Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 1869-1875.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2021040578
Special Issue: 人工智能
• Artificial intelligence • Previous Articles Next Articles
Lei YANG1, Hongdong ZHAO1(), Kuaikuai YU2
Hongdong ZHAO
About author:
YANG Lei,born in 1978,Ph. D. candidate. His research interests include intelligent information processingSupported by:
CLC Number:
Lei YANG, Hongdong ZHAO, Kuaikuai YU. End-to-end speech emotion recognition based on multi-head attention[J]. Journal of Computer Applications, 2022, 42(6): 1869-1875.
杨磊, 赵红东, 于快快. 基于多头注意力机制的端到端语音情感识别[J]. 《计算机应用》唯一官方网站, 2022, 42(6): 1869-1875.
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序号 | 情绪类别 | 数量 |
合计 | 5 531 | |
0 | 生气 | 1 103 |
1 | 悲伤 | 1 084 |
2 | 高兴 | 1 636 |
3 | 中性 | 1 708 |
Tab. 1 IEMOCAP dataset description of different categories
序号 | 情绪类别 | 数量 |
合计 | 5 531 | |
0 | 生气 | 1 103 |
1 | 悲伤 | 1 084 |
2 | 高兴 | 1 636 |
3 | 中性 | 1 708 |
层类型 | 输出尺寸 | 核大小/步长 |
输入层 | 277,160,1 | |
卷积层1 | 277,128,32 | 1 × 33 / 1 |
卷积层2 | 277,128,1 | 1 × 1 / 1 |
Transformer层 | 277,128 | |
全局平均池化层 | 128 | |
全连接层 | 64 | |
Dropout | 64 | |
softmax层 | 4 |
Tab. 2 Parameters of MHA
层类型 | 输出尺寸 | 核大小/步长 |
输入层 | 277,160,1 | |
卷积层1 | 277,128,32 | 1 × 33 / 1 |
卷积层2 | 277,128,1 | 1 × 1 / 1 |
Transformer层 | 277,128 | |
全局平均池化层 | 128 | |
全连接层 | 64 | |
Dropout | 64 | |
softmax层 | 4 |
头数 | 层数 | MHA | MHA-SVM | MHA-LR | MHA-KNN |
2 | 1 | 65.1 | 67.3 | 65.8 | 66.0 |
2 | 63.7 | 65.2 | 63.6 | 63.0 | |
4 | 1 | 67.5 | 68.8 | 67.0 | 67.1 |
2 | 66.1 | 67.3 | 65.8 | 64.5 | |
8 | 1 | 67.7 | 69.6 | 66.9 | 67.3 |
2 | 67.1 | 69.0 | 67.2 | 66.9 |
Tab.3 Comparison of recognition accuracy of models under different numbers of heads and layers
头数 | 层数 | MHA | MHA-SVM | MHA-LR | MHA-KNN |
2 | 1 | 65.1 | 67.3 | 65.8 | 66.0 |
2 | 63.7 | 65.2 | 63.6 | 63.0 | |
4 | 1 | 67.5 | 68.8 | 67.0 | 67.1 |
2 | 66.1 | 67.3 | 65.8 | 64.5 | |
8 | 1 | 67.7 | 69.6 | 66.9 | 67.3 |
2 | 67.1 | 69.0 | 67.2 | 66.9 |
情绪类别 | 精准率 | 召回率 | F1分数 |
生气 | 77.3 | 68.2 | 72.4 |
悲伤 | 67.2 | 84.5 | 74.9 |
高兴 | 71.3 | 69.6 | 70.4 |
中性 | 72.4 | 68.2 | 70.2 |
Tab. 4 Performance comparison of MHA-SVM for 4 emotional categories on IEMOCAP dataset
情绪类别 | 精准率 | 召回率 | F1分数 |
生气 | 77.3 | 68.2 | 72.4 |
悲伤 | 67.2 | 84.5 | 74.9 |
高兴 | 71.3 | 69.6 | 70.4 |
中性 | 72.4 | 68.2 | 70.2 |
模型 | 输入特征 | 准确率/% |
SVM [ | LLDs | 57.5 |
SVM tree [ | 原始声音序列 | 60.9 |
CNN-BLSTM [ | 原始声音序列 | 61.0 |
ACRNN [ | 梅尔谱图 | 64.7 |
A-BLSTM [ | 梅尔谱图 | 66.5 |
MHA | 原始声音序列 | 67.7 |
MHA-SVM | 原始声音序列 | 69.6 |
Tab. 5 Accuracy comparison of 7 models on IEMOCAP dataset
模型 | 输入特征 | 准确率/% |
SVM [ | LLDs | 57.5 |
SVM tree [ | 原始声音序列 | 60.9 |
CNN-BLSTM [ | 原始声音序列 | 61.0 |
ACRNN [ | 梅尔谱图 | 64.7 |
A-BLSTM [ | 梅尔谱图 | 66.5 |
MHA | 原始声音序列 | 67.7 |
MHA-SVM | 原始声音序列 | 69.6 |
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