Various factors in the application may cause data loss and affect the analysis of subsequent tasks. Therefore, the imputation of missing data values in data sets is particularly important. Moreover, the accuracy of data imputation can significantly impact the analysis of subsequent tasks. Incorrect imputation data may introduce more severe bias in the analysis compared to missing data. A new missing value imputation algorithm named DDC-GAIN (Dual Discriminator based on Conditional Generation Adversarial Imputation Network) was introduced based on Conditional Generative Adversarial Imputation Network (C-GAIN) and dual discriminator, in which the primary discriminator was assisted by the auxiliary discriminator in assessing the validity of predicted values. In other words, the authenticity of the generated sample was judged by global sample information and the relationship between features was emphasized to estimate predicted values. Experimental results on four datasets show that, compared with five classical imputation algorithms, DDC-GAIN algorithm achieves the lowest Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) under the same conditions and with large sample size; when the missing rate is 15% on the Default credit card dataset, the RMSE of DDC-GAIN is 28.99% lower than that of the optimal comparison algorithm C-GAIN. This indicates that it is effective to utilize the auxiliary discriminator to support the primary discriminator in learning feature relationships.