Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 2586-2592.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2021061093

Special Issue: 多媒体计算与计算机仿真

• Multimedia computing and computer simulation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Super-resolution reconstruction algorithm of medical image based on lightweight dense neural network

Yining WANG1(), Qingshan ZHAO1, Pinle QIN2, Yulan HU1, Chunmei ZONG1   

  1. 1.Department of Computer Science,Xinzhou Teachers University,Xinzhou Shanxi 034000,China
    2.School of Data Science and Technology,North University of China,Taiyuan Shanxi 030051,China
  • Received:2021-06-29 Revised:2021-12-29 Accepted:2022-01-14 Online:2022-01-25 Published:2022-08-10
  • Contact: Yining WANG
  • About author:WANG Yining, born in 1992, M. S., teaching assistant. Her research interests include deep learning, machine vision, digital image processing.
    ZHAO Qingshan, born in 1972, M. S., professor. His research interests include data mining, evolutionary computation.
    QIN Pinle, born in 1978, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include big data, machine vision, three-dimensional reconstruction.
    HU Yulan, born in 1985, M. S., lecturer. Her research interests include intelligent computing, data mining.
    ZONG Chunmei, born in 1977, M. S., lecturer. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, data mining.
  • Supported by:
    Shanxi Natural Science Foundation(2015011045);Shanxi Province Key Laboratory Open Project(2016002);Collaborative Innovation Center Project(WTSXTCX-01)


王一宁1(), 赵青杉1, 秦品乐2, 胡玉兰1, 宗春梅1   

  1. 1.忻州师范学院 计算机系,山西 忻州 034000
    2.中北大学 大数据学院,太原 030051
  • 通讯作者: 王一宁
  • 作者简介:王一宁(1992—),女,山西长治人,助教,硕士,主要研究方向:深度学习、机器视觉、数字图像处理;
  • 基金资助:


The clarity of medical images directly affects the clinical diagnosis. Due to the limitations of imaging equipment and environmental factors, it is often impossible to directly obtain high-resolution images, and the hardware of most smart terminals is not suitable for running large-scale deep neural network models. Therefore, a lightweight dense neural network model with fewer layers and parameters was proposed. First of all, dense block and skip layer structure were used in the network for global and local image feature learning, and more feature information was introduced into the activation function, so that the shallow low-level image features in the network were able to be propagated to the high-layers more easily, thereby improving the super-resolution reconstruction quality of medical images. Then, the multi-stage method was adopted to train the network and the dual-task loss was used to strengthen the supervision and guidance in network learning, which solved the problem of difficulty increase in network training caused by highly magnified image super-resolution reconstruction. Compared with Nearest Neighbor (NN), bilinear interpolation, bicubic interpolation, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based algorithm and the residual neural network based algorithm, the proposed model is of high practical value on better reconstructing the texture details of medical images, achieving higher Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural SIMilarity (SSIM), as well as achieving good result in both training speed and hardware consumption.

Key words: super-resolution, deep learning, dense block, deconvolution, dual-task loss



关键词: 超分辨率, 深度学习, 密集块, 反卷积, 双任务损失

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