopted in video coding standard H.264/AVC was the utilization of flexible block sizes ranging from 16×16 to 4×4 in inter-frame coding. The aim was to reduce the error due to fixed block size prediction within a macroblock. However, this feature required extremely computational complexity. In this paper, a fast block size selection algorithm based on motion-estimation for inter-frame coding was proposed. Extensive simulations verify that the proposed method provides significant improvement in computational requirement without sacrificing picture quality and compression ratio.
    Estimating the blurring length of uniform linear motion blurred images
    HE Wei-guo, LI Shao-fa
    2005, 25(06):  1316-1317.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1316
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    Setting the point spread function (PSF) of motion-blurred images is the key problem in image restoration. For uniform linear motion blurred images, the blurring length and direction determine PSF. The reason and condition of black strips in the spectrum images of motion-blurred images and specified the exact positions of black strips were analyzed. A method to accurately estimate the blurring length of uniform linear motion blurred images was introduced. That the method can get accurate result was proved theoretically and experimentally. Finally, the shortcoming of the method was pointed out.
    De-noising of ECG signal based on discrete stationary wavelet transfor
    JI Hu, SUN Ji-xiang, LIN Cheng-long
    2005, 25(06):  1318-1320.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1318
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    The de-noising method based on the stationary wavelet tranform was proposed. According to the different source and the trait of frequency distributing, different de-noising methods for the detail signal transformed by selecting coiflets wavelet to decompose the noisy of ECG signal for several levels were used. The experiment shows that this method can avoid the Gibbs phenomena which often occurs in traditional DWT de-nosing method.
    Image restoration with radial basis function network based on fuzzy adjustment
    XING Gui-hua, ZHU Qing-bao
    2005, 25(06):  1321-1323.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1321
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    To overcome the difficulties of creating mathematics model in traditional image restoration, a image restoration algorithm based on a RBF neural network was given. The algorithm could restore similarly degenerated image by learning the reverse process of a degenerated process by using no-linear map and adaptability of RBF network. The method of determining RBF network central parameters was improved by fuzzy adjustment at first and then the image restoration algorithm was designed. The simulation shows that the improved RBF network can restore the typically degenerated image satisfactorily.
    Research on KICA-based face recognition
    YIN Ke-zhong, GONG Wei-guo, LI Wei-hong, LIANG Yi-xiong, ZHANG Hong-mei
    2005, 25(06):  1324-1326.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1324
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    Independent component analysis (ICA), mainly based on single linear functions, is an approach widely used in face recognition. A new approach to face recognition—kernel independent component analysis(KICA) was introduced that was based on an entire function space of nonlinear subspace. First introduced ICA in a concise way and mainly discuss the KICA’s basic principle and algorithm, and analyzed the differences between the ICA and KICA in face recognition. Finally, the experimental and analytical results show that in face recognition KICA algorithm outperforms ICA algorithm.
    Artificial intelligence
    New perfect performance multiclass classification algorithm based on KFDA
    KONG Rui,ZHANG Bing
    2005, 25(06):  1327-1329.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1327
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    n the paper, theorys of Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KFDA) were researched and analysed. After applying KFDA in feature extracting, the performance of KFDA and that of Linear Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) feature extracting algorithms were compared. Finally, a fast and simple multiclass classification algorithm of KFDA-based was proposed. The algorithm can classify multiclass fast and simply. First of all, multiclass samples were mapped into a high dimension kernel space. In the space, the same class samples were assembled together, the different class samples were perfectly separated. So the multiclass samples can be separate easily. Comparing with One-to-One algorithm and One-to-All algorithm, the experiment results indicate that our algorithm is certainly faster and simpler in classification than other two algorithms.
