Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (10): 3142-3148.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2022101506

• Cyber security • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Low-cost pay-per-use licensing scheme for FPGA intellectual property protection

Binwei SONG, Yao WANG()   

  1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou Henan 450001,China
  • Received:2022-10-12 Revised:2022-12-26 Accepted:2022-12-27 Online:2023-10-07 Published:2023-10-10
  • Contact: Yao WANG
  • About author:SONG Binwei, born in 1997, M. S. candidate. His research interests include on-chip and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware security.
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(SQ2020YFF0404465)

面向FPGA 知识产权保护的低开销按次付费授权方案

宋斌威, 王耀()   

  1. 郑州大学 电气与信息工程学院,郑州 450001
  • 通讯作者: 王耀
  • 作者简介:宋斌威(1997—),男,河南周口人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:片上与现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)硬件安全;
  • 基金资助:


The pay-per-use licensing of the Intellectual Property (IP) core enables the system designer to purchase IP at low price according to the actual situation, and has become a major method of IP licensing. To meet the pay-per-use demand of IP core, based on Reconfigurable Finite State Machine (RFSM) and Physical Unclonable Function (PUF), a new IP licensing scheme RFSM-PUF was proposed for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) IP. Aiming at the problem that the protocols of the IP protection schemes of different manufacturers cannot be used universally, an IP protection authentication protocol for the proposed scheme was proposed to ensure the confidentiality and flexibility of IP authentication. Firstly, RFSM was embedded in the Original Finite State Machine (OFSM) in the IP, and in this way, the IP was only unlocked by the IP core designer. Then, the challenges were input into the PUF circuit to produce responses. Finally, the cipher consisting of the license and PUF responses was input into the RFSM to unlock the IP. The security analysis results show that the proposed scheme meets various security indicators. RFSM-PUF scheme was tested on the LGSyth91 benchmark circuits. Experimental results show that on the premise of meeting various safety indicators, the proposed scheme reduces 1 377 Look-Up Tables (LUT) averagely at every IP core compared to the PUF based pay-per-use licensing scheme, so that the hardware overhead is significantly reduced.

Key words: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Intellectual Property (IP), Reconfigurable Finite State Machine (RFSM), Physical Unclonable Function (PUF), LGSyth91 benchmark


知识产权(IP)核按使用次数授权付费可以使系统设计者根据实际情况以较低的价格购买IP,已成为一种主要的IP授权方式。针对IP核按次付费的应用需求,提出一种应用于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA) IP的基于可重构有限状态机(RFSM)和物理不可克隆函数(PUF)的新型按次付费IP授权方案RFSM-PUF。针对在实际应用中不同厂家的IP保护方案协议无法通用的问题,提出一种适配所提方案的IP保护认证协议确保IP认证的保密性与灵活性。首先,在IP的原始有限状态机(OFSM)中嵌入一个RFSM,使得只有IP核设计者能够正确解锁IP;其次,将激励输入PUF电路中产生响应;最后,将license和PUF响应组成的密钥共同输入RFSM中来解锁IP。安全性分析结果表明,所提方案满足各项安全指标。在LGSyth91基准电路上的测试实验结果表明,在满足各项安全条件的前提下,所提方案在每个IP核中相较于基于PUF的按次付费授权方案平均查找表(LUT)数减少了1 377,显著降低了硬件开销。

关键词: 现场可编程门阵列, 知识产权, 可重构有限状态机, 物理不可克隆函数, LGSyth91基准

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