Journal of Computer Applications ›› 2024, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (9): 2651-2659.DOI: 10.11772/j.issn.1001-9081.2023091280

• Artificial intelligence •     Next Articles

Overview of research and application of knowledge graph in equipment fault diagnosis

Jie WU1, Ansi ZHANG1,2(), Maodong WU3, Yizong ZHANG2, Congbao WANG2   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Public Big Data (Guizhou University),Guiyang Guizhou 550025,China
    2.School of Mechanical Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang Guizhou 550025,China
    3.Unit 75841 of Chinese People’s Liberation Army,Guiyang Guizhou 550000,China
  • Received:2023-09-19 Revised:2023-12-15 Accepted:2023-12-20 Online:2024-02-20 Published:2024-09-10
  • Contact: Ansi ZHANG
  • About author:WU Jie, born in 1998, M. S. candidate. His research interests include knowledge graph, fault diagnosis.
    WU Maodong, born in 1989, engineer. His research interests include network security, deep learning.
    ZHANG Yizong, born in 1996, Ph. D. candidate. His research interests include intelligent fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment.
    WANG Congbao, born in 1996, M. S. candidate. His research interests include anomaly detection of UAV flight data.
  • Supported by:
    National Key Research and Development Program of China(2020YFB1713300);National Natural Science Foundation of China(52365061);Guizhou Science and Technology Plan (QianKeHe Basic-ZK[2023] General 059);Higher Education Integrated Research Platform Project of Guizhou Provincial Department of Education (QianJiaoHe KY [2020] 005)


武杰1, 张安思1,2(), 吴茂东3, 张仪宗2, 王从宝2   

  1. 1.公共大数据国家重点实验室(贵州大学), 贵阳 550025
    2.贵州大学 机械工程学院, 贵阳 550025
    3.中国人民解放军75841部队, 贵阳 550000
  • 通讯作者: 张安思
  • 作者简介:武杰(1998—),男,贵州毕节人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:知识图谱、故障诊断
  • 基金资助:


Useful knowledge can be extracted from equipment fault diagnosis data for construction of a knowledge graph, which can effectively manage complex equipment fault diagnosis information in the form of triples (entity, relationship, entity). This enables the rapid diagnosis of equipment faults. Firstly, the related concepts of knowledge graph for equipment fault diagnosis were introduced, and the framework of knowledge graph for equipment fault diagnosis domain was analyzed. Secondly, the research status at home and abroad about several key technologies, such as knowledge extraction, knowledge fusion and knowledge reasoning for equipment fault diagnosis knowledge graph, was summarized. Finally, the applications of knowledge graph in equipment fault diagnosis were summarized, some shortcomings and challenges in the construction of knowledge graph in this field were proposed, and some new ideas were provided for the field of equipment fault diagnosis in the future.

Key words: knowledge graph, equipment fault diagnosis, knowledge graph construction, knowledge reasoning, knowledge extraction



关键词: 知识图谱, 装备故障诊断, 知识图谱构建, 知识推理, 知识抽取

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