Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (12): 3891-3899.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2021101737

• Multimedia computing and computer simulation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Multi-attention fusion network for medical image segmentation

Hong LI, Junying ZOU(), Xicheng TAN, Guiyang LI   

  1. School of Computer Science,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu Sichuan 610066,China
  • Received:2021-10-09 Revised:2022-01-04 Accepted:2022-01-24 Online:2022-04-08 Published:2022-12-10
  • Contact: Junying ZOU
  • About author:LI Hong, born in 1995, M. S. candidate. His research interests include machine learning, medical image segmentation.
    TAN Xicheng, born in 1996, M. S. candidate. His research interests include data mining, transfer learning.
    LI Guiyang, born in 1975, Ph. D., associate professor. His research interests include big data storage encoding, machine learning.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(11905153)


李鸿, 邹俊颖(), 谭茜成, 李贵洋   

  1. 四川师范大学 计算机科学学院,成都 610066
  • 通讯作者: 邹俊颖
  • 作者简介:李鸿(1995—),男,四川眉山人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:机器学习、医学图像分割
  • 基金资助:


In the field of deep medical image segmentation, TransUNet (merit both Transformers and U-Net) is one of the current advanced segmentation models. However, the local connection between adjacent blocks in its encoder is not considered, and the inter-channel information is not interactive during the upsampling process of the decoder. To address the above problems, a Multi-attention FUsion Network (MFUNet) model was proposed. Firstly, a Feature Fusion Module (FFM) was introduced in encoder part to enhance the local connections between adjacent blocks in the Transformer and maintain the spatial location relationships of the images themselves. Then, a Double Channel Attention (DCA) module was introduced in the decoder part to fuse the channel information of multi-level features, which enhanced the sensitivity of the model to the key information between channels. Finally, the model's constraints on the segmentation results was strengthened by combining cross-entropy loss and Dice loss. By conducting experiments on Synapse and ACDC public datasets, it can be seen that MFUNet achieves Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 81.06% and 90.91%, respectively. Compared with the baseline model TransUNet, MFUNet achieved an 11.5% reduction in Hausdorff Distance (HD) on the Synapse dataset, and improved segmentation accuracy by 1.43 and 3.48 percentage points on the ACDC dataset for both the right ventricular and myocardial components, respectively. The experimental results show that MFUNet can achieve better segmentation results in both internal filling and edge prediction of medical images, which can help improve the diagnostic efficiency of doctors in clinical practice.

Key words: medical image segmentation, multiple organs, Self-Attention (SA), channel attention, deep learning



关键词: 医学图像分割, 多器官, 自注意力, 通道注意力, 深度学习

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