Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2013, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (04): 980-983.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2013.00980

• Artificial intelligence • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application of cultural algorithm in cross-docking scheduling

MAO Daoxiao,XU Kelin,ZHANG Zhiying   

  1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
  • Received:2012-11-05 Revised:2012-11-25 Online:2013-04-23 Published:2013-04-01
  • Contact: MAO Daoxiao



  1. 同济大学 机械与能源工程学院,上海 201804
  • 通讯作者: 毛道晓
  • 作者简介:毛道晓(1991-),男,浙江乐清人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:物流系统规划和优化;徐克林(1945-),女,上海人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向:工业工程、物流工程与管理; 张志英(1971-),男,内蒙古人,副教授,博士,主要研究方向:调度控制、制造系统仿真。

Abstract: This paper studied on the operational scheduling problem in a cross-docking center of a single receiving and a single shipping door with finite temporary storage. A dynamic programming model was built with the objective to minimize the costs including additional handing, temporary storage and truck replacement cost. A cultural algorithm with two layer evolutionary mechanism was proposed to solve the problem. The evolution of population space adopted genetic algorithm, and the belief space received good individual from population space to form knowledge which was used to guide evolution in turn. Numerical experiments under small and big scale situations prove the validity of proposed cultural algorithm.

Key words: cultural algorithm, cross-docking, scheduling, dynamic programming, Genetic Algorithm (GA), greedy algorithm

摘要: 研究只有一个入库门和一个出库门的带有限暂存区的越库中心的作业调度问题。以额外搬运成本、暂存成本和换车成本总和最小化为目标,建立动态规划模型。构建了具有两层进化机制的文化算法对问题进行求解。算法的种群空间采用遗传算法作为进化模式,信度空间接收种群空间的优良个体形成知识并指导遗传算法的选择操作。通过在大、小规模情形下进行数值实验,验证了文化算法的有效性。

关键词: 文化算法, 越库, 调度, 动态规划, 遗传算法, 贪婪算法

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