    Smooth fitting with selecting the regularization parameter under the genetic programming algorithm
    WANG Si-chun, ZHANG Tai-shan, YIN Zhi-yun, ZHANG Chu-wen
    2005, 25(06):  1330-1333.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1330
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    The smooth fitting problem of fitness evalutation function under the genetic programming(GP) algorithm was discussed. To reduce the computational cost required for evaluating the fitness value of GP trees, numerical weights of GP trees were estimated by adopting both linear associative memories (LAM) and the Hook and Jeeves (HJ) method. The quality of smooth fitting is critically dependent on the choice of the regularization parameter. So, a novel method for choosing the regularization parameter was presented. One numerical example was given with the comparison of generalized cross-validation (GCV) B-splines.
    Speaker recognition based on Bayesian network
    WAN Hong-jie, DU Li-min, DENG Hao-jiang
    2005, 25(06):  1333-1334.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1333
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    Based on Bayesian network theory and according to the task of speaker recognition with text independent, a Bayesian network structure for speaker recognition was presented. Methods of constructing the network,parameter estimation and how to inference and classify in speaker recognition were also given in detail.Experimental results under the same train and test data show that this network structure can achieve thirty percent average relative improvement in performance than classical Gaussian mixture model.
    Pattern recognition method for critical modules of software based on neural networks
    WANG Yi-gang, ZHU Xiao-dong, GAN Mao-zhi
    2005, 25(06):  1336-1338.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1336
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    How neural network could deal with the pattern recognition of software critical modules was studied. First, the cascaded-correlation algorithm was modified using cross validation, and then based on the complexity metrics of software modules, the multilayer neural network classifier was designed to identify critical modules of software. Finally, by analyzing the application in the project MAP, the experiment result shows the advantage of the modified cascaded-correlation algorithm.
    Generalized LR syntactic analysis algorithm based on neural network
    ZHAO Ya-qin, ZHOU Xian-zhong2
    2005, 25(06):  1339-1341.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1339
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    Syntactic analysis is one of important constituent parts in the field of natural language processing. An neural network-based Generalized LR(NNGLR) syntactic analysis algorithm was described in this paper. The algorithm unites GLR algorithm with neural network, and the shift-reduce parsing decision of GLR parser was simulated by a back-propagation neural network so as to improve its flexibility. Based on the techniques above, the algorithm solved the disadvantage of GLR that parsing table becomes large when there exists many shift-reduce conflicts. The experiment shows that the algorithm has good generalization.
    Speech features extraction based on wavelet modulation scale
    MA Xin,DI Li-minI
    2005, 25(06):  1342-1344.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1342
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    Based on time-frequency analysis, the theory of estimating a modulation scale representation was discussed, and a new method of features extraction for speech recognition was proposed. Considering specialty of human auditory perception and disturbances, wavelet analysis was used instead of Fourier analysis for modulation frequency transform, and wavelet modulation scales was acquired as speech features for recognition. For further attenuating the effects of disturbances, subband normalization was introduced with the wavelet modulation scales. Experiments for the Chinese syllables recognition show extracting the wavelet modulation scales as the dynamic features outperform the frequency differences both in noise environments and in time misalignment cases.
    Improvement on automatic speech segmentation using wavelet packet transform features
    QIN Huan, CHAI Pei-qi, CHEN Kai
    2005, 25(06):  1345-1346.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1345
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    Two new feature parameters based on wavelet packet transform were proposed intend of MFCC. According to the difference of decorrelation method, the two feature parameters were named as subband based cepstral parameters (SBC) and wavelet packet parameters (WPP). The tests indicate that SBC and WPP achieve better performance than MFCC.
    Semi-supervised clustering based on spectral clustering
    SI Wen-wu,QIAN Yun-tao
    2005, 25(06):  1347-1349.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1347
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    Semi-supervised clustering employs a small amount of labeled data to aid unsupervised learning. In this paper a new semi-supervised clustering method based on spectral clustering was proposed. Making use of the information the labeled data contains, the distance matrix derived from data was modified and then the spectral clustering method was uesed to get the final clusters according to the modified distance matrix. Experimental result demonstrates that compared with previously proposed semi-supervised clustering algorithm this method produces better clusters.
