Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (10): 3154-3161.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2021081378

• Computer software technology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effective alignment of process model with event logs based on perceived cost

Duoqin LI1, Xianwen FANG1, Lili WANG1,2, Chifeng SHAO3   

  1. 1.School of Mathematics and Big Data,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan Anhui 232001,China
    2.Key Laboratory of Embedded System and Service Computing,Ministry of Education (Tongji University),Shanghai 201804,China
    3.College of Information and Network Engineering,Anhui Science and Technology University,Bengbu Anhui 233030,China
  • Received:2021-08-02 Revised:2021-11-15 Accepted:2021-11-25 Online:2022-01-07 Published:2022-10-10
  • Contact: Xianwen FANG
  • About author:LI Duoqin, born in 1996, M. S. candidate. Her research interests include Petri nets, process mining.
    FANG Xianwen, born in 1975, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include Petri nets, trusted software, business process change domain analysis.
    WANG Lili, born in 1982, Ph. D. candidate, associate professor.Her research interests include Petri nets, business process mining.
    SHAO Chifeng, born in 1995,M. S. candidate. His research interests include Petri nets, process mining, model repair, model optimization.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(61402011);Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation(1508085MF111);Graduate Innovation Fund of Anhui University of Science and Technology(2019CX2068)


李多芹1, 方贤文1, 王丽丽1,2, 邵叱风3   

  1. 1.安徽理工大学 数学与大数据学院, 安徽 淮南 232001
    2.嵌入式系统与服务计算教育部重点实验室(同济大学), 上海 201804
    3.安徽科技学院 信息与网络工程学院, 安徽 蚌埠 233030
  • 通讯作者: 方贤文
  • 作者简介:第一联系人:李多芹(1996—),女,安徽淮南人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:Petri网、过程挖掘
    王丽丽(1982—),女,安徽安庆人,副教授,博士研究生,主要研究方向:Petri 网、业务流程挖掘
  • 基金资助:


The different importance of the activities in the business process in real world is not taken into account by the existing cost functions, so that in the alignment process of model and log, alignment cost may deviates from perceived cost significantly. To solve this problem, a concept of important synchronization cost function was proposed based on the typical flow characteristic of the behaviors in business processes, and an alignment method that can improve efficiency was proposed under this function. Firstly, the important synchronization cost function was defined based on the concept of perceived cost. Then, the important matching sub-sequence to segment the process model and the log trace was determined according to the log trace and the typical flow characteristic of the behaviors in the process model. Finally, based on the important synchronization cost function, the segmented sub-process and the corresponding log trace subsequence were aligned, and the segmented alignment results were combined to obtain the final alignment result. The experiments were carried out to verify the proposed method from the perspectives of accuracy and efficiency. In terms of accuracy, compared with the existing standard cost function and maximum synchronous cost function, the proposed cost function improved the alignment accuracy by up to 17.44 percentage points, and when the event log contained mixed noise, the proposed cost function had the highest average alignment accuracy of 88.67%. The efficiency of alignment was verified by comparing the time consumed by alignment. The average time of the existing two functions were 1.58 s and 2.21 s respectively, while that of the proposed method was 0.63 s, which was improved by 150.79% and 250.79% respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed method can satisfy the accuracy demand and improve the efficiency of alignment at the same time.

Key words: standard cost function, maximum synchronization cost function, typical flow characteristic, perceived cost, important synchronization cost function, effective alignment


现存的成本函数没有考虑到业务流程中各活动在现实情境中的不同的重要程度,于是在模型与日志的对齐过程中可能会导致对齐成本严重偏离感知成本。针对这一问题,基于业务流程中行为的典型流特征提出了重要同步成本函数的概念,并在该函数下给出一种能够提升效率的对齐方法。首先,基于感知成本的概念定义重要同步成本函数;接着,依据日志迹以及流程模型中行为的典型流特征来确定用以分割流程模型与日志迹的重要匹配子序列;最后,基于重要同步成本函数来对齐分割后的子流程和对应的日志迹子序列,并将分段对齐的结果进行合并得到最终的对齐结果。实验部分从准确率和效率两方面进行验证所提方法:在准确率方面,与现存的标准成本函数和最大同步成本函数相比,所提成本函数下的对齐准确率最高提升了17.44个百分点,且当事件日志包含混合噪声时,所提成本函数下的平均对齐准确率最高,为88.67%;在对齐效率方面则通过比较对齐所耗时间来验证,现存两种函数的平均耗时分别为1.58 s和2.21 s,而所提方法为0.63 s,效率分别提升了150.79%和250.79%。实验结果表明所提方法能在满足准确率需求的同时提升对齐的效率。

关键词: 标准成本函数, 最大同步成本函数, 典型流特征, 感知成本, 重要同步成本函数, 有效对齐

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