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Comparison of clustering methods based on Kohonen neural network in remote sensing classification

Chunping Liu   

  • Received:2006-01-09 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-07-01 Published:2006-07-01
  • Contact: Chunping Liu



  1. 苏州大学计算机科学与技术学院
  • 通讯作者: 刘纯平

Abstract: Three kinds of clustering methods, including KCN (Kohonen Clustering Network), FKCN (Fuzzy cMeans based Kohonen Clustering Network) and EPKCN (Evolutionary Programming based Kohonen Clustering Network) that were applied in the classification of remote sensing image, were discussed. Experiments show that these unsupervised learning methods had different characters in classifying land use/cover of remote sensing. To EPKCN, the vision effect of classification is best and the rate of single iteration is fastest; To FKCN, when the training process trends to convergence, the total training rate is fastest. However, taking into count the demand of land use/cover classification in remote sensing, EPKCN is the best one in these three algorithms, and can be applied in unsupervised classification of remote sensing land use/cover.

Key words: Kohonen Clustering Network (KCN), evolutionary programming, unsupervised learning, remote sensing image classification

摘要: 设计完成和比较了基于Kohonen自组织网络的Kohonen聚类网络(Kohonen Clustering Network, KCN)、模糊Kohonen聚类网络(Fluzzy KCN, FKCN)和基于进化规划的Kohonen聚类网络(Evalutionary Programming based KCN, EPKCN)三种聚类算法在遥感土地利用/覆盖分类中的应用。结果表明三种非监督学习方法在进行遥感土地利用/覆盖分类过程中,在分类性能上有显著差异。EPKCN分类目视效果最好,单次迭代的速度最快;FKCN总的收敛速度最快;而按遥感土地利用/覆盖分类要求而言,EPKCN方法在三种分类方法中效果最好,因此可采用该算法进行遥感土地利用/覆盖的非参数分类。

关键词: Kohonen聚类网络, 进化规划, 非监督学习, 遥感图像分类