    Clustering algorithm based on rough set and Cobweb
    XU Quan-qing, ZHU Yu-wen, LI liang, LIU Wan-chun
    2005, 25(06):  1350-1352.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1350
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    An efficient algorithm CRSC(a Clustering Algorithm Based On Rough Set and Cobweb) was proposed. Aiming at the shortage of Cobweb and according to some correlative theories, the theory of rough set was imported to solve a best reduced set of attribute-value pairs, and then it was combined with Cobweb algorithm to construct a hierarchical tree. Our experiment study shows that it greatly advances efficiency without losing accuracy compared with previous methods.
    Database and data mining
    New approach for outlier detection in high dimensional dataset with mixed attributes
    LI Qing-hua, LI Xin, JIANG Sheng-yi
    2005, 25(06):  1353-1356.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1353
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    The outlier detection problem has important applications in the fields of fraud detection, weather prediction, customer segmentation1 and intrusion detection. Many recent algorithms use concepts of proximity in order to find outliers based on their relationship to the rest of the data. In this paper we proposed a new algorithm to detect outlier in high dimensional domains with mixed attributes based on clustering, and proposed a new method to measure similarity and outlyingness of objects. The algorithm we proposed can give near linear performance. The experimental results on KDDCUP99 and Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset show that our algorithm is not only effective and scalable but also leads to reasonable good accuracy.
    Dynamic clustering algorithm based on dependent function and its application
    ZHU Qun-xiong, XUAN Da-jing, GU Xiang-bai
    2005, 25(06):  1357-1359.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1357
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    A dynamic clustering algorithm was proposed based on consistent matrix of dependent function for time series multi-dimensional data. Further, improved standard dependent function calculation formula was proposed for time series cubic data. The provided algorithm was adopted to cluster ethylene cracking furnace alarm information by time series data. The effective of the proposal algorithm has been verified by result of above case study. Proposed dynamic clustering algorithm has strong robustness in clustering of time series multi-dimensional data.
    Efficient updating method for mining association rules
    WANG Xin
    2005, 25(06):  1360-1361.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1360
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    In mining association rules, an user may required to tune (increase or reduce) the value of the minimum support many times before a set of useful association rules could be obtained from the transaction database. In this paper, an algorithm PSI was given for efficient generation of new candidate itemsets using prestored information. It can significantly reduce the number of candidate itemsets in each database scan.
    Efficient approach for identifying approximately duplicate Chinese database records
    CHENG Guo-da, SU Hang-li
    2005, 25(06):  1362-1365.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1362
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    Eliminating duplicate records could improve data quality. An approach based on type numbers of field values was proposed to select the sorting fields. In the process of identifying approximately duplicate records, the first sorting field was used to create 2-D-linked list storing approximately duplicate records. And the second and third sorting fields were employed to sort pair-wise that belong to 2-D-linked list. To match between Chinese character strings efficiently, various errors were researched since customary abbreviations and some input errors of the similarities in pronunciation and shape. Solving the input mistakes by looking up the “Similarity Chinese Characters Table” and the similarity function which was used to determine whether two records were duplicate or not. The experimental results prove: the approach can detect efficiently the approximately duplicate Chinese database records.
    Design of structured data storage index algorithm based on P2P
    2005, 25(06):  1366-1368.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1366
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    DB-link tree is one of typical distributed index-algorithm to structured data. It was ineffective and poor-applicable in P2P environment. The PB-link tree was constructed by grouped data identifier and data index were mapped to nodes first, then redistribute tree node’s index and synchronization. Lazy update and active update were employed on node’s consolidation and split policy. It was more prepotent than DB-link and much more applied to P2P structured data storage environment.
