计算机应用 ›› 2020, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 1698-1706.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2019101865

• 先进计算 • 上一篇    下一篇


安鑫1,2, 夏近伟1,2, 杨海娇1,2, 欧阳一鸣1, 任福继1,2   

  1. 1.合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院,合肥 230601
    2.情感计算与先进智能机器安徽省重点实验室(合肥工业大学), 合肥 230601
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-01 修回日期:2019-12-17 发布日期:2020-06-18 出版日期:2020-06-10
  • 通讯作者: 安鑫(1987—)
  • 作者简介:安鑫(1987—),男,山东潍坊人,副教授,博士,CCF 会员,主要研究方向:嵌入式系统设计和验证、机器学习.夏近伟(1994—),男,安徽合肥人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:嵌入式系统设计和验证.杨海娇(1995—),女,安徽六安人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:嵌入式系统与片上系统、机器学习.欧阳一鸣(1963—),男,安徽合肥人,教授,博士,CCF会员,主要研究方向:嵌入式系统综合与测试、数字系统设计自动化.任福继(1959—),男,四川南充人,教授,博士,主要研究方向:信号与信息处理、情感计算、计算机视觉、模式识别。
  • 基金资助:

Discrete controller synthesis based resource management method of heterogeneous multi-core processor system

AN Xin1,2, XIA Jinwei1,2, YANG Haijiao1,2, OUYANG Yiming1, REN Fuji1,2   

  1. 1. School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei Anhui 230601, China
    2. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Affective Computing and Advanced Intelligent Machine (Hefei University of Technology), Hefei Anhui 230601, China
  • Received:2019-11-01 Revised:2019-12-17 Online:2020-06-18 Published:2020-06-10
  • Contact: AN Xin, born in 1987, Ph. D., associate professor. His research interests include embedded system design and validation, machine learning.
  • About author:XIA Jinwei, born in 1994, M. S. candidate. His research interests include embedded system design and validation.AN Xin, born in 1987, Ph. D., associate professor. His research interests include embedded system design and validation, machine learning.YANG Haijiao, born in 1995, M. S. candidate. Her research interests include embedded system and system-on-chip, machine learning.OUYANG Yiming, born in 1963, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include embedded system synthesis and testing, digital system design automation.REN Fuji, born in 1959, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include signal and information processing, affective computing, computer vision, pattern recognition.
  • Supported by:
    Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (61502140), the Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1613217), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (JZ2020YYPY0092).

摘要: 近年来,随着半导体技术的发展以及应用多样化的需求,异构多核处理器已被广泛应用于高性能嵌入式系统中。这类系统面临的一个主要挑战就是如何在运行时对系统的可用资源(包括处理核等)进行管理分配从而满足系统及其所运行应用在性能和功耗等方面的需求。然而,虽然目前一些主流的资源管理技术在性能和/或功耗优化等方面取得了良好表现,但却经常对所设计的资源管理部件缺乏严格的可靠性保证,因此提出了一种基于离散控制器合成(DCS)的方法来对异构多核系统的在线资源管理策略进行自动、可靠的设计,即将形式化的、能够自动构造管理控制部件的DCS应用到异构多核系统的在线资源管理部件设计中。该方法通过采用形式化模型来描述异构系统的运行行为(例如如何为应用分配处理核),并将在线资源管理问题转换为一个面向某个系统管理目标(例如最大化应用性能)的DCS问题。在此基础上,通过现有的DCS工具对提出的方法进行了示例演示和验证,并对所使用DCS方法的可扩展性进行了评估。

关键词: 异构多核处理器, 资源管理, 形式化方法, 离散控制器合成, 模型检测

Abstract: Nowadays, with the development of semiconductor technology and the requirement of the diversification of applications, heterogeneous multi-core processors have been widely used in high-performance embedded systems. How to manage and distribute the available resources (such as processing cores) during running in order to meet the requirements in performance and power consumption of the system and the applications that the system runs is a main challenge that the system focuses. However, although some mainstream resource management techniques have achieved good results in terms of performance and/or power consumption optimization, they lack the strict reliability guarantee for the resource management component. Therefore, a method based on Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS) was proposed to automatically and reliably design the online resource management scheme for heterogeneous multi-core systems, which applies DCS (which is formal and can construct management control components automatically) to the design of online resource management components for heterogeneous multi-core systems. In this method, the heterogeneous system’s running behaviors (such as how to distribute the processing cores to the applications) were described by using the formal models, and the online resource management problem was transformed to a DCS problem aiming at one system management objective (such as maximizing system performance). On this basis, the existing DCS tools were used to illustrate and validate the proposed method, and the scalability of the DCS method was evaluated.

Key words: heterogeneous multi-core processor, resource management, formal method, Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS), model-checking
