Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 2913-2917.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2018030725

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Physical layer security performance analysis of full-duplex wireless-powered IoT networks

LIU Ming, MAO Yuming, LENG Supeng   

  1. School of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu Sichuan 611731, China
  • Received:2018-04-10 Revised:2018-05-24 Online:2018-10-13 Published:2018-10-10


刘铭, 毛玉明, 冷甦鹏   

  1. 电子科技大学 信息与通信工程学院, 成都 611731
  • 通讯作者: 冷甦鹏
  • 作者简介:刘铭(1987-),男,陕西西安人,博士研究生,主要研究方向:全双工无线通信、无线资源管理;毛玉明(1956-),男,四川德阳人,教授,硕士,主要研究方向:宽带通信网、无线通信网;冷甦鹏(1973-),男,四川攀枝花人,教授,博士生导师,博士,主要研究方向:车联网、下一代移动网络。

Abstract: Facing to jammers and eavesdroppers, conventional security data transmission is generally based on the cryptographic method. Enormous issues arise when the cryptographic method applied in dynamic wireless scenarios, such as key distribution for symmetric cryptosystems, and high computing complexity of asymmetric cryptosystems. With the rapid growing of wireless traffic and massive device accessing of Internet-of-Things (IoT), the computing complexity and energy consumption aggravate, which leads to security degrade of wireless networks. To address this issue, a secure communication scheme based on physical layer security was proposed for Full-Duplex (FD) wireless-powered IoT networks, which limited the amount of information received at the unauthorized receiver by exploiting the randomness of noise and wireless channel. In this method, secrecy capacity was analyzed based on information theory, and then the Secrecy Outage Probability (SOP) was derived with the analysis model of secrecy capacity. In addition, considering the influence of noise, jammer interference, spatial mutual interference, and residual self-interference on safety capacity, a secure beamforming method was proposed to increase the mutual information between the transmitting and receiving ends and improve the secrecy capacity of the full-duplex wireless-powered IoT network by decreasing the joint interference. Derivation results are verified through Monte Carlo simulation. Simulation results show that the FD wireless-powered IoT with secure beamforming is superior to the conventional wireless-powered IoT in terms of secrecy capacity and SOP.

Key words: Internet of Things (IoT), wireless-powered, Full-Duplex (FD), physical layer security, secrecy capacity, secrecy outage probability, secure beamforming

摘要: 面对干扰和窃听,传统的安全信息传输大都基于密钥加密的方法,在面向动态变化无线网络环境时会产生对称性密码系统的密钥分配、非对称性密码系统的高计算复杂度等问题。而快速增长的无线业务流量和物联网类型的海量设备接入,会引起计算复杂度的进一步提升和能量开销的激增。针对此问题,提出一种基于物理层安全技术的全双工无线供能物联网的安全通信方法,利用噪声和无线信道随机性来限制窃听者接收信息量。该方法首先基于信息论对全双工无线供能物联网安全容量进行分析,然后根据安全容量的分析模型推导得到了安全中断概率(SOP)的闭合表达式。最后,考虑到噪声、干扰机干扰、空间互干扰,以及残余自干扰等因素对安全容量的影响,提出一种全双工无线供能物联网安全波束成形方法,该方法通过降低联合干扰来增加发送和接收端的互信息量,提高全双工无线功能物联网的安全容量。通过蒙特卡罗仿真验证了推导结果的准确性,仿真结果表明,在安全容量和SOP指标上,全双工无线供能物联网比传统半双工无线功能物联网有较大性能增益。

关键词: 物联网, 无线供能, 全双工, 物理层安全, 安全容量, 安全中断概率, 安全波束成型

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