    Online prediction method for data streams based on wavelet synopses
    GUO Ji-ping
    2005, 25(06):  1369-1372.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1369
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    Several studies in recent years were demonstrated that wavelets can be efficiently used to compress large quantities of data down to compact wavelet synopses and provided fast and fairly accurate approximate answers to queries. In this paper author presented a wavelet synopses and prediction framework to analyze dynamic high-frequency data streams. A novel construction method for wavelet synopses provided with efficient De-noise ability was proposed. Its varied threshold schema for every decomposition level could adapt itself to the change of background noise. Based on this wavelet synopsis, a multi-scale prediction and analysis method for summarization was used to separate out the trend, turning points, cyclical fluctuations and autocorrelational effects etc. This framework was used to provide annotation for time series data streams at real-time. Experimental results with real power load datasets demonstrate that our approach achieves improved velocity and accuracy to approximate prediction queries when compared to existing techniques.
    Optimized MMDR algorithm and it’s application in simulating stock market
    LIN Xiao-min, WANG Zhi-bao, SUN Jia-ning, WANG Yong-ben
    2005, 25(06):  1373-1375.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1373
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    MMDR(Machine Method for Discovering Regularities) is a method in Data Minning field which can get knowledge from data. In this paper, author designed a wide-first approximative regularity dual layer growing algorithm to implement MMDR, and introduced how to apply this algorism in stock price forecasting and building individual models in stock market simulation with the rules produced in the process that the algorithm runs.
    Association rules mining algorithm FAS and it’s application
    LIU Ping,BIE Rong-fang2
    2005, 25(06):  1376-1378.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1376
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    An association rules mining alogorithm FAS was proposed . It rapidly distinguishes in a certain frequent itemset all the formers and the latters which were used to generate association rules. A FAS-based data mining system ARMiner with the latest mining results were also designed. It consists of five parts: Data Preprocessing, Initial calculation of frequent itemsets, Update calculation of frequent itemsets, Choice of frequent itemsets and generation of association rules. It not only visualized generated results in support-confidence form, but also provided an easily accessible and user-friendly interface for interactive mining based on frequent itemsets.
    Extension of DBSCAN with non-Spatial attributes
    SUN Zhi-wei, ZHAO Zheng
    2005, 25(06):  1379-1381.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1379
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    In many effective algorithms for cluster, DBSCAN algorithm is outstanding for its good performance in spatial data。Relying on a density-based notion of clusters, DBSCAN can discover clusters of arbitrary shape. But it cant support non-spatial attributes, in some application of cluster, the non-spatial attributes play important role. Based on the DBSCAN, referencing some notion of DBRS and considering data type of non-spatial attribute, the paper proposed a method of extension of DBSCAN and gave main algorithm。The algorithm can operate spatial and non-spatial attribute.
    Elementary research on the building of privacy preserving decision tree
    LU Hui-ping, TONG Xue-feng
    2005, 25(06):  1382-1384.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1382
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    The paper briefly introduced the concept of privacy preserving data mining technology and studied the application of decision tree classifier in this particular field. A decision tree classifier was applied and a scalar product protocol was added, so that the need of privacy preserving is satisfied as well as the advantage of decision tree is retained.
    Algorithm for mining frequent patterns based on converse FP-tree
    ZHAO Yan-duo, SONG Bin-heng
    2005, 25(06):  1385-1387.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1385
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    It proposed an algorithm for mining frequent patterns by finding the frequent extensions and merging sub-trees in a conversely constructed FP-tree. The performance of the algorithm is superior to the one of FP-Growth both in time and space consuming. It runs over two times faster than the FP-Growth and has a good scalability.
    Non-parameter clustering method for gene expression data
    ZHAO Yu-hai, WANG Guo-ren,YIN Ying
    2005, 25(06):  1388-1391.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1388
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    This paper proposed a new non-parametric algorithm for clustering gene expression data. This algorithm combined the fuzzy clustering of multi-dimensional data with CTWC. Furthermore, it introduced the norm-based method to improve and prove reasonable. The colon tumor gene expression dataset was analyzed and the interesting combination of 8 genes is discovered, which could identify the colon tumor samples whih 90% accuracy as well as the subtypes of the colon tumor. Experiments were proved the feasibility of the method.
    Techniques and implementation of publish/subscribe-based partition processing replicate in grid database
    GAO Wei-zhong,LIAO Hua-ming
    2005, 25(06):  1392-1395.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1392
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    The work relevant to the Grid Database was introduced. According to one practical application of an enterprise, author discussed the design and implementation of real-time data replicate system in Grid Databases, which based on OGSA-DAI and publish/subscribe model. The overall architecture and the key technologies of data partition strategy were presented. Test results demonstrate that the model that bases on the Publish/Subscribe has higher efficiency and good real time property against the pull-method model that bases on the Oracle data linkage.
    Efficient algorithm for rapidly mining valid and non-redundant rules
    LIU Nai-li, LI Yu-chen, MA Lei
    2005, 25(06):  1396-1397.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1396
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    Mining association rules is an important research field in data mining.The traditional algorithm mining association rules,or slowly produces association rules,or produces too many redundant rules,or it is probable to find an association rule,which posses high support and confidence,but is uninteresting,and even is false.Furthermore,a rule with negative-item can’t be produced.This paper put forwards a new algorithm MVNR(Mining Valid and non-Redundant Association Rules Algorithm),which primely solved above problems by using the minimal subset of frequent itemset.
    XML documents structured Cluster
    HAO Xiao-li, Feng Zhi-yong
    2005, 25(06):  1398-1400.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1398
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    This article proposed a novel way for clustering XML documents against the defects of the methods in existence. Based on the conception of segment matching, calculation the similarity of two XML trees, which was used to measure the similarity between the two integrated XML trees. In the whole clustering procession, it equiped each cluster with XML cluster representative, which subsumed the most typical structural specifics of a set of XML documents. The cluster representative was constructed by three successive steps named Tree matching, Tree merging and Tree pruning. Then clustering was accomplished by comparing cluster representatives, and updating the representatives as soon as new clusters are detected. And finally the effectiveness of the clustering method is evaluated by testing results.
    Technique of auto-selection multi-layers grid spatial index
    ZHOU Yong, HE Jian-nong, TU Ping
    2005, 25(06):  1401-1404.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1401
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    Spatial index is a key issue in massive spatial data processing. This paper improved the multi-layers grid by analyzing the grid files. Some creative theories and relevant algorithms were put forward such as first layer grid auto-selection algorithm based on normal distribute and new grid-contain algorithm. This paper analyzed the performance of the improved multi-layer grid spatial index by real data test. Test results show that in most case the creative theories improve the performance and adjustability of index.
    Typical applications
    Sport training analysis and decision system based on data warehouse
    XU Ying-zhuo
    2005, 25(06):  1405-1407.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.1405
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    Aiming at the big fluidity of sport training and matches, an analysis and decision system based on data warehouse for sport training was constructed by Web, data warehouse and data mining technique to meet the need of analyzing and decision-making for people in different levels. The system integrates all kinds of analyzing and decision-making models and methods by a uniform analyzing platform, and can provide quantitative evidences for establishing training aim, method, optimizing schemes and items’ developing programming. The system also breaks a royal road for experts from the rear to guide training immediately.
    Application of association rules for medical image data mining
    WANG Shu-yan, ZHOU Ming-quan, GENG Guo-hua
    2005, 25(06):  1408-1409.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01408
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    A medical image classifier based on association rules was proposed.First, the scalar property discretized CA algorithm and association rules algorithm for medical image data mining were introduced. Then the algorithms were applied to the data mining of the mammography classification. The experimental results are shown and the experimental system achieves high accuracy. indicating the great potential of data mining in assistant medical treatment.
    Application of hierachical Petri net model with process and control places
    CHEN Bang-xing,WU Fang-mei
    2005, 25(06):  1410-1413.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01410
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     Petri nets, as a practical formal language to describe asynchronous concurrent systems, are widely used in many fields, and its formal analysis methods are convenient for computer aided analysis of complex systems. The classical Petri nets which have simplex place type have some restrictions in many application area. Petri net model with process and control places was introduced in this paper, which improved the modelling ability of Petri net and extends its application areas, and its application based on the logics of routing of railway station was also depicted.
    ProActive-based programing for grid’s application
    LIANG Zheng-you, ZHANG Ling, DONG Shou-bin
    2005, 25(06):  1414-1416.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01414
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    ProActive was introduced in this paper. With an example of developing a task scheduler for grid, design and programming method for gird and network by ProActive was discussed and given. The example shows that ProActive is suited and flexible for developing grid and network application.
    Standard parts modelling platform for networked products development
    LIU Yong,GAO Jian-min, CHEN Fu-min
    2005, 25(06):  1417-1419.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01417
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    The method of modeling was discussed to support the construction of networked standard parts in this paper. Moreover, a web-based modeling environment was provided that integrates products’ standard information, functions and techniques. Programming and modeling methods and flows were analyzed particularly. The item management and workflow methods was implement in the system to construct the standard parts information for users in Internet. Besides, a platform was constructed to management the standard project and faced with products development.
    Fast linear pulse incremental interpolation algorithm
    ZHANG Qing-feng, ZHOU Ji-peng
    2005, 25(06):  1420-1421.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01420
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    This paper proposed a fast linear pulse incremental interpolation algorithm. The algorithm can get two forward steps’ pulse increments in three axes every interpolation step, and uses only integer operations. The algorithm improves the efficiency of interpolation and its error is litter than 0.707δ. It is suitable for various CNC systems of machine tools and rapid prototyping machines.
    Improvement on the decoding algorithm of Turbo codes according to the data distributing
    ZHU Guang-xi, XIN Yu, FENG Bin, YU Li
    2005, 25(06):  1422-1423.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01422
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    A novel decoding algorithm of turbo codes was proposed in this paper. Based on the MAX-Log-MAP algorithm, the novel algorithm not only used the segment linearity function but also took the statistic of the decoding data into account. Experimental results demonstrate that it performs better than the MAX-Log-MAP algorithm using traditional segment linearity function.
    Web Service composition based on object-oriented Petri net
    TAO Xiao-feng, SUN Jian1
    2005, 25(06):  1424-1426.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01424
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    An approach to Web Service Composition based on a kind of Object-Oriented Petri Net-OOPN was proposed in this paper. By means of this approach, not only the formal semantics of Web Service and its composition could be definitely described, but also the control flow of composed Web Service could be graphically modeled. Furthermore, this approach could be used to validate the correctness of Web Serviced composition. 更
    UML-RT based complex embedded systems modeling methodologies and application
    HE Hai, ZHONG Yi-fang, CAI Chi-lan
    2005, 25(06):  1427-1429.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01427
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    Along with the functions of real-time embedded systems becoming more and more complex, and the market press becoming pricking up, the design of real-time embedded systems needs modern software engineering methodologies. Rather recently, using UML in real time domains becomes a hot topic. Real-time embedded systems usually are compositions of event-driven discrete systems and dataflow-based continuous systems. But the extensions of UML for real-time domains (UML-RT) only support event-driven systems modeling. This paper first analysed the advantages and problems of using UML in real time systems design. Second, it discussed UML-RT based real-time embedded systems design methodology and proposed an extension of UML-RT to support Dataflow modeling. Finally, this paper presented an automobile cruise control system as an example to illuminate this methodology.
    Study on one kind of ability of information system—agility
    LI Yan-hong, LI Si-zhi
    2005, 25(06):  1430-1431.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01430
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    The paper focused on the ability that information system responds to changes—agility, provided its definition, proposed its four categorized conceptions such as processing agility, communication agility, restructuring agility and decision-making agility, and showed it is of importance to study agility of information system. Finally the paper analyzed the crucial techniques and methods involved in the implementation of agility of information system.
    Co-synthesis algorithm for heterogeneous real-time systems and the concurrent design of components
    LUO Yi-gui,LUAN Jing, GU Jun-zhong
    2005, 25(06):  1432-1436.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01432
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    A co-synthesis algorithm for heterogeneous real-time embedded system and a design method of the components in SystemC were proposed. As the result, the system architecture of heterogeneous real-time system can be generated, and the hardware and software components can be further developed concurrently in the SystemC environment.
    Design and implementation of object-oriented embedded-GIS spatial model
    MA Chang-jie, XIE-Zhong, WU Xin-cai
    2005, 25(06):  1437-1438.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01437
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    Using the object-oriented technology, the paper generalized and abstracted the embedded-GIS into such models as element, feature, map representation & rendering, geo-data computation & analysis, spatial-data compression & index and web services supporting. It discussed the design, organized relation, and management method, implementation technique between these models. At the end of paper, it gave some brief statements on models application and existed problem.
    Design and implementation of the full wireless video alarm system
    ZHONG Qian,MA Rui-fang,SONG Ya-nan, WANG Jian-yong
    2005, 25(06):  1439-1441.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01439
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    This paper introduced a novel solution of a embedded alarm system based on the wireless video technology. This system integrated the advanced network technology, the wireless communication technology and the multimedia technology. It could send the real-time pictures collected by the video surveillance system to the user’s mobile telephone or email box,so the user could easily know the status of the locale.
    Using directed graph based BDMM algorithm for Chinese word segmentation
    CHEN Yao-dong, WANG Ting
    2005, 25(06):  1442-1444.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01442
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    Chinese word segmentation is one of the fundamental key techniques for Chinese Information Processing. In this paper, the authors firstly studied current segmentation algorithms, then, modifid the traditional Maximum Match (MM) algorithm. With the consideration of both word-coverage rate and sentence-coverage rate, a character Directed Graph with ambiguity mark was implemented for searching all possible segmentation sequences. This method compared with the classic MM algorithms and omni-segmentation algorithm and the experiment result shows that the Directed Graph based algorithm can achieve higher coverage rate and lower complexity.
    Dynamic program slice algorithm for test data generation
    2005, 25(06):  1445-1447.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01445
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    Test data generation is a key for software testing. The program slicing technique is employed in software test data generation so that the efficiency of test data generation can thus be enhanced. In this paper, the basic concepts of program slicing techniques were introduced, and a dynamic program slice algorithm based on forward analysis was presented here,then its application to test data generation was discussed. The result show that the effciency of test data generation can thus be enhanced.
    Software project progress measurement process based on GQM model
    LI Ya-Hong,HAO Ke-Gang,GE-Wei
    2005, 25(06):  1448-1450.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01448
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    It has introduced the GQM (Questions Goals Metric) model into software project progress measurement process. The matter makes the software project progress controllable and prevision. Here has fully explained GQM model. At the same time, introduced the software measurement steps— including property, basic measurement, derived measurement, indicator, and information production. Finally, based on a factual software progress Gantt chart, this paper has finished a series of particular GQM measurement plan and measurement structure. Consequently, a measurement indicator is got, analyzing and summarizing the measurement results. Well, it is provided that all of this paper is greatly valuable for the software practicable activities.
    Research and application on Meta-negotiation of establishing cooperative work teams in network CSCW
    ZHANG Xiao-zhen,WANG Ying
    2005, 25(06):  1451-1454.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01451
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    The far-ranging application of automated negotiation has inspired a new clew of establishing cooperative work team in CSCW(Computer Supported Cooperative Work). A particular “Meta-negotiation” between team members distinguishes this negotiation process from others. At present, most researches neglects or evades discussions on this aspect. Consequently from the view of analyzing the existence of meta-negotiation, this paper proposed a new concept “team object ”to describe team’s structure and used the “ballot” method in group decision-making theory as the core idea to establish cooperative work team. The corresponding “Meta-negotiation” mechanism was designed. On the basis of “constraints space”, the change situations of solution space and team space during the negotiation were discussed. Author combined the need of network application to devise a schema that could avoid failures coming from network congestion and detention, and take a significant step on the road of exploring properties and applications of meta-negotiation.
