Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2015, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (8): 2113-2117.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2015.08.2113

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Stateless communication mechanism between an IPv4 network and the IPv6 Internet

HAN Guoliang, SHENG Maojia, BAO Congxiao, LI Xing   

  1. Institute of Network Science and Cyberspace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  • Received:2015-03-30 Revised:2015-06-08 Online:2015-08-10 Published:2015-08-14


韩国梁, 盛茂家, 包丛笑, 李星   

  1. 清华大学 网络科学与网络空间研究院, 北京 100084
  • 通讯作者: 韩国梁(1987-),男,山西太原人,博士研究生,主要研究方向:计算机网络,
  • 作者简介:盛茂家(1992-),男,云南昭通人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:计算机网络; 包丛笑(1967-),女,上海人,副研究员,主要研究方向:计算机网络、多媒体通信系统; 李星(1956-),男,陕西蒲城人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向:信号与信息处理、计算机网络、多媒体通信系统。
  • 基金资助:



In the IPv4/IPv6 transition process, since some legacy IPv4 networks still need to communicate with the IPv6 Internet, the stateless communication mechanism between an IPv4 network and the IPv6 Internet, which complements the current IPv4/IPv6 translation framework, was proposed. First, the communication procedures in two related scenarios were demonstrated. The two scenarios include IPv6 Internet clients accessing IPv4 servers and IPv4 clients accessing IPv6 Internet servers. The one-way IPv6-IPv4 address mapping function is the key component of the mechanism. Therefore, the requirements and three quantitative criteria of the one-way mapping function were discussed. Afterwards, multiple Hash functions as the candidates of the one-way mapping function were compared and analyzed with the real user data of large IPv6 websites and real IPv6 server addresses. The simulation results show that the FarmCity Hash function is suitable to be deployed in the above two scenarios because it has short average processing time, low collision rate and low reverse query complexity. It also verifies the validity of the stateless communication mechanism. Compared with current stateful communication mechanisms, the stateless mechanism has better scalability and traceability. Moreover, the capacity for bidirectional communication facilitates a smooth migration path towards the IPv6 Internet.

Key words: IPv4/IPv6 transition, stateless translation, Hash function, scalability, traceability



关键词: IPv4/IPv6过渡, 无状态翻译, 哈希函数, 可扩展性, 可溯源性

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