Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2011, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (06): 1692-1695.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1087.2011.01692

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Automatic classification approach to road alignment features

LI Huiying,CAO Kai,WANG Xiaoyuan   

  1. School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo Shandong 255049, China
  • Received:2010-12-13 Revised:2011-01-25 Online:2011-06-20 Published:2011-06-01
  • Contact: LI Huiying



  1. 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院, 山东 淄博 255049
  • 通讯作者: 李会英
  • 作者简介:李会英(1985-),女,山东菏泽人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:智能交通信息挖掘;曹凯(1959-),男,黑龙江哈尔滨人,副教授,主要研究方向:智能交通系统控制;王晓原(1970-),男,山东莱州人,教授,主要研究方向:交通流状态辨识理论及预检测。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Updating road information database in the sustainability, a road alignment identification model based on LVQ-Boosting approach was proposed, which utilized a large number of path tracking trajectory data generated by car GPS for capturing quickly changes in road information. The approach further improved the generalization ability of LVQ and obtained a classifier with strong classification performance through employing weak classification algorithm. Thus, the purposes for identifying automatically the features of the road alignment and fast grouping the road feature type were implemented. The experimental results show that the approach has high efficiency and accuracy of the road alignment identification.

Key words: pattern recognition, Global Positioning System (GPS) track, road alignment, Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)-Boosting algorithm, classifier

摘要: 为了可持续性地更新道路信息数据库,利用车载全球卫星定位系统(GPS)产生的大量路径跟踪轨迹信息,快速捕捉道路信息变化,提出一个基于LVQ-Boosting的道路线形识别模型。该模型以学习向量量化(LVQ)为基础分类器,采用改进的Boosting算法进行网络集成,进一步提高LVQ的泛化能力,从而获得一个使用弱分类算法却具有强分类性能的分类器。该模型以GPS定位点坐标、速度和道路水平曲率为基本识别特征和输入变量,以道路线形特征为输出变量,实现自动识别道路线形特征,快速分组道路特征类型的目的。实验结果表明,该方法具有较高的道路线形的识别效率和精度。

关键词: 模式识别, 全球卫星定位系统轨迹, 道路线形, LVQ-Boosting算法, 分类器

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