    Fuzzy ISODATA and application in CRM
    HE Min,ZHANG Hong-wei,ZHANG Bo
    2005, 25(06):  1455-1457.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01455
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    The paper discussed a model of customer classification based on Fuzzy ISODATA in CRM system. This model was put into practice by adopting the featuring parameters of RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) and using the method of maximal matrix element to ascertain the number of classification. The system was realized with ASP and Microsoft SQL server, has been successfully implemented in a large Dairy corporation and provides the scientific basis to treat customers differently.
    Strategy of generating Web Server’s responding workload
    HUO Li-ping, GUO Cheng-cheng
    2005, 25(06):  1458-1460.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01458
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    The characterizing analysis of workload generated by Web server’s responding is important for Web server performance evaluation. Characteristic of Web server’s responding and proper workload help for understanding how server and networks respond to variation load. This paper refered to a strategy of generating responding workload file of Web Server.
    Design of Web map system based on Java
    ZENG Wen-hua,WANG You-fu
    2005, 25(06):  1461-1462.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01461
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    In this article author first analized the main technology of Web Map, and introduced the Javamap that the software designed with UML and java. Further more, the data structure was described and graphical was displaied in Javamap in detail. At last it was also listed the characteristics and shortages of the system with www.zjmap.com.
    Modified algorithm of generalized membership function and realized on FPGA
    LI Hao,FANG Kang-ling,YANG Fan
    2005, 25(06):  1463-1465.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01463
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    Aiming at the practice of engineering application, algorithm of generalized membership function was modified at first. The result of simulation of Matlab can be seen. A fuzzy controller with generalized membership was designed and realized on a piece of FPGA. The controller combines the algorithm with FPGA’s characteristic.
    Version composition of objects in collaborative design of offline mode
    WANG Wei-li, DOU Wan-feng, LI Yong-fei,SHEN Qi
    2005, 25(06):  1466-1467.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01466
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    The version composition of graphics object is one of the key techniques in circumstances of collaborative design of offline mode. The characteristics of offline collaborative design was analyzed, and an algorithm of object version composition was presented and realized.This algorithm can resolve conflict of geometry and non-geometry efficiently.The course that the algorithm realized was analyzed by a simple example.
    LMS adaptive channel estimation algorithm and simulation
    SUN Gang-can, ZHOU Chang-zhu, SU Bei
    2005, 25(06):  1468-1470.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01468
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    Channel estimation technique is a key technique of CDMA mobile communication system. A novel LMS adaptive channel estimator with continuous pilot channel was presented. First, channel impulse response was estimated by adaptive LMS filter during a code. Then, the most suitable integral-length was computed according to the channel change rate. Simulink is a good tool for system dynamic simuliation. The simulation of novel channel estimation algorithm was based on S-Function. The simulation results indicate that the proposed channel estimator work well.
    Design and implementation of multimedia differentiation IPv6 test-bed under Linux
    SONG Song,DU Wen,NIU Zhi-sheng,LI Kang
    2005, 25(06):  1471-1474.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2005.01471
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    To guarantee QoS of real-time multimedia traffic networks in wireless network, designed and implemented a QoS differentiation IPv6 test-bed. Test-bed can implement and test many QoS scheduling scheme and its key component is IPv6 Router in which QoS differentiation scheduling runs. Scheduling is implemented by Loadable Kernel Module of Linux which captures packets via hook of NetFilter and forwards them according priorities. Given higher priority, signaling and real-time traffic will get better QoS. Test-bed works well as an open development environment for QoS research.
2024 Vol.44 No.12

Current Issue
Honorary Editor-in-Chief: ZHANG Jingzhong
Editor-in-Chief: XU Zongben
Associate Editor: SHEN Hengtao XIA Zhaohui
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