Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 922-930.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2023030367

Special Issue: 多媒体计算与计算机仿真

• Multimedia computing and computer simulation • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Asymmetric unsupervised end-to-end image deraining network

Rui JIANG1,2, Wei LIU1,2(), Cheng CHEN1,2, Tao LU1,2   

  1. 1.School of Computer Science and Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan Hubei 430205,China
    2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Intelligent Robot(Wuhan Institute of Technology),Wuhan Hubei 430205,China
  • Received:2023-04-07 Revised:2023-06-08 Accepted:2023-06-13 Online:2023-09-07 Published:2024-03-10
  • Contact: Wei LIU
  • About author:JIANG Rui, born in 1998, M. S. candidate. His research interests include image processing, deep learning.
    CHEN Cheng, born in 1998, M. S. candidate. His research interests include image processing, deep learning.
    LU Tao, born in 1980, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include pattern recognition.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(62001334);Science and Technology Research Project of Hubei Provincial Education Department(Q20201507)


江锐1,2, 刘威1,2(), 陈成1,2, 卢涛1,2   

  1. 1.武汉工程大学 计算机科学与工程学院,武汉 430205
    2.智能机器人湖北省重点实验室(武汉工程大学),武汉 430205
  • 通讯作者: 刘威
  • 作者简介:江锐(1998—),男,湖北黄冈人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:图像处理、深度学习
  • 基金资助:


Existing learning-based single-image deraining networks mostly focus on the effect of rain streaks in rainy images on visual imaging, while ignoring the effect of fog on visual imaging due to the increase of humidity in the air in rainy environments, thus causing problems such as low generation quality and blurred texture detail information in the derained images. To address these problems, an asymmetric unsupervised end-to-end image deraining network model was proposed. It mainly consists of rain and fog removal network, rain and fog feature extraction network and rain and fog generation network, which form two different data domain mapping conversion modules: Rain-Clean-Rain and Clean-Rain-Clean. The above three sub-networks constituted two parallel transformation paths: the rain removal path and the rain-fog feature extraction path. In the rain-fog feature extraction path, a rain-fog-aware extraction network based on global and local attention mechanisms was proposed to learn rain-fog related features by using the global self-similarity and local discrepancy existing in rain-fog features. In the rain removal path, a rainy image degradation model and the above extracted rain-fog related features were introduced as priori knowledge to enhance the ability of rain-fog image generation, so as to constrain the rain-fog removal network and improve its mapping conversion capability from rain data domain to rain-free data domain. Extensive experiments on different rain image datasets show that compared to state-of-the-art deraining method CycleDerain, the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) is improved by 31.55% on the synthetic rain-fog dataset HeavyRain. The proposed model can adapt to different rainy scenarios, has better generalization, and can better recover the details and texture information of images.

Key words: single image deraining, unpaired training, attention mechanism, unsupervised learning, priori knowledge



关键词: 单幅图像去雨, 非配对训练, 注意力机制, 无监督学习, 先验